Meet Michelle Reittinger, Mindset Mastery Honors graduate.
Michelle is a dedicated wife, mother, blogger, podcaster, and soon-to-be published author. Despite battling Bi-Polar Disorder, she has learned how to harness the power and hope that comes from living in faith.
In her Rare Faith journey, she first participated in a three-day Genius Bootcamp. After that, she went through the Mindset Mastery course, and just recently completed the year-long coaching program with Leslie, Achieving The Impossible. She is now just weeks away from the launch of her long-awaited book “The Upside of Bipolar: Seven Steps to Heal Your Disorder”.
(You can join her waitlist here to be notified of the special launch price of just $1.99 – but this price will only be offered for the first 24 – 48 hours.)
Manifesting the Small: A Surprising Discovery
Michelle’s Phase 1 experiment was simple: locating a long-missing library book. She reflected:
“First, I couldn’t figure out what to do for this assignment. I kept coming up with different ideas, but nothing really felt like something I wanted to do. Then I settled on finding a library book that has been missing for months. It felt inconsequential at this point, because I owe almost as much in fines as the value of the book so it didn’t really matter if I found it financially.”
For Michelle, this particular goal didn’t have a lot of relevance for her one way or another. Using a goal without emotional relevance is beneficial because it reduces pressure, allowing you to practice Rare Faith techniques in a low-stress environment. It’s the whole reason behind so much emphasis on the small, inconsequential goals during Phase 1 of Mindset Mastery. This approach helps build confidence, encourages experimentation, and teaches detachment, all of which are essential skills for successfully achieving more significant, emotionally charged goals in the future.
Being an inconsequential goal, does not equate to being an inconsequential step. Let’s see how Michelle used her inconsequential goal to quickly put the Rare Faith principles to the test:
“I just had an amazing experience with my inconsequential goal. I have been struggling with this assignment. First, I couldn’t figure out what to do for it. I kept coming up with different ideas, but nothing really felt like something I wanted to do.
Then I settled on finding a library book that has been missing for months. It felt inconsequential at this point because I owe almost as much in fines as the value of the book so it didn’t really matter if I found it financially.
I tried to imagine finding it and the relief and gratitude I would feel and then forgot about it. A few days went by and nothing. Then yesterday I needed to find a computer charging cord for my daughter to use our computer for schoolwork. We had looked all over the house for the past two days and nothing. Then we decided to look again and while she was looking with me, we found the book!
At first I thought, “Well, that was just a coincidence because we were looking so thoroughly for the book.” But then I thought, “ok, so if that was a coincidence let’s try practicing the principles looking for the cord.”
I went into my bedroom, knelt down and imagined what it would feel like to find the cord. I imagined holding it in my hand and thinking how funny it was that I found it in that place because I wouldn’t have thought to look there. Then I said a prayer of gratitude for God helping me to find the cord.
When I got up to go look, I felt peace, not like I had felt before. I had the thought to get a garbage sack from the kitchen to use in my search and as I went into the kitchen, I had the thought to look in a basket on the island that was covered by papers, and there was the cord! I felt relief and had the thought that it was funny the cord was there because I never would have thought to look there!
These principles work! I realized that I was struggling to believe before, and even though I was trying to believe, there was anxiety and doubt working in the background thwarting my belief.
I am so relieved right now and excited to start the next module, FINALLY!!!”
Although she had struggled to really understand the assignment to begin with, by going forward and applying the steps, she found two lost items, and reinforced her belief in the principles she had been initially struggling to apply.
Achieving the Big: Inspiring a TEDx Talk
Michelle’s Phase 2 goal was to find a compelling analogy for her TEDx talk.
Her written goal was,
“It is 9:00 pm on May 3, 2023 and I am so excited because I received inspiration for the perfect analogy for my TEDx talk! I just sent an email to Bridget describing the analogy and she and I have set up our next meeting to keep working on the talk. I am so grateful for inspiration from the Lord. This analogy will help my audience relate to my topic and enable me to communicate the message powerfully and clearly!”
When Michelle initially set her goal, she prayed daily for inspiration for her TEDx talk but found nothing. On May 3, she went to the temple specifically seeking an answer, trying to stay focused on the session rather than her question, but at the conclusion, and while sitting in a quiet and peaceful place, she felt the analogy just come into her mind.
She relates,
“When I first set this goal the date was a few days earlier than what is written above. Each day I would pray about trying to find an analogy for my TEDx talk and each day I would come up blank. Then finally on May 3 I went to the temple with the specific desire to receive the answer to this question. I was in the session and was trying to focus on the session and not my question. When I went into the Celestial room I sat down to pray and the analogy just came into my mind.
It was just suddenly there and at first I thought, ‘that’s just a random thought,’ but then I realized it was such a simple analogy and something I had never considered before, and I knew it was the answer I was looking for! I was so excited that I wanted to leave right away so that I could write it down, but first I said a prayer to thank Heavenly Father for the inspiration and answer to my prayer.”
What may seem like random thoughts are often Divine inspiration, offering guidance or answers to our questions. These subtle insights can lead to profound realizations or solutions when we pay attention and recognize them as more than mere coincidences. Trusting in these moments can strengthen our connection to God, and give us more evidence to trust in the Unseen help.
Facing and Overcoming Fears
Michelle tackled her fears by addressing them directly. She noted:
“It was really helpful to write out what I have been afraid of because by seeing it written down it was easier to recognize the worries as not the worst thing in the world. I also downloaded a Tapping app to use the EFT when I am feeling worried about finances. I have been writing in my journal every day and reinforcing my faith in the principles and in the inspiration I have received. It also helps reading the goals every day multiple times a day.
I recognized that when I start having the feelings of worry or anxiety that I need to address it right away with EFT or journaling and not allow the feelings to stay.”
Terror Barrier Breakthrough
Michelle experienced a significant breakthrough with a terror barrier she encountered during the course. She explained:
“I told someone one day that I felt like I was living in the terror barrier. I was really struggling for several weeks. I was receiving inspiration but then feeling overwhelming anxiety when I was trying to act on it.”
The terror barrier can be mildly annoying for some, or intense and extreme for others, as Michelle describes here. Either way, it is still simply the fear and anxiety we feel when challenging old beliefs, and the subconscious trying to keep us “safe” in our comfort zone. By pushing through it, we can overcome limiting beliefs and achieve growth.
Michelle proudly pushed through her terror barrier, and shared one example:
“The most prominent example was a writer’s retreat that I was guided to participate in. Leading up to the retreat I was feeling more and more anxious and the day before I was supposed to attend I went to the temple asking Heavenly Father for reassurance that I was doing the right thing. I felt peace and so I was determined to move forward. The retreat was life-changing for me and I received an outpouring of inspiration and revelation!”
Advice for Facing Fears
Michelle advises those facing their own fears:
“When you set a goal, pray to make sure it is a worthy goal and that it is what you should be working towards. When you receive that confirmation make sure you write down how you feel and then when you are feeling fear or anxiety go back and read your goal statement and the entry of your feelings that what you were doing was right and then keep moving forward. I have also found it VERY helpful to read something uplifting or encouraging regarding the principles of right thinking (i.e. the JackRabbit Factor, Portal to Genius, Leslie’s podcast, etc.) to help move you back into a higher vibration.”
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