Throwback time!
This is a chat I conducted in the early days when this was the”cool” format used for teaching on the internet. Enjoy!
“The Law of Vibration and the Spirit of God” with Leslie Householder
Chat held as an unofficial follow-up after the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Nov. 21, 2004
19:34:49 [LoriS] I still don’t really understand the Law of Vibration. Any tips on that one?
19:38:25 [LoriS] How does it work in Christianity terms?
19:38:42 [LoriS] Prayer, etc.
19:39:39 [marniep] Yes, prayer… promptings from the Holy Spirit.
19:40:15 [marniep] visions, dreams, revelations… all fall in this category
19:42:09 Leslie enters this room
19:42:31 [marniep] Hi Leslie… Lori, ask Leslie your questions about Law of Vibration…
19:42:33 [LoriS] hello, Leslie.
19:43:18 [LoriS] Leslie, I was trying to understand the Law of Vibration. It’s the most difficult one for me.
19:43:20 [Amy] Hi Leslie !
19:44:31 [Leslie] tell me what you know, or what you’ve been told so far, so I can hone in a little better than just spouting out of the blue
19:45:29 [LoriS] Feel free to spout, I don’t mind. But I am specifically wondering how the Law of Vibration works with Christianity.
19:45:46 [LoriS] Is it a mindset that I need to have during prayer?
19:46:18 [Leslie] okay, tell me this: have you ever been to a church meeting where you really really felt something powerful?
19:46:25 [marniep] you listened to Leslie’s call on Monday – right Lori?
19:46:30 [Leslie] as you listened to the sermon
19:46:46 [LoriS] Yes, I listened to that call. That’s the only thing I’ve ever heard about this law.
19:47:23 [LoriS] Yes, I have been to a sermon like that. I remember zoning in on the preacher in such a focused way that all else seemed to black out , like a camera lens.
19:47:25 [Leslie] in Christianity, I think most of us call it “feeling the Spirit”
19:47:38 [Leslie] is that how you interpreted the feeling?
19:48:09 [LoriS] “feeling the Spirit?”
19:48:13 [Leslie] yeah
19:48:26 [LoriS] Or, something powerful — I’d say it was something powerful.
19:48:50 [Leslie] okay, would you say it came from God?
19:49:03 [LoriS] Yes
19:49:27 [LoriS] It was what I needed at the right time
19:49:40 [Leslie] if you wanted to feel it again, what do you think you would do to prepare yourself for such an experience?
19:50:15 [LoriS] Wait is the thing that comes to mind!
19:50:34 [LoriS] And keep an open ear and open heart/mind
19:51:11 [Leslie] yes, and I’ll add a few things to the list based on my own experiences…
19:51:26 [LoriS] ok
19:51:46 [Leslie] after feeling that kind of power, that kind of “communication” or whatever it was, from God…
19:52:22 [Leslie] I have been able to feel it many many times in my life when I have these elements in my mind or heart…
19:53:00 [Leslie] a desire for it, humility, obedience to the commandments,
19:53:44 [Leslie] but an important part is to focus, and concentrate, in a spiritual way…
19:54:05 [Leslie] seeking a oneness with God
19:54:27 [Leslie] and when I am prepared in these ways…
19:55:12 [Leslie] I can go to my church meetings and it doesn’t matter what the preacher is saying, I feel the direct communication from the Lord, and the message reaches me.
19:55:53 [Leslie] I believe that this explains why two people sitting in church can get two different things out of the meeting…
19:56:16 [Leslie] because they are each at a different place in their life, needing different messages from the Lord…
19:56:51 [marniep] The spirit translates the message into whatever you need to hear.
19:56:54 [Leslie] I imagine that the time you had your experience, you might have been near someone else that DIDN’T experience it too…
19:57:21 [LoriS] Likely
19:57:22 [Leslie] before I go on to tie this in with the Law of Vibration, is this making sense so far?
19:57:41 [Amy] yes !
19:57:52 [Leslie] Lori?
19:58:04 [LoriS] Yes, I think it may have been what you are talking about when I prayed once about my dh and then every sermon, every radio talk,
19:58:14 [LoriS] etc., kept being about “serving.”
19:58:32 [Leslie] wow. Yes, that’s it.
