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Finding Relief from Heavy Burdens

In December 2012 I was asked to speak at my local church congregation’s sacrament meeting. I hadn’t planned on sharing my ‘talk’ publicly because my blog readership is made up of people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds and belief systems, and I have always striven to focus on principles and precepts that people of faith around the world all share in common. But I’ve recently felt like there may be some who would benefit from this message. First, I introduced myself… then I continued with this: I’d like to talk about two things in particular that we’ve been asked in the Bible to do – to have faith

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park bench couple

Nix the Scorekeeping

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of

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Unseen Help

I love the idea that there is unseen help available when you set out to accomplish a difficult goal. However, there are things you

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Stop the World – I want to Get Off!

Has life become so fast paced that you’ve gotten sucked up into the whirlwind of it all, feeling totally out of control? Do you feel like you can’t stop long enough to catch your breath, and are you racing on life’s treadmill that often seems to be going nowhere? At some point you have to ask yourself, “What’s the point??” Even if you have a pretty good sense of what life is all about, and you are confident about its purpose, you can fall into the trap of living frantically day in and day out to meet deadlines, obligations, and expectations. When you’ve had enough of that, and something inside you says, “You were born for

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I didn’t trust God

I received an email the other day that was SO appreciated; here’s why: Even though I may have “written the book” on it, I still have to learn and re-learn the principles over and over again. (Yes, it’s true.) This is why: When I stop practicing them, I begin to doubt them. When I decide to apply myself to them again, I have to get back to that innocent, child-like faith – and it’s not always so easy to do. So to hear a story like this (below) helps me remember to keep it simple, and just trust. I hope that my sharing it with you will do the same for you: “Hi Leslie, Thanks so much for all of this amazing stuff. You probably hear stories like the

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Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis

I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope

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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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Finding Relief from Heavy Burdens

In December 2012 I was asked to speak at my local church congregation’s sacrament meeting. I hadn’t planned on sharing my ‘talk’ publicly because my blog readership is made up of people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds and belief systems, and I have always striven to focus on principles and precepts that people of faith around the world all share in common. But I’ve recently felt like there may be some who would benefit from this message. First, I introduced myself… then I continued with this: I’d like to talk about two things in particular that we’ve been asked in the Bible to do – to have faith

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park bench couple

Nix the Scorekeeping

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of

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Unseen Help

I love the idea that there is unseen help available when you set out to accomplish a difficult goal. However, there are things you

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Stop the World – I want to Get Off!

Has life become so fast paced that you’ve gotten sucked up into the whirlwind of it all, feeling totally out of control? Do you feel like you can’t stop long enough to catch your breath, and are you racing on life’s treadmill that often seems to be going nowhere? At some point you have to ask yourself, “What’s the point??” Even if you have a pretty good sense of what life is all about, and you are confident about its purpose, you can fall into the trap of living frantically day in and day out to meet deadlines, obligations, and expectations. When you’ve had enough of that, and something inside you says, “You were born for

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I didn’t trust God

I received an email the other day that was SO appreciated; here’s why: Even though I may have “written the book” on it, I still have to learn and re-learn the principles over and over again. (Yes, it’s true.) This is why: When I stop practicing them, I begin to doubt them. When I decide to apply myself to them again, I have to get back to that innocent, child-like faith – and it’s not always so easy to do. So to hear a story like this (below) helps me remember to keep it simple, and just trust. I hope that my sharing it with you will do the same for you: “Hi Leslie, Thanks so much for all of this amazing stuff. You probably hear stories like the

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Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis

I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope

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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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