Let’s talk about choices, but first – a quick trip down memory lane.
In 2000, my husband and I tripled our income after seven years of drowning financially, by simply making a shift in the way we were thinking. The change was so profound, and (in hindsight) so simple, it became my life’s passion to help others experience similar breakthroughs for themselves.
So I started teaching classes, but being in the thick of motherhood, putting classes together was particularly challenging, so I decided instead to make the difference I wanted to make through writing. That’s when my best-sellers Hidden Treasures and The Jackrabbit Factor were born. (Both available as free ebooks)
As my husband and I continued testing the principles through new setbacks and tougher challenges, the more there was to share, and in the decades that followed, we witnessed hundreds, even thousands of people’s lives changing for the better. I share their stories in my weekly newsletter, and every week there are new stories to share.
Sometimes our challenges and breakthroughs called for expanded explanations as to how the principles work, how or why they sometimes don’t work, and why you can depend on them when you get it just right.
Over the years, new classes and programs were developed to respond to the various concerns and challenges our students were facing. Where I once thought The Jackrabbit Factor could be the end-all answer to every “how to succeed” question, I’ve since learned that life is more complex than that, and people in different situations facing different kinds of challenges can be served better with more targeted educational prescriptions. I now have a team of facilitators (who started out as students themselves) who had breakthroughs of their own and now help us deliver the training.
So, we’ve developed three books, more than 800 articles, over 60 classes, and countless programs to respond to the variety of needs. People come from so many different experiences, it’s been important to modify the message just a little for each audience. Same principles applied in different situations and described with different analogies can make all the difference between a student hearing it, or missing it.
Over time, the programs that stood out in their effectiveness for the most students regardless of their come-from became our company’s core curriculum.
So, if you’ve wanted help but felt paralyzed by too many options, this post is for you.
Here is a summary of our BEST tools and programs that emerged from the evolution, and WHO they’re for:
- New to Rare Faith, or just want a full overview? Rare Faith Foundations course
- Want to nerd-out about the thought/experience connection? Mindset Quotient Test
- Skeptical, but ready to take your first leap of faith? Mindset Fundamentals
- Need LOW-cost ongoing, weekly live support? The Insider’s Club
- Want a more dependable flow and greater peace of mind? Operating in God’s Economy
- Facing a heavy, or urgent problem right now? Genius Bootcamp
- Ready to design your future and try a serious, measurable experiment? Mindset Mastery
- Did changing your thoughts not work out like you expected? Joyful Heart Mastery
- Need a gentle, mentor-led 12-week practice with the 7 laws? Creator’s Mindset
- Prefer a self-directed deep-dive study designed for our busiest students? Activating Unseen Help
- Want to stop being the limiting factor in what God can do in your life? Miracles Made Simple
- Are you one of our most serious students with the most ambitious goals? Achieving the Impossible
- Feeling compelled to help us teach others about Rare Faith? Facilitator Training
- Need to get away and get things done with Rare Faith support? Creator’s Retreat
- Want 1-on-1 support over an extended period of time? Personal Coaching
And for our Author friends:
- Feeling alone? Join our FREE Rare Faith community of writers! The Rare Faith Writer’s Corner
- Want clarity or need help bringing your project into focus? Clarity Call for Writers
- Need help framing your clunky moving parts into a cohesive structure? Kick Start Your Writing
- Want powerful tips to keep you moving forward at each stage? On Point Writer’s Tips Webinar Series
- Ready to finally get your inspired message out? See it Done Writing Course
- Want to know how I earned over a million dollars giving my book away for free? The Profitable Author
More to come!
We also have projects underway to help with:
- CORPORATE development
It’s an exciting time to be part of our community, and we are grateful to have you along.
Keep sharing your stories, or let us know if you would like a free consultation to help you choose the right next step for you.
All the best!
- Peaches, Potty Training, and Faith - August 30, 2024
- Miracles are Real! - August 16, 2024
- My mind was blank - August 16, 2024