19:58:34 [LoriS] I started “serving” Tim and great things happened after that between us – an answer to prayer.
19:58:42 [Leslie] now, this is the really neat part…
19:59:01 [Leslie] (that’s really neat, Lori)
19:59:14 [Leslie] Do you know what tuning forks are?
19:59:25 [LoriS] Yes
19:59:50 [Leslie] I have two really large tuning forks, each mounted on a sounding box…
20:00:32 [Leslie] so that the part you normally hold is stuck to the top surface of a wooden box that is open on two opposing ends.
20:01:00 [Leslie] I can put them near each other, but not touching, and when I strike one of them…
20:01:22 [Leslie] if they are in tune with each other, the other fork will actually start to “sing” as well
20:01:38 [LoriS] Wow!
20:01:41 [Leslie] if they are slightly out of tune with each other, then when I strike the first one,
20:01:49 [Leslie] the other one stays dead silent.
20:02:24 [Leslie] This shows me that if WE are “in tune” with God, then his messages will resonate with our own spirits.
20:02:47 [Leslie] if we are out of tune, then quite often we just don’t “get it”
20:03:18 [Leslie] we control how in tune we are with Him by the thoughts we keep in our minds… “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”
20:04:04 [Leslie] now the Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates. If we have had 9th grade chemistry, we learned that on the molecular level, that is true.
20:04:25 [Leslie] the table in front of me, as solid as it seems, is actually in a state of vibration…
20:05:06 [Leslie] water is H2O in a liquid vibratory state, but as ice, the vibrations are slower, and as vapor, the vibrations are extremely rapid.
20:05:29 [Leslie] WE are vibrating.
20:05:51 [Leslie] a “feeling” is nothing more than a conscious awareness of a particular vibration
20:07:08 [Leslie] so when we “feel” something at church, or as we read God’s word, then we can be aware that our own vibration (if you will) is at the moment in harmony with the Spirit of the Lord
20:07:21 [Leslie] just like the second tuning fork
20:07:33 [LoriS] LIGHT BULB moment here! I get the law of vibration! I needed the visual of the tuning forks!
20:07:56 [Leslie] so, how do we apply this idea to our lives and abundance? That’s where I’ll go next unless you have any questions
20:08:03 [LoriS] This makes it easier to stop questioning whether a “feeling” is from God or not.
20:08:14 [Leslie] yes!
20:08:34 [Leslie] if it persuades us to believe in Christ then it is most definitely from God
20:09:04 [marniep] and Lori, you can go back to Galatians 5:22 that we discussed earlier to tell whether a feeling comes from God: “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance”
20:09:23 [Leslie] now I seek abundance in my own life. I have a lot of goals for myself and my family that frankly will cost a good deal of money…
20:09:59 [Leslie] but as I choose my goals, I like to pray about them and see if I get that feeling, so I can know if it is an appropriate desire for me to have.
20:10:05 [LoriS] Thanks, Marnie
20:10:17 [Leslie] once I get that, then look out because I know He’s on my side
20:10:31 [LoriS] Does that also help you with timing — what to pursue first?
20:11:06 [Leslie] yeah, so often we are faced with so many GOOD choices that we get all gummed up and get nothing done…
20:11:53 [LoriS] I do that a LOT
20:12:39 [Leslie] but I’ve discovered that He seems to make me sort things out on my own first, as if He’s trying to make me grow, and when I use my own judgement to set priorities, I then take it to Him with “this is what I’ve come up with, is this right?” and I check for that feeling. If I feel peace, then I know
20:13:39 [Leslie] it’s right. If I feel confusion, then I rethink and try to come up with some other idea. Fear is NOT an answer, because He is never the author of fear. That’s the “enemy’s” job
20:13:44 [Leslie] (Satan)
20:14:16 [LoriS] Confusion is usually Satan? Or at least it is not God?
20:14:35 [Leslie] no, confusion is just the absence of peace.
20:14:43 [Leslie] fear is Satan’s answer
20:14:48 [marniep] It’s an absense of the Spirit
20:15:09 [marniep] Think Spirit=Peace, Spirit=Joy
20:15:14 [LoriS] When you say “fear”, does confusion fall into that same category?
