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Meet Katie Vrajich

Meet Certified Mentor Katie Vrajich! Katie had a complete turnaround when she read the Jackrabbit Factor. She went from apathetic, bored and BLAH, to

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The Kickboxing Bag

The following share comes from Mindset Mastery Program Honors Graduate Laura Da Silva, who writes: “At the end of 2017 I became interested in learning kickboxing

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Meet Katie Vrajich

Meet Certified Mentor Katie Vrajich! Katie had a complete turnaround when she read the Jackrabbit Factor. She went from apathetic, bored and BLAH, to

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The Kickboxing Bag

The following share comes from Mindset Mastery Program Honors Graduate Laura Da Silva, who writes: “At the end of 2017 I became interested in learning kickboxing

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