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The Rhythm of Life

By Molly Simpson Rhythm is comforting, invigorating, moving, exciting, relaxing and it is everywhere! Roller coasters, rocking a baby, phases of the moon, music

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My Aha Moment

By Cosette Snarr I spent years of my life trying to change a situation that I found unacceptable in my life. I’d had plenty

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Miracle Gravel

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns Have you ever written down a goal, forgotten it, and then found that piece of paper later and discovered that

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The Rhythm of Life

By Molly Simpson Rhythm is comforting, invigorating, moving, exciting, relaxing and it is everywhere! Roller coasters, rocking a baby, phases of the moon, music

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My Aha Moment

By Cosette Snarr I spent years of my life trying to change a situation that I found unacceptable in my life. I’d had plenty

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Miracle Gravel

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns Have you ever written down a goal, forgotten it, and then found that piece of paper later and discovered that

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