20:15:26 [marniep] Without those, you don’t have the Holy Spirit’s seal of approval on your choice.
20:15:28 [Leslie] so when I pray, I am looking for peace and love versus confusion. Confusion is just, like Marnie said, the absence of the Spirit, or the absence of peace
20:15:45 [Leslie] no, confusion is not in the same category as fear
20:15:51 [LoriS] ok
20:15:56 [Leslie] confusion for me after a prayer like that is like…
20:16:23 [Leslie] my mind darting all over the place and the utter inability to hold the thought of my idea I came to HIm with.
20:16:33 [Leslie] does that make sense?
20:17:11 [LoriS] Obviously I feel confused a lot, so I’m asking about it the most!
20:17:26 [LoriS] Yes, I’ve felt that way after prayer.
20:17:37 [LoriS] YOu’re both really clearing this up for me. I haven’t know what
20:17:44 [LoriS] known…what is or isn’t from God.
20:18:08 [Leslie] well when you have a light bulb moment, that is sort of how it feels to tap into pure truth. It makes sense, it feels good, it causes your faith to grow, it brings a bit of joy…
20:18:38 [Leslie] I think that’s how God leads us along, steering us on how to live in the happiest way possible.
20:20:17 [Leslie] so, Lori, are you looking for how to have more abundance in your life?
20:21:06 [LoriS] Yes, very much! God has been working on me intensely over the past 4 years. I wasn’t making Him a priority, but more and more I”ve felt Him
20:21:27 [LoriS] nudging me. So many things in my life have changed over those years.
20:21:54 [Leslie] what kind of abundance are you seeking now… more understanding of Him, or financial, or in relationships… anything specific?
20:22:11 [LoriS] I told Marnie and Amy that God has led me to be a writer since I was a little girl — now I know it is in the direction of helping other young moms — like Titus 2 , in “keeping the home.”
20:23:11 [LoriS] Um, financial is a concern — dh lost his job 8 weeks ago (in a weird, no sense to it kind of way – I can’t help but think God has his hand in it)
20:23:36 [LoriS] Even though finances is a concern, I”m not really concerned though.
20:23:47 [Leslie] that’s good
20:23:48 [LoriS] If I could change one thing I KNOW what it would be.
20:23:48 [LoriS] If I could change one thing I KNOW what it would be.
20:24:16 [LoriS] I haven’t been spending quality time with God. Just little snippets of devotionals, little praise-prayers.
20:24:18 [Leslie] what would it be?
20:24:45 [LoriS] I’d like to spend more time with Him — I’m trying to get up at 6am to get an hour in before the kids (4 of them, ages 1 to 9) wake up.
20:25:04 [Leslie] okay, good
20:25:06 [LoriS] I’d change that habit of not being with God.
20:25:40 [LoriS] (I’m not doing well at the getting up thing — I’m 50/50 now. Something keeps getting in the way!)
20:25:43 [Leslie] sounds like you are already changing that habit
20:25:59 [LoriS] How do you keep Satan out of the way for a while?
20:26:17 [Leslie] what kinds of things get in the way?
20:26:31 [LoriS] My second change would be to start writing regularly.
20:27:15 [Leslie] because you enjoy it or because you are shooting for a certain accomplishment?
20:27:22 [LoriS] The kids will get up too early, I won’t get enough sleep the night before, etc. I’m very flexible and a creative-type person.
20:27:31 [LoriS] It’s hard to be self-disciplined.
20:28:21 [LoriS] As far as writing — yes, I know that I am supposed to write . And I know it is to be for young mothers. “Keeping the home” is the theme that has lately been on my heart — from Titus 2.
20:29:56 [Leslie] lol, I am in the middle of the same effort. I have a handful of kids myself, and trying to get up at 5 to walk with a friend, and then study before the kids get up. I’m afraid I am not the guru on this one. On the other hand, if you want your dh to get a great job, or if you want someTHING I can
20:30:06 [Leslie] tell you exactly how to do that
20:30:20 [LoriS] LOL
20:30:31 [LoriS] I’ll tell you 2 things.
20:30:54 [LoriS] I want to write a book OR you can choose dh getting a great job, we need that income!
21:22:56 [Leslie] so you decide what it is that you want. Be as specific as possible.
