(Scroll down for video)
So many of our decisions are based on fear of the worst case scenario playing out. Of course! We want to avoid those disasters, naturally. But what if we chose to live our life, always expecting that something wonderful is about to happen?
What if it works out?
What if the results are going to be amazing?
If you knew you could not fail, what would your goals be?
When facing a decision that has the potential to effect powerful changes in your life, go ahead and think through the worst case scenario. That’s okay. You want to be wise and fully informed of the possible problems that decision could cause.
Just don’t stop there!
After you’ve thought all that through, then take at least as much time thinking through the BEST case scenarios! What if it works?? What if it changes your life forever? What if you succeed?
In both cases, you are literally initiating the co-creative process, designing your future experiences. In each case, as you imagine the outcome and let yourself feel it as though it has happened, you send an energetic pulse out into the world, which resonates with, and activates the resources needed to begin gathering for its realization.
What happens on the other side of your decision is not random. It’s not a roll of the dice. It’s not a coin flip. What happens on the other side depends on you – your thoughts, and your consistency of emotion about those thoughts. Are you seeing the worst case and constantly worrying about it? That’s emotion. Or are you imagining the best case and constantly feeling excited about the possibility?
Your emotions determine AND fuel the world’s response to you. I intentionally didn’t say “the Universe”, although that’s what most people seem to call it. In truth, you don’t really need the “Universe’s” resources… you only need a tiny piece of what already exists right here on your own planet.
In most cases, you only need a minute slice of what exists right there in your own community, or circle of influence.
So stop thinking that what you need is “out there somewhere”. Most solutions really are only an idea, or conversation away – words exchanged between you and someone you know, or between you and your Father in Heaven through prayer.
So today, imagine what’s possible. Once you really understand the laws that govern prosperity, you’ll discover that the resources you need really are always there for you.
To learn more about how to successfully put these concepts into practice, check out “The Science of Getting Rich Study.” Study this life-changing text together, “Leslie-style”.
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