Prison Blessings

By Monica Zollinger

Every situation or circumstance we find ourselves in, is neither good nor bad. Nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad. It just IS. Things just ARE. When we feel frustrated or upset by a person or a situation, remember that we are not reacting to the person or the situation, but to our feelings about the person or the situation. We make up our own story when we decide if it is good or bad.

The law of relativity is to relate the way things look in one frame of reference to how they look in another. There is no “absolute” frame of reference. Every time you measure an object’s velocity, or its momentum, or how it experiences time, it’s always in relation to something else. This is the same as the experiences we have in our lives. It is always in relation to our past experiences.

The law of relativity is useful for keeping good thoughts in our mind. It is important to find gratitude in everything. We can be grateful for our challenges as well as our accomplishments. If we want better circumstances, we must first find peace in our present circumstances. We must feel gratitude for all of the blessings that we already enjoy.

My son was charged with some pretty serious crimes when he was 20 years old. He was going to school and just figured out what he wanted to do with his life. He is a great kid and very kind and loving, but has always sought approval from his friends. He put himself in a situation and his friends turned on him. He ended up going to prison for six years. I was having a hard time not blaming friends, police officers, the court system, etc. At Genius Bootcamp, I realized that the situation is what it is. I needed to accept it and move on. I began to feel gratitude that the judge let him finish his year of school and earn his Associate Degree in Math before he had to report. While he was in prison, he got another degree in Business. Other blessings were that he met a friend that he stayed with the whole time, keeping each other company. They were moved to a correctional center that was closer to us so we could visit more often. When he got out, we had many other blessings show up despite the difficult circumstances. As we keep the gratitude in our hearts, ways will open up for him to get back to a life where he creates freedom and abundance in his life.

Our attitude and gratitude help us use the law of relativity to get through hard times. It’s like the story of two brothers, one a pessimist and the other an optimist. Their father, wanting to teach them each a lesson, gave the pessimist a room full of new toys. The boy’s response was that they don’t make toys very well anymore and they would just break. The father put the optimist in a room with a big pile of manure. When the father checked on him, he couldn’t find him and asked, “Son, where are you? Are you okay?” The boy had been digging in the manure with bare hands and called to his dad, “Yeah, dad. Just looking for the horse that’s got to be here somewhere!”

We can be grateful for our challenges and difficulties. We can trust that under any circumstance, God has our best interest at heart. If we can accept things as they are, accept responsibility and not place blame on anyone or anything, and let go of the need to defend our point of view or situation, we can find joy in our lives. If we can do those three things, we will have the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is NOW. It helps us become flexible as a reed that bends in the storm and survives. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity. The law of relativity can help us see the opportunities in the challenges. By living in the moment and choosing gratitude, we open ourselves to new ideas. As we trust God and his plan for us, we will enjoy more joy, freedom, and fulfillment.


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Monica Zollinger
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