21:23:15 [Leslie] I’ll take the example of your dh’s job.
21:24:21 [Leslie] Back to the law, the fact that everything vibrates. Everything has a specific vibratory characteristic. A carrot has a specific vibration associated with it. Everything does.
21:25:59 [Leslie] imagine you go into some fast food restaurant.
21:26:24 [Leslie] Now imagine going into the fanciest restaurant in town.
21:26:41 [Lori] ok
21:26:46 [Leslie] both have food, both have employees, both have parking lots, etc…
21:27:09 [Leslie] but one has a better “atmosphere”, would you agree?
21:28:28 [Lori] Absolutely!
21:28:37 [Leslie] Have you ever been somewhere that was so utterly lavish, you felt uncomfortable? (any kind of place, not just a restaurant)
21:28:55 [Lori] Yes, I’m not uppity-up. I feel out of place there.
21:29:28 [Leslie] on the other hand, have you ever been somewhere really horrible, maybe it was filthy, and you felt uncomfortable there, too?
21:29:48 [Lori] Yes
21:30:25 [Leslie] We must realize that everything, not just ojects, have a specific vibration. Situations have a specific vibration. Places do, people do, everything does.
21:30:56 [Lori] Which is why we feel uncomfortable in those places.
21:31:14 [Leslie] When we feel uncomfortable, it is because WE are not in harmony with that particular vibration.
21:31:17 [Leslie] right
21:31:28 [Lori] That makes sense.
21:31:35 [Leslie] So the point is, and the most sobering part of this law is this…
21:32:47 [Leslie] we are in harmony right now with the situations we are in. The way we live, the balance in our checkbook, everything about our life, is the way it is because subconsciously we are in perfect harmony with it.
21:33:00 [Leslie] We might not like it…
21:33:14 [Leslie] and we might do everything we know how to change it….
21:33:44 [Leslie] but until we change the state of our vibration, we will continue to live as we do.
21:33:54 [Leslie] let me illustrate…
21:34:35 [Leslie] imagine you have a drop of water and a drop of milk…
21:34:42 [Lori] ok
21:34:57 [Leslie] and you bring them close together gradually, what will happen to them?
21:35:50 [Lori] They will mix, becoming watery milk
21:36:03 [Leslie] would you have to try very hard to get them to join?
21:36:18 [Lori] not at all
21:36:59 [Leslie] kind of like the way clouds gather. The moisture is in the air, and they gather and join together very automatically…
21:37:22 [Leslie] but then take a drop of water and a drop of vegetable oil. Could you make them join?
21:37:33 [Lori] no, they repel
21:38:05 [Leslie] the water and milk (or water and water as in clouds) are in harmonious vibration with each other. The water and the oil are not.
21:38:30 [Leslie] So here’s how this works:
21:40:11 [Leslie] If I am experiencing lack of any kind, then my mind is in harmony with lack, and unless I change my vibration, I will continue to draw to myself experiences and people and circumstances that lend to more of the same: lack.
21:41:22 [Lori] That makes sense when you imagine the poor communities that stay poor and never seem to get out of poverty.
21:41:30 [Leslie] Have you noticed that when people are down and out, they are more likely to be the ones to end up with a fender bender at the grocery store, or with a bike stolen off their property, or forget to pay a bill and get hit with a late fee…
21:42:31 [Lori] Yes, we’ve had a string of things happen in the last 8 weeks, adn I kept saying, “We’re having such bad luck.” Over and over I said that, until listening to the
21:42:36 [Lori] conference this week.
21:43:07 [Leslie] as much as they hate it, they continue to attract hardships because they think about them, talk about them, complain about them… they are so focused on worry and hardship, that they are literally keeping themselves in the same vibration that attracted all the problems in the first place.
21:43:27 [Leslie] like water to water.
21:43:41 [Leslie] and then there are the rich people
21:44:55 [Leslie] some people have never experienced lack, and they expect things will go their way, because it always does, and they always have all they need, and more, and with that mindset, they are literally keeping themselves in the right vibration to be in the right places at the right times to be drawn to
21:45:06 [Lori] Does the Law of Rhythm mean that we have to go through these hard times , though?
