Dream Seeds – Understanding the Law of Gender & Gestation
By Denise Webster My grandfather is a master gardener. At 92, he still prepares the ground, plants, weeds, waters, and harvests. He knows when
By Denise Webster My grandfather is a master gardener. At 92, he still prepares the ground, plants, weeds, waters, and harvests. He knows when
By Denise Webster Like the waves of the ocean moving up and down, the Law of Rhythm affects our life. The Law of Rhythm
By Shanna Hoppie The Law of Gender states: Everything has a “clock” or season by which it grows. ie. Human babies take 9 months,
By Sandra Mann “We need a house.” I informed my husband one December evening after looking at the same walls all day long of
By Sandra Mann “Your husband has been in an accident at work and you need to go to him now.” These words came to
By Melanie Valderrama I was talking to a friend of mine recently who is having financial difficulties and she asked me what I would
By Renae Pelo When I was about six years old my mother taught me a poem, At Breakfast Time by Edgar A. Guest. She
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Nothing happens
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. A bad situation is equally good. Look for the good, and
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Vibration states that your thoughts control your personal vibration. Change your thoughts, get emotional about them, and you’ll
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts. This law
By Harmony Harrison Are you willing to believe that there’s good in everything? You just have to find it. This, in a nutshell, is
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Rhythm states that nature’s movements are cyclical. There is repetition in everything. When things are not going well
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that everything is either coming into physical form or going out of it. Everything is
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Vibration states that not only is everything in a state of vibration, but that vibration is a medium
Setting and achieving a goal is as simple as placing an online order. If you perform each step in the order process, you can be certain that everything you need to accomplish the goal will come to you as long as you keep moving in the right direction. For Example: Suppose you’ve set a goal to sell 20 widgets during the month of February. I’ll compare the online bookstore (where I recently purchased an antique book) to Life’s Distribution System. 1. Decide what you want. Just as I can’t expect the bookstore to send me a book before submitting my request, neither should you expect clients who will support a vague
After being out of town for a month, finally getting caught up on laundry, and cleaning out the trailer (to list only a few
Often, after they’ve read The Jackrabbit Factor, I have people ask me to be their personal coach. Sometimes I say yes, but most of
By Denise Webster My grandfather is a master gardener. At 92, he still prepares the ground, plants, weeds, waters, and harvests. He knows when
By Denise Webster Like the waves of the ocean moving up and down, the Law of Rhythm affects our life. The Law of Rhythm
By Shanna Hoppie The Law of Gender states: Everything has a “clock” or season by which it grows. ie. Human babies take 9 months,
By Sandra Mann “We need a house.” I informed my husband one December evening after looking at the same walls all day long of
By Sandra Mann “Your husband has been in an accident at work and you need to go to him now.” These words came to
By Melanie Valderrama I was talking to a friend of mine recently who is having financial difficulties and she asked me what I would
By Renae Pelo When I was about six years old my mother taught me a poem, At Breakfast Time by Edgar A. Guest. She
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Nothing happens
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. A bad situation is equally good. Look for the good, and
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Vibration states that your thoughts control your personal vibration. Change your thoughts, get emotional about them, and you’ll
By Melanie Valderrama The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts. This law
By Harmony Harrison Are you willing to believe that there’s good in everything? You just have to find it. This, in a nutshell, is
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Rhythm states that nature’s movements are cyclical. There is repetition in everything. When things are not going well
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that everything is either coming into physical form or going out of it. Everything is
By Alisa Hancock The Law of Vibration states that not only is everything in a state of vibration, but that vibration is a medium
Setting and achieving a goal is as simple as placing an online order. If you perform each step in the order process, you can be certain that everything you need to accomplish the goal will come to you as long as you keep moving in the right direction. For Example: Suppose you’ve set a goal to sell 20 widgets during the month of February. I’ll compare the online bookstore (where I recently purchased an antique book) to Life’s Distribution System. 1. Decide what you want. Just as I can’t expect the bookstore to send me a book before submitting my request, neither should you expect clients who will support a vague
After being out of town for a month, finally getting caught up on laundry, and cleaning out the trailer (to list only a few
Often, after they’ve read The Jackrabbit Factor, I have people ask me to be their personal coach. Sometimes I say yes, but most of
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