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Enjoy the Dance

By Shelly Webb The Law of Rhythm states: When you feel down be grateful, knowing that (by law) there is an upswing coming.  Plan

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Peace and Labor

By Shelly Webb The Law of Relativity states: Your situation is not fundamentally good or bad until you compare it with something else.  This

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Into Reality

By Michelle Taylor The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that: “Everything is either coming into physical form or going out of it.” (Hidden Treasure,

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Being Tuned In

By Michelle Taylor Everything around us is in a constant state of vibration.  Often these vibrations are invisible, we can’t see them, but we

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Enjoy the Dance

By Shelly Webb The Law of Rhythm states: When you feel down be grateful, knowing that (by law) there is an upswing coming.  Plan

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Peace and Labor

By Shelly Webb The Law of Relativity states: Your situation is not fundamentally good or bad until you compare it with something else.  This

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Into Reality

By Michelle Taylor The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that: “Everything is either coming into physical form or going out of it.” (Hidden Treasure,

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Being Tuned In

By Michelle Taylor Everything around us is in a constant state of vibration.  Often these vibrations are invisible, we can’t see them, but we

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