Volume of Music

By Colleen Corbett

There is rhythm to all life. Nature’s movements are cyclical. Our world, experiences and even our thoughts are made up of repeating patterns. Every day of my life is rhythm. As I sit at my computer and type I can feel the rhythm of my heart beat and I tap my foot to the energizing music in my earphones. I alternate between excitement and frustration as I write this article and I consider what I am trying to convey. I realize that the back and forth, up and down, soft and loud of the music is doing more than just registering in my ears. It influences my mood and thoughts. It is uplifting to my spirit. How different I would feel and how different my thoughts would be if I were merely listening to a single tone! On and on with no change, no ups, no downs, no loud, no soft, no melody, no harmony.  At one point in my life I was severely depressed and my doctor put me on an antidepressant. After a couple of weeks I didn’t really feel depressed anymore but the medication took away all my feelings. I felt flat. No anger, no sadness, no despair, no worry. Unfortunately I also had no joy, no excitement, no wonder, no peace, no happiness. The drug did not discriminate, it took everything. My state was worse than my depression had been. I actually longed to feel angry, sad and worried again; the very things I was trying to eliminate. I realized that the rhythm of up and down, back and forth was an important part of my life. My experience taught me that smooth sailing wasn’t the happy state I had imagined. If I want a life of smooth sailing I can expect a slow, boring journey and the probability of becoming stuck in the doldrums and never reaching my goals. The bitterness of the lows makes the highs all the sweeter. The trick is to remember that fact in the midst of our crises. As we concentrate on the better times to come we draw them nearer and lessen the pain of our current circumstance. In the depths of despair we can know that peace is on its way because the law of rhythm is always working.


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Colleen Corbett
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