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Rare Faith – Choosing to heal

Choosing to heal Hi Reader, I’m thrilled to be introducing Maralise Pond as a new Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate! Her experience with the program wasn’t easy: “One of the Terror barriers that I had was the assignment of writing my goals and the steps in the statements that I had

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FREE Rare Faith Writer’s Group – join me here…

Support, motivation, inspiration, tips, and more! Hi Reader, You’ve been saying, “one day I’ll finish that book.” Well, we’re building a new group of fellow authors inside the Rare Faith community who want to collaborate, cheer each other on, and get support with their author goals. My friend Stephanie Francom

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Rare Faith – Chasing a moving target?

Chasing a moving target? Hi Reader, If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know why, this one’s for you: Question from a reader: I have followed you now for about 3 years. I have read both books and have listened to all your podcasts. My husband and I have been applying

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Chasing a moving target?

If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know why, this one’s for you: Question from a reader: I have followed you now for about 3 years. I have read both books and have listened to all your podcasts. My husband and I have been applying your techniques the last 2 years

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Rare Faith – “Preparing for my Purpose”

“Preparing for my Purpose” Hi Reader, A subscriber writes: “Dear Leslie, I had an epiphany today that I felt I needed to share … I discovered your books last year and I’ve listened to the audiobook versions of them all multiple times over and over on repeat … Now I’m

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