21:45:13 [Leslie] right opportunities to keep them in abundance.
21:45:31 [Lori] I have a brother who is like that last example!
21:45:48 [Lori] I have another brother who never has anything and always wonders why.
21:45:56 [Leslie] there will be what seem like ups and downs our whole life.
21:46:23 [Leslie] without them, we wouldn’t know when we feel good, because we’d have nothing to compare it to… but…
21:47:03 [Leslie] I would much rather live on an upward climb. In my mind I look at my downs as plateaus…
21:47:36 [Leslie] I think we “feel” happiness when we are up, but up can be simply relative to our previous “up”
21:48:04 [Leslie] we can either go up and down and go nowhere…
21:48:33 [Leslie] or learn and grow through each cycle and end up in a higher place
21:48:56 [Leslie] I like to illustrate this with a wavy up and down line…
21:49:06 [Leslie] which is how some people view life…
21:49:29 [Leslie] but take that wavy line and turn it 45 degrees and you have a staircase.
21:49:48 [Lori] Ah, yes!
21:49:55 [Leslie] that happens so long as we submit ourselves to changing the way we think
21:50:26 [Leslie] So are you wondering how to change our vibration?
21:50:55 [Lori] Yes, how to get what I need — like dh’s job back, or a better one than before.
21:51:53 [Leslie] okay. Do you think he would be with you in this effort of will you be doing it on your own?
21:52:12 [Lori] He would do it, too.
21:52:56 [Leslie] Take some time with him and create a list of exactly the kind of job he would like to have…
21:53:44 [Leslie] Write it down. Include the kind of salary, the kind of commute, the hours, the benefits, the kind of people he’d be working with, anything else about it that he can think of.
21:53:57 [Lori] ok
21:54:00 [Leslie] Where do you live?
21:54:49 [Lori] Fairhope, Alabama, on the Florida border – on the Gulf Coast
21:55:19 [Leslie] how many people in your community would you guess?
21:56:03 [Lori] Fairhope is small – only a few thousand. Jobs are in the bigger towns.
21:56:18 [Lori] Only around 300,000 in the whole county, which is pretty large.
21:56:27 [Leslie] okay, did he commute before?
21:56:56 [Lori] To a town called Daphne. There are I think about 10,000 there but a booming town.
21:57:41 [Lori] No, 10,000 is too small. Maybe more like 40,000 in Daphne. I’m guessing based on teh county size.
21:58:02 [Leslie] Well, as you make the list, also take the time to talk aobut and feel what it would be like to actually have that kind of job.
21:58:07 [Lori] It is just a 16-mile commute.
21:58:16 [Leslie] -about- sorry
21:58:18 [Lori] The ideal job?
21:58:44 [Leslie] the part about “feeling what it would be like to have the ideal job” is the crucial factor
21:58:49 [Leslie] yes
21:59:11 [Lori] Then what?
22:00:05 [Leslie] then I would pray about it and ask, “this is what we are seeking, is this a worthy goal?”
22:00:25 [Lori] ok
22:00:30 [Leslie] And believe me, God wants us to have good things.
22:01:54 [Leslie] I just mention that because it wouldn’t be appropriate to apply these principles if we were seeking to have the fancy car for the purpose of making our brother in law think you are better than him or something goofy like that.
22:02:20 [Lori] Yes, I see what you mean!
22:03:39 [Leslie] I mention that also because we are told over and over in the scriptures that if we ask, we shall receive. So we should practice asking, and this is a great way to do that
22:03:59 [Lori] So, step one is to imagine it and write it down in detail…step 2 is to check with God.
22:04:24 [Lori] I admitted earlier to Marnie and Amy that I’m not good at asking God for much…I’m much better at praising Him.
22:05:13 [Leslie] I’d say step 2 is to imagine how it would feel first. Someone else might disagree with that, but that is how I do it.
22:05:25 [Lori] ok
22:06:03 [Leslie] after checking with God, then you spend time daily imagining how it would feel.
22:06:22 [Lori] As part of vibration?
22:06:29 [Leslie] What you are doing is training your subconscious mind to change your “vibration”
22:06:46 [Leslie] your vibration is controlled by your subconscious mind.
22:06:59 [Leslie] and you are trying to override all the old programming.
