Covid-19 and the Perfect Job

By Shelly Webb

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states: Circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts.  My oldest daughter graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science in Design right as the COVID-19 pandemic in the US was at its worst, spring 2020.  She had high hopes of finding a job that would provide her with financial security and stability, while she also pursued her dream of running her own photography business.  

Job hunting at that time, with the global economy in chaos, proved to be difficult.  Previously I had given her a copy of the book, Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters, by Leslie Householder, and she also listened to Leslie’s podcasts regularly.  I advised her to picture her dream job, and have faith that it would show up at the right time.  I prayed regularly in her behalf and tried to remember to thank Heavenly Father for the perfect job he had in store for her.

She applied to one business that specialized in baby products, and it seemed very promising.  She had two interviews, and she really liked the people she had interacted with.  She felt like the pay was a little low, but she figured maybe it was OK.  They required her to do two projects as part of the application process: one was a website design and other was a newsletter.  They didn’t pay her for these projects, but they told her how much they liked them.  During this process, she received an offer to substitute teach for a photography teacher while that teacher was on maternity leave.  The baby supply business was taking a very long time in making their decision, so she emailed and told them she needed an answer because there was another opportunity she needed to respond to.  They told her they were sorry, but they couldn’t give her any answer at that time.  Throughout this whole experience she asked me for my advice and my prayers.  She ended up taking the teaching job, and weeks later the baby supply store told her she was not selected for the job.

This was disappointing, but she also felt ill used by the company.  I suggested she try to stay positive in her thoughts and know that this was not the right job for her.  I reminded her that the perfect job was still coming and suggested she add the two projects she completed to her portfolio.  She continued to hold the idea of the job she wanted in her mind and continued to apply to more businesses.  Eventually she was called for an interview by a company that did designs for hotels and campgrounds.  She went to an in-person interview, and they ended up offering her the job on the spot.  They appreciated her talents and abilities, and she felt really good about the people and the job.  The job payed a substantial amount more than the baby supply job, with potential for growth.  One of the best things of all, though, was that the person who offered her the job told her the newsletter she had designed for the baby supply company was his favorite item in her portfolio.  

As my daughter and I held the idea of her perfect job in our minds, the circumstances brought it forth.  It would have been so easy to get discouraged after doing two projects for free and then being blown off by the company she thought she wanted to work for, but she chose to keep her thoughts positive and believe that the right job for her was on its way.  The two unpaid projects she completed where literally steppingstones to where she wanted to be.


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Shelly Webb
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