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Rare Faith – Why the laws “stop working”

Why the laws of success “stop working” Hi Reader, When we begin experimenting with Rare Faith principles, sometimes the results are swift and generous to let us know we’re on the right track, even if we’re far from doing it exactly right. But pretty soon what worked before sometimes stops

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A special message for authors: SEE It DONE!

Here’s how… Hi Reader, As I was writing The Jackrabbit Factor, I could SEE future readers in my mind’s eye turning the pages – gasping, even – and tearfully waking up to new possibilities suddenly within reach. As cheesy as it may sound… I could literally feel those moments with

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On Point Writer’s Tips Webinar Series

Introducing the “On Point Writer’s Tips” Webinar Series If there’s a book in you, and you’d like some Rare Faith help getting it done and “out there”, join us for a special Webinar Series designed just for you. Author goals are achieved one step at a time, so we’re here

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Rare Faith – Where will the money come from?

Where will the money come from? Hi Reader, So, the Universe is abundant, huh? Full of opportunities for prosperity, is it? If that’s true, then… Have you ever wondered where all the money is hiding? The only thing keeping us from the money we need is our own resistance to

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