I was in a slump. On the verge of some exciting breakthroughs, but attacked by new thoughts of concern.
I had set some lofty goals, and as the target date was approaching, things appeared to be bleak, like the feeling in this photo above. It took all my energy to continually push aside doubtful thoughts that the changes I wanted to realize were still possible for me.
For days I was plagued with questions:
- “What if it doesn’t work out?”
- “What if I miss my goals?”
- “What will I do if the resources I need don’t come through?”
Each time an anxious thought came into my head, I rejected it. But just rejecting it wasn’t enough to leave me with burning faith, either.
I was losing sight of my objectives, and felt weak in my ability to apply the principles of prosperity I teach.
“Oh, give yourself a break, Leslie, you’re just pregnant.” I’m acutely aware of my emotional state when hormones are all wacked out, and I learned to trust in God’s mercy in spite of myself. I believe He can bless me even when I’m not perfect (thank heavens) and I’ve learned that because I choose that way of thinking over the more typical, “I’m not worthy of His blessings” mentality, He is then able to send the blessings, by law.
Still, even though I have in the past been able to believe in my goals in spite of myself, that week was especially tough. Hope was fading, and I struggled not to give up.
So I turned to two of my closest friends for support, and to help me fix my thinking. I knew that it was my thinking that needed fixing, even more than the circumstances around me (the lack of evidence that I would succeed). It was my thinking that needed fixing, and my success depended on it.
Marnie’s advice – “Dig into gratitude for what you have and what you know is coming. Also, depression isn’t such a bad thing because it makes you willing to change, helps you see contrast. Also, the whole [law of] rhythm thing: something great’s around the corner. Refocus spiritually. Doctrine and Covenants 6:33-37 really helped me get through [a similar slump]”
(The reference she was talking about reads: “Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail… Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”)
My husband’s comment: “God hasn’t brought us this far to fail now….”
That comment struck me like a ton of bricks. It made me think back to all of the miracles He has performed for us, and it would be absurd to think that He would bring us this far, only for us to give up on our dreams and fail to accomplish the worthy things we’ve set out to do.
Suddenly, the struggle seemed like a waste of time and energy. No longer did I feel like I was IN the struggle; I felt like I had just set it aside as something I chose to have nothing to do with.
I found a quiet place and took Marnie’s advice to think on all the things I have to be grateful for. And you know what? It wasn’t just a nice exercise, it was literally an action step that helped me get back on track. Because I have a growing understanding of the laws of success, I knew that to take a half hour or an hour to allow myself to feel gratitude to God for all He has done, even to the point of tears, was to put myself in harmony with Him again, and prepare myself to receive the blessings He wants to send me.
Positive Thinking Tip: Reflect with gratitude on your current blessings and previous victories.
No matter how far we come in learning these principles, we will be challenged our entire life to continue exercising those “muscles.” They can atrophy if we let them. Once again, I became excited about my dreams.
It’s true: we can make of our life anything we want it to be!
Above all, the only things that really needs fixing when things look bleak are our thoughts.
Get your thinking right, and everything else falls into place.
Download a free copy of The Jackrabbit Factor or Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters, and I’ll help you make the transformation, one step at a time.
If you’re ready to put what you’ve been learning to the test, join me in the Mindset Mastery course and participate in two powerful experiments using these principles. Discover for yourself the power of your thoughts as I coach you step-by-step through how to use them with intention to make significant changes in your life. The first experiment in phase one is a practice run so you get a feel for how it works. The second experiment is phase two, where you apply what you learned in the first phase to something more difficult, important, or meaningful. With this practice, you’ll gain the confidence you need to apply the principles to any life change you desire.
Learn more and get started now at www.ProspertheFamily.com
See you on the inside!
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10 Responses
Also fits the classic promise in Moroni 10, but starting in vs. 3:
“that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts…”
This is so powerful and true. Your words are a gift to me. Thank you so much for sharing.
Very encouraging words especially when one is in the midst of negative people. Thanks for the article.
Wow…that was EXACTLY what I needed right now. God has not brought us this far to fail now! Not now, now when the reward is so close! It is truly in our stuggles that we learn, grow, come closer to God and then prosper. Thank you Leslie for sharing your infinite knowledge.
This was EXACTLY the message I needed today. Thank you Leslie! You are truly an instrument for many to understand God’s laws and implement them. Today you fulfilled that need for me. 🙂 I’m grateful.
D&C 6 I love that section! It’s helped me out many times too.
Thank you Leslie, for allways teaching others by your experience thank so much I too have learn from you a lots of times. I have in my board the saying “be not afaid belief”, and word to live by every day – faith, hope, and charity. thank you my friend for your teachings.
God Bless
TITL (Trust in the Lord)
Hi Leslie,
I recently signed up for your ezine, as I hadn’t done so when I came across your site a while ago. It is so wonderful the way you share your struggles so honestly. Behind every success was a mountain climbed and sharing the climbing experience really helps others on the way up.
Thank You,
I was wondering what is D&C 6:33-37?
Hi Letitia,
It is a shortcut way of saying “Doctrine and Covenants, chapter 6, verses 33-37.” It’s one of the books used in the Mormon faith.