Peace Amidst Marital Conflict

By Shelly Webb

The Law of Vibration states: Your thoughts control your personal vibration.  Change your thoughts, add emotion, and you’ll change what is attracted to you.  Among other things, I attribute the release from my doomed and toxic marriage to the Law of Vibration.  I was not always miserable in my marriage, but in 2012, my husband told me he no longer believed in Christ, and he was removing himself from our church.  This was a huge blow to me because everything I held dear centered around my faith in Jesus Christ.  My faith was what got me through every trial, and in past years it had been what strengthened us as a couple during the hard times.  As my husband’s standards and beliefs continued to change, we became less and less compatible, but I was determined to love him unconditionally.  At one point he did something especially inconsiderate, while I was in the first trimester of pregnancy with our last child, and I exploded.  I didn’t do anything extremely awful, I just yelled to him, as he was getting in his car to drive off to do his own thing (on Mother’s Day), “Just go!  I don’t need your help!”  This made him especially angry because our across the street neighbors heard me.

I realized on this day that something in me needed to change if I was going to stay in this relationship.  I had recently read a book called The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, and he recommended that to improve a relationship, you get a journal and write down all the good things you can about your spouse every day.  I decided to try it.  I chose a special journal, and I wrote down all the good things I could about my husband every day for over a year.  This exercise changed me from the inside out, and after a few months of it, my husband was also acting more thoughtfully.  I was determined to work on myself and to the best of my ability, only focus on the positive in my husband.  This worked for a while, but our financial situation deteriorated as he spent more and more time on what could be considered a hobby, and less time earning money to support our family of 10.  As I took on the additional role of breadwinner, it became harder for me to stay positive or receive revelation, but I didn’t give up.  I spoke with my ecclesiastical leader about the trouble I was having receiving inspiration for my life, and he recommended I read 10-15 pages in the scriptures every day.  I had already been feeling that prompting, so it was easy to follow his counsel.  I knew that was what I needed to be doing.

Not long after I began reading more in the scriptures, I was led to some articles on relationships that really hit a cord with me.  Essentially, they said everything would fall into place if you worked on becoming the kind of person you wanted to be married to and focused on the type of relationship you wanted to have.  I resolved that I could do that for however long it took.  Because of my past experience with my grateful journal about my husband, I thought that if I changed, he would change, too, but that was not what happened.  As I focused on raising my vibration, my husband got to the point where he no longer felt comfortable in our current situation.  He told me that he felt extreme stress, and something had to change.  He decided the change needed to be an end to our marriage.  This was completely out of the blue for me, but thankfully, I was blessed with the knowledge that this was going to be a blessing.  It would be difficult, but it was time for me to move on.  I was so grateful that my husband felt the discord between us and made the decision that we were no longer in harmonious vibration.  It made it so much easier for me to do what I needed to do for the welfare of my children.  I didn’t have to feel guilty for taking everything away from him because he had made the decision.  Since that day, the Law of Vibration has attracted more and more good things into my life, and the negative things are consistently falling away.


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Shelly Webb
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