22:07:14 [Leslie] Here’s the coolest part:
22:08:28 [Leslie] when we have changed our vibration, then the things that need to happen to make the goal come true, start happening with very little effort.
22:09:22 [Leslie] someone might call with a lead, or you will be led to the right ad in the paper, or you’ll happen to drive past something that makes you think to call so-n-so…
22:09:47 [Leslie] you never know. You just act on the little nudges that come to mind.
22:10:08 [Leslie] But remember that you have to believe. Doubt and fear sabotage it all.
22:10:23 [Leslie] But because this is a LAW, you can depend on it.
22:10:25 [Lori] It’s all part of trust in God, isn’t it?
22:11:08 [Lori] When you did the class, you mentioned free will and how God can’t bless us if we are repelling it.
22:11:09 [Leslie] exactly. I remember feeling like I was supposed to have faith, but until I learned the law behind it all, it was very hard to maintain belief.
22:11:20 [Leslie] right
22:11:49 [Lori] This does make it easier to maintain belief, as you said.
22:12:03 [Leslie] I have a part 2 to this, but I want to make sure you don’t have any more questions so far about what we’ve talked about.
22:12:23 [Lori] No, it’s clear. Thanks!
22:12:36 [Leslie] okay, here’s the next coolest part:
22:12:57 [Leslie] how do you know if you have been successful in turning it over to your subconscious mind?
22:13:03 [Leslie] I’ll tell you…
22:13:31 [Leslie] first you have to understand how your subconscious mind (sc) works
22:14:22 [Leslie] it is the part of our mind that operates automatic things like keeping our heart beating. It also is what controls the kind of vibration we are in.
22:14:36 [Lori] ok
22:15:16 [Leslie] While our CONscious mind had the ability to accept or reject an idea, our SC cannot do that. Once something reaches it, it unconditionally believes the idea to be TRUTH.
22:15:45 [Leslie] Like we may have accepted the “truth” that there’s never enough money.
22:15:59 [Lori] Yes, I’ve done that one!
22:16:41 [Leslie] with that so-called “truth” in place, we are perpetually drawn by our vibration to circumstances that keep that truth alive in our environment.
22:17:19 [Leslie] Here’s another good example, “I am overweight.”
22:17:50 [Leslie] no diet, no discipline, NOTHING will change the reality until the SC has been convinced of a new truth
22:18:36 [Leslie] Even if we eat the very same things as someone else, our body will cling to whatever it needs to maintain the image we have of ourselves in our SC.
22:19:35 [Lori] Oh, that’s amazing.
22:19:48 [Leslie] So back to the question, “how do I know I have imagined the feeling long enough to change my vibration?”
22:20:06 [Lori] Right.
22:20:09 [Leslie] (the feeling of having the job in place, or whatever)
22:20:35 [Leslie] there is a completely dependable indicator…
22:20:56 [Leslie] let me ask you a question…
22:21:24 [Leslie] if you were forced to accept 2 opposing ideas as truth, how would you feel?
22:21:39 [Lori] confused
22:21:50 [Lori] and discouraged.
22:21:57 [Leslie] right
22:22:41 [Leslie] when your SC is forced to accept 2 opposing ideas as truth, it causes feelings of discomfort in you.
22:23:03 [Leslie] This shows up as fear, insecurity, dis-ease, nervousness
22:23:29 [Leslie] So suppose you have planted the idea firmly of the great job, and along comes an interview.
22:23:54 [Leslie] if you have been successful in changing your vibration, or at least disturbing it from its old status…
22:24:17 [Leslie] then you and/or your husband will feel like freaking out and you won’t know why.
22:24:57 [Lori] in a good way?
22:35:21 [Leslie1] You’ll freak out because you will feel fear and discomfort. It only means your SC is wrestling to make sense of two ideas that are supposedly true, but incongruent with each other.
22:35:36 [Lori] ok
22:35:40 [Leslie1] That is called the “terror barrier”
22:36:04 [Lori] But that is not a sign to not go on the interview?
22:36:12 [Leslie1] Most people interpret that to mean that it isn’t supposed to happen for them: the change is wrong (change from lack to abundance)
22:36:38 [Leslie1] most people throw the new idea away and cower at the new opportunity.
