Meet Wendi O’Keefe, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate.
Before Wendi joined the program, she reported:
Money has always been a source of anxiety for me. Growing up with a large family and hard economy, I learned to do without. [But] … I feel my progression has stopped.
When I try to dream of my future, my mind is blank.
I know there is more to life and I want to have that excitement for life again. This seems to be the perfect class to help me see [the] road blocks and overcome them … Where I can learn how to retrain my mindset for a better future.
So she joined the program and the journey began. In time, she was ready to apply for graduation. As always, I have some questions for our applicants:
Q. What was your experience with the Phase 1 experiment? (The “inconsequential goal”)
A. I have had so much fun with my inconsequential goals. I will share two here. First, last month I thought I would just throw out into the world that I would love to find a paper $ bill on the ground. I didn’t care what it was. I thought a $1, $5, $10, or $20 would be great. I quickly thought about it and stated it to myself on a Thursday night. On the following Saturday, my kids and I were going into a store and right there in the entry was a $1 dollar bill folded over. My son reached down and picked it up. At that point we realized it had been ripped in half. I started laughing. I realized I should have asked for a full paper bill.
This is a wonderful and fun example of the importance of being really clear about our goals. It’s a big part of the fun in learning through the inconsequential goals – when the stakes are much lower than when we are setting more important and meaningful goals.
Personally, I can imagine the joy and amusement our unseen help experience as they lead us to exactly what we asked for, no more and no less! These inconsequential goals are excellent opportunities to learn the importance of clarity and detail when we go through the visualization process or write out our goals.
The second example happened tonight. A few days ago, my husband and I found a beautiful headboard in the clearance department at a furniture store for 85% off. We both liked it, but we didn’t purchase it at the time. Today we decided to get it.
I called and was told that the headboard had been purchased just hours before. I decided not to be disappointed. I closed my eyes and pictured that headboard in the spot we had decided to place it. I could feel the wood and imagined the earthy smell of the wood. I was so grateful for having it. I was smiling, thinking about the great deal of getting it for 85% off, and couldn’t wait for that moment to happen.
Can you see how Wendi incorporated multiple senses into her vision? What she could see, feel, and smell. Then she felt and expressed gratitude for the great deal she was getting after she had experienced a clear vision, but before it came to her physically. I especially love how she mentioned that she “was smiling” as she was thinking about it. That is one way I can gauge when I’ve truly gotten into my feeling center, when I begin to smile into the vision. Let’s see what happened:
The thought came into my mind to call another branch of the furniture store in their clearance department. I picked up the phone and called. The salesman said they had 2 of them. I asked the price and he said he would check and text me what he found.
I called my husband and asked him to pick up our headboard on his way home. My GMM class was starting and I shared with them the experience. Meanwhile, my husband stopped to purchase the headboard. The salesperson said that the headboard in his store was only 50% off. My husband showed the picture of the price tag at the other store. They talked about it and the salesman said I can come down some more but not that much. My husband said great.
The salesman started the sales slip then said to my husband I will just give it to you at the 85% off. When my husband got home with the headboard, I helped him get it out of the truck. I asked what had happened. He told me the story, he was so surprised that the salesman gave it to him at the lower price even though they had agreed on a higher price.
I laughed and said, “he had to because we had already purchased it at the lower price”. I didn’t know all of the circumstances before by husband came home, I just knew that the headboard was coming home and the price it would be, and that is exactly what happened.
Q. What was your bite-sized Phase 2 “difficult, meaningful, or important” goal?
A. Buying a Condo in Saint George for Short Term Rentals
Q. What happened?
A. This goal is a bit more than bite size, but it did come to reality as I lived the natural laws of thought. In 2019 I put out into the universe I wanted to buy a Condo in Sports Village, St George to bring in passive income for our family. I talked with my husband, and we had a price point that we would be able to purchase a condo.
On a Friday in February 2023 I was working on my Mindset Mastery class when spark came to my mind. It said look at the for a condo. (So a bit of background… I have had the website open and I have checked it daily for a condo in our price range, for over a year. All the condos on the website were way above our price range and are still today over that price).
I opened the computer to the website to find a condo that was under the price range we had set. I quickly called my husband to tell him what I had found. He laughed and said his friend and Real Estate agent had just called about the same condo. Within the hour, we were in the condo looking at it. Our Agent said he manages a condo like this one and it is rented 95% of the year. My husband and I both felt this is what we wanted.
We put an offer … less than the asking price. Now the waiting process right?! After we put the offer in to the buyer, we went hiking with our kids … I was so excited about the condo, I could stop talking about it. I talked all the way up the hike. My husband would say we don’t even an answer from the owner yet. I laughed and said “the condo is mine”.
When we reach the top … my husband’s phone rang. It was our Real Estate agent. He said the owner has two offers they are looking at, ours and another one. They would accept our if we would pay the asking price. The other offer they had was $7000 higher than the asking price but they would let us have first rights.
So to sum it up: We looked at a condo on Friday and the following Friday we closed on it. Like I said on the hike, “The Condo is Mine” :). We have been remolding the condo over the past month and half. There have been many miracles that have happened to get it ready to rent. I used the lessons in the Guided Mindset mastery class to help us get it remolded. We will be able to rent it starting in May and are grateful for the income that it will produce to help our family and loved ones. I am so thankful that in February 2023 I was able to purchase the condo.
Q. What was your experience facing a fear from assignment/lesson 18? How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
A. I had sent my end goal of the condo remodel date as April 4, 2023. I had had a lot of inconsequential goals come true and I was on cloud nine. I can do anything.
I worked hard to lay tile, replace a deck, install cabinets and paint. (My husband did the plumbing.) I kept my mind on the date, saying it will be okay because on April 4, I would be done. Then the call came in… The counter top company would be coming on April 4, to template the counters for the cutting.
My heart dropped. I felt the fear of “this is not going to happen”. I tried to say it was okay, but I have had to work through the fear of thinking, “I have done all this and now it will not get done”.
I reviewed the Law of Gestation. I know it to be true, but I also want to control the timing of things. I have had to work through my past thoughts when I have given something my all to have the disappointment of not being able to finish when I want. I have learned a lot about myself as I journaled.
I look forward to my next large goal to see how far I have been able to work through this … My condo will get finished. The counter tops come on April 25 and the unit will be ready to rent. I am grateful … that now I can be mindful of it and I know I will overcome it.
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
A. Start. I would say start is the best advice. I would start with an inconsequential goal. Trust in God and Trust in His love for you. God wants to help you learn and grow. We need to have Faith. Trust in this Faith and know that good things are to come. We create the world around us.
Congratulations on your success, Wendi! You really put the training to the test and produced some meaningful results.
In summary, Wendi wrapped up her experience in Mindset Mastery with these final words:
I was in need of a new look on life. I felt stuck in my life. All of the goals I had set were complete and I didn’t know where to go. This Guided Mindset Mastery class was so helpful to get my mind thinking again about possibilities.
I have had so many miracles happen while taking this course, that have opened my mind to great possibilities. This course has helped all my relationships but more importantly my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had my mind awaken to a new and better life.
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