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Never Too Old

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns Have you ever said you were too old, too young, too poor, too fat, too thin, or anything like that?

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Angel on My Side

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns The Law of Polarity states that there is an equal and opposite good in every bad situation. You may learn this

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Debt and Gratitude

By Colleen Corbett The Law of Relativity says nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad. It’s about comparisons. Bad experiences are only bad

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Peace with Stand Still

By Colleen Corbett “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.” ~Napoleon Hill The

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Volume of Music

By Colleen Corbett There is rhythm to all life. Nature’s movements are cyclical. Our world, experiences and even our thoughts are made up of

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The Common Goal

By Monica Zollinger Faith in God, Freedom from Procrastination, Clean House, and Belief in Self: “I’m not the kind of girl who gives up

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Prison Blessings

By Monica Zollinger Every situation or circumstance we find ourselves in, is neither good nor bad. Nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad.

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Never Too Old

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns Have you ever said you were too old, too young, too poor, too fat, too thin, or anything like that?

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Angel on My Side

By Marnie Pehrson Kuhns The Law of Polarity states that there is an equal and opposite good in every bad situation. You may learn this

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Debt and Gratitude

By Colleen Corbett The Law of Relativity says nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad. It’s about comparisons. Bad experiences are only bad

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Peace with Stand Still

By Colleen Corbett “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.” ~Napoleon Hill The

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Volume of Music

By Colleen Corbett There is rhythm to all life. Nature’s movements are cyclical. Our world, experiences and even our thoughts are made up of

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The Common Goal

By Monica Zollinger Faith in God, Freedom from Procrastination, Clean House, and Belief in Self: “I’m not the kind of girl who gives up

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Prison Blessings

By Monica Zollinger Every situation or circumstance we find ourselves in, is neither good nor bad. Nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad.

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