22:36:50 [Leslie1] and they revert to the same old vibration as before.
22:37:08 [Leslie1] but knowing what is going on is so empowering…
22:37:31 [Leslie1] because when you feel the fear, you can KNOW that you are THIS CLOSE to realizing the dream.
22:37:57 [Leslie1] All you have to do is proceed in SPITE of the fear, and you break through the terror barrier.
22:38:18 [Leslie1] and the fear goes away. FEAR: false evidence appearing real.
22:38:22 [Lori] And if we received confirmation from God in the first place, we only need to remind ourselves of that during the terror barrier, right?
22:39:18 [Leslie1] Right. Now you see why getting His approval is such a good idea. Otherwise, you’d question it at that barrier, and most people aren’t strong enough to break through on their own.
22:40:17 [Lori] I see.
22:40:28 [Leslie1] But once you have established the new “vibration”, keeping it there gets easier because you no longer are trying to believe in abundance that you don’t already have… you get to believe in abundance that you have all around you.
22:42:30 [Lori] I can understand that.
22:42:33 [Leslie1] If you sign up for my newsletter at, you’ll get the first chapter of my book that explains how our thoughts turn into real-life things as we live by these laws.
22:45:03 [Lori] I’ve been curious, with you and with Marnie on Tuesday: why are you willing to spend so much time helping just one person (me) understand all of this?
22:46:00 [Leslie1] You know how I described how poor people keep themselves poor and how rich people keep themselves rich by the vibrations they keep?
22:46:36 [Lori] Right.
22:47:04 [Leslie1] I think that most rich people aren’t even aware of these laws. Only someone that has once had it bad, and managed to break out of it could ever really appreciate the power behind understanding the laws.
22:48:11 [Leslie1] I took that journey, and it just is SO AMAZING to me, and so darn simple, I hunger to see other people discover it and see it work too.
22:48:28 [Lori] I’m grateful for our tough times. I’m hoping these new tough times will be used to help someone in the future.
22:48:54 [Leslie1] I am grateful for mine too… but I didn’t always feel that way.
22:49:35 [Lori] No, neither have I. But the hard times before made the hard times now be easier — I mean, we’ve been poor before,
22:49:46 [Leslie1] I know that I can use these principles to make any changes I’ll need to make through my whole life.
22:49:50 [Lori] so when we unexpectedly didn’t have an income 8 weeks ago, we knew how to react.
22:50:41 [Lori] I am so excited to have these laws. I was in a rut of saying we were having such bad luck — and more and more crazy things were happening to keep that statement true!
22:51:03 [Leslie1] And that’s why I feel rich… not because of money, but because of the knowledge of the power we have in our own mind.
22:51:22 [Leslie1] well I’m impressed that you knew to react in a faithful way 8 weeks ago
22:51:25 [Lori] Thank you so much for your time! I know God will bless you for it.
22:51:53 [Leslie1] Well, I look forward to hearing from you when it all plays out.
22:52:08 [Lori] Um, my attitude wasn’t always right 8 weeks ago, I just mean that I know how to be poor — like as in how to shop frugally.
22:52:44 [Lori] My attitude had to go through many changes. I think it was a God leading that I stumbled upon just a week or two before this conference.
22:53:41 [Leslie1] funny how He does that… I found it 2 years ago as an answer to some of my own frustrations over some other things.
22:54:01 [Leslie1] 2 1/2 years ago, I guess
22:54:29 [Lori] You know, this week our “luck” has changed in a few ways. Coincidence?
22:54:45 [Leslie1] no such thing
22:54:52 [Leslie1]
22:54:59 [Lori] I don’t think so either.
22:56:06 [Lori] Thank you again! I’ll let you go now and get some sleep.
22:56:44 [Leslie1] You too, it’s been nice talking with you. You know how to reach me with your success story
22:57:31 [Lori] I will, already it has been successful. I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for the book chapter — I’ll read it tomorrow. Goodnight!
22:57:51 [Leslie1] Goodnight.
For more on this topic, read about the other 7 laws of success.
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Thank you soooooooooo much for sharing this. I believe at this moment, my life has changed because of it. I have shared this link with all my friends. Thank you.