Hi! I’m Leslie Householder. Together, my husband (Trevan) and I co-founded the School of Life Mastery.  Let me tell you more about our work.

We had a rough start. Stick around and you’ll hear about it soon enough. Then, after those seven long years of frustration and disappointments, something finally shifted and everything changed. I want to tell you exactly what we did, because anyone can do it. It works, no matter who you are, or what kind of work you do (as long as it’s ethical.)

For over twenty years, I’ve been a wife, mother, author, speaker and entrepreneur, sharing our life-lessons, mostly about coping with stress, making sense out of setbacks, and conquering life’s challenges. 

Click here to read what I teach, in a nutshell.

Since our bumpy beginnings, I became a three-time best-selling, award-winning, internationally published author of The Jackrabbit Factor, Portal to Genius, and Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters. I’m a contributing author to multiple Chicken Soup for the Soul publications, and I also created Genius Bootcamp, a 3-day workshop based on the book Portal to Genius, which gives you the training and environment to help you discover genius (aka inspired) solutions to your toughest challenges. 

My husband Trevan is a tech genius. His vision was to build a school based on the messages in my books, so that together we could reach a wider audience and be more effective at helping people experience true, lasting improvements in their lives. We’ve served over 50,000 students since 2002 – reaching our readers and students mostly by word of mouth – and feel like we’re only just getting started.

Why we do what we do:

I’d always heard that it’s important to “think positive”, but it took me a long time to understand many of the non-intuitive reasons behind the advice, and I’m still learning.

The thing is, I’m the kind of person who wants to know why, so I have the additional knowledge and motivation I need to actually do it:

I need a reason.

(Because frankly, it’s just easier to be cynical and grumpy.)

To be perfectly honest, thinking positive is not my natural way of thinking. Just ask my kids. I often struggle to find the good when circumstances appear bleak, but the rewards for doing so (when I finally muster the will to do it), have been tremendous.

Who is Leslie Householder?
What are Leslie Householder’s beliefs about God and the purpose of life?

We discovered that each life challenge and experience contains nuggets of truth. Each pain teaches a principle, and this blog and our school is dedicated to sharing our journey and revealing the hidden principles we discovered along the way. We hope it helps encourage you to think positive, and discover with us the deeper reasons as to why it’s worth the effort.

My FamilyMost of my posts will be a true story from life with my kids, our business shenanigans, or a reaction to events relative to our work.

So far, my most profound posts seem to be those which were created as I coached myself, to get me through a time when I was feeling particularly discouraged or stressed.

You probably won’t always know which posts those are, but if one strikes you as more powerful than another, you can guess that I was probably dealing with something pretty heavy at the time.

We certainly don’t present our thoughts and ideas authoritatively as shining examples of people who live well the principles of success. I, for one, simply write to keep my own thoughts in check.  If you can learn something from them as well, I’ll just be happy that the challenges we experience will not be in vain.

I welcome your comments and feedback on each post. Sometimes I see things one way, and another person’s point of view can help me recognize my blind spots. For all comments, I am grateful.

Questions, comments, inquiries?

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15 Responses

  1. Hi Leslie I read an article you wrote telling about your journey and the point where you realized you needed to stop doing what you were doing to save your marriage. You stopped everything for your husband and family not knowing what would happen next. I can’t find that post again and wanted to read it again to help me with something I am going through in my life right now. Could you tell me where I could find it? Thank you for all you do to help teach people about rare faith.

  2. Hi Leslie, Your messages are so powerful and timely and we’d really love to have you come speak at our Stake RS Conference in February in beautiful (and sunny) Saint George. How do I get a hold of you to share details and coordinate it? Please email me. Thanks, Janet

  3. I would really love to be part of the Mindset Mastery class but can’t find the code for the discount. Is there a spot available for me?

  4. Hi , I am contacting you in relation to a conference I attended about 6-8 yrs ago. You spoke of the subconscious and how to overcome the battle of falling into the viocious cycle over and over, with whatever may be the reoccurring problem. It really helped me at the time but I am in need of those wise words again. Can you tell me where I may find that lesson on the internet?

  5. Hi Leslie,

    I never knew you were doing these great things, while you attended our church. I’m looking forward to working my way thorough the Jackrabbit Factor. It should help me with a book I am writing.


  6. I would just like to say a heartfelt thank you for your gifts and your precious time that you give so freely.
    Many Thanks.

  7. I love what you are doing. I am a great believer and practitioner of positive thinking and it’s true power, when applied regularly, daily, with determination and feeling. I work with so many who are discouraged, ready to give up this life, no hope, completely overcome with the darkness of negative thoughts and beliefs. I am a hypnotherapist and love my work of healing. What state do you live in? Judy

  8. I wanted to thank you for all of your printed materials. I have read tham and am telling others. I have been reading your materials since about 2008 and just stumbled upon this site. This is great. Keep up the good work.

  9. I am a fellow friend in Herbalife of the Kammermans who I love dearly.
    Thanks for your sharing and teaching moments
    I wish I could help others more than just nutrition for the body. I do help when asked as far as massage, vitimans, and nutrition for blood types. I love it when some one else is happy, and releases negative items and is healthier!!
    I love the book feeling buried alive never die and I use it often
    Have a good day Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!

    Love , Denise Judd
    Am. Fork, Utah

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