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Men Overboard

San Carlos Mexico, June 2024 by Dawn Norton as told by Steven (a true story) It was a nearly perfect day of scuba diving,

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The Impossible Goal

At our Facilitator Conference 2022, we played BINGO throughout the week. Each square on the BINGO card represented a task or activity that helped

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Third Option

When your spouse isn’t on board with your goal, you can give up on the goal, or give up on your spouse. At first, I thought

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When Things Look Bleak

I had set some lofty goals, and as the target date was approaching, things appeared to be bleak, like the feeling in this photo above. It took all my energy to continually push aside doubtful thoughts that the changes I wanted to realize were still possible for me.

For days I was plagued with questions:

“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“What if I miss my goals?”
“What will I do if the resources I need don’t come through?”
Each time an anxious thought came into my head, I rejected it. But just rejecting it wasn’t enough to leave me with burning faith, either.

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Perfectionism and Prosperity

We live in a time when life comes at us faster than it ever has in the history of the world. We get stressed, overloaded, and overwhelmed. Under these pressures, it is hard to remain calm… the state of mind necessary to live in harmony with the laws of success. Often we get discouraged and lose faith, simply because we spend so much time beating ourselves up for our flaws. To qualify for the blessings you’re praying for requires a calm and confident state of mind. But when we’re disappointed in ourselves, it is tough to have faith. The problem is, so long as we’re not perfect, there’s always something to be disappointed about.

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Choosing a Bullet-Proof Goal (“I Don’t Know What I Want!”)

Have you ever wondered: “How am I supposed to apply the principles to achieve a goal if I don’t even know what I really want?” When you’ve selected the right goal, it’s practically bullet-proof. Nothing will sway you from pursuing it until it’s yours – no matter what obstacles may arise. I remember feeling discouraged about a goal years ago – after having attended almost 100 seminars (at that point), and having read countless books about success. I was inspired and motivated by nearly every one of them, but my frustration only grew as time went on and I didn’t have a really great success story of my own. My frustration came to

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Men Overboard

San Carlos Mexico, June 2024 by Dawn Norton as told by Steven (a true story) It was a nearly perfect day of scuba diving,

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The Impossible Goal

At our Facilitator Conference 2022, we played BINGO throughout the week. Each square on the BINGO card represented a task or activity that helped

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Third Option

When your spouse isn’t on board with your goal, you can give up on the goal, or give up on your spouse. At first, I thought

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When Things Look Bleak

I had set some lofty goals, and as the target date was approaching, things appeared to be bleak, like the feeling in this photo above. It took all my energy to continually push aside doubtful thoughts that the changes I wanted to realize were still possible for me.

For days I was plagued with questions:

“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“What if I miss my goals?”
“What will I do if the resources I need don’t come through?”
Each time an anxious thought came into my head, I rejected it. But just rejecting it wasn’t enough to leave me with burning faith, either.

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Perfectionism and Prosperity

We live in a time when life comes at us faster than it ever has in the history of the world. We get stressed, overloaded, and overwhelmed. Under these pressures, it is hard to remain calm… the state of mind necessary to live in harmony with the laws of success. Often we get discouraged and lose faith, simply because we spend so much time beating ourselves up for our flaws. To qualify for the blessings you’re praying for requires a calm and confident state of mind. But when we’re disappointed in ourselves, it is tough to have faith. The problem is, so long as we’re not perfect, there’s always something to be disappointed about.

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Choosing a Bullet-Proof Goal (“I Don’t Know What I Want!”)

Have you ever wondered: “How am I supposed to apply the principles to achieve a goal if I don’t even know what I really want?” When you’ve selected the right goal, it’s practically bullet-proof. Nothing will sway you from pursuing it until it’s yours – no matter what obstacles may arise. I remember feeling discouraged about a goal years ago – after having attended almost 100 seminars (at that point), and having read countless books about success. I was inspired and motivated by nearly every one of them, but my frustration only grew as time went on and I didn’t have a really great success story of my own. My frustration came to

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