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Cherishing Those Teenage Boys

I have mixed emotions right now – thought I’d write to try and sort it all out. I’m going to be working with a woman soon to help her with her book as part of my Profitable Author Coaching program, and in preparation for my first call with her, I’ve been reading her blog. I’m a little concerned that this may be one especially difficult project for me, because as much as I look forward to helping her achieve her goals, the topic is tough. She lost her 16 year-old son to a heart disease less than 2 years ago, and her book and her blog is all about going through the grieving process and coming out on the other end okay.

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Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis

I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope

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Cherishing Those Teenage Boys

I have mixed emotions right now – thought I’d write to try and sort it all out. I’m going to be working with a woman soon to help her with her book as part of my Profitable Author Coaching program, and in preparation for my first call with her, I’ve been reading her blog. I’m a little concerned that this may be one especially difficult project for me, because as much as I look forward to helping her achieve her goals, the topic is tough. She lost her 16 year-old son to a heart disease less than 2 years ago, and her book and her blog is all about going through the grieving process and coming out on the other end okay.

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Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis

I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope

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