Like blood in your body, it can be better to have a little money that flows well, than a lot that doesn’t flow at all.
I used to set money goals. Over the years, we’ve achieved nearly all of them. But every time we achieved one, we couldn’t really rest because it was always time to set another. I looked forward to a day when we wouldn’t have to continually be scrambling for the next paycheck.
And then one day we were blessed to face the fact that our money reserves were used up. I say blessed, because what we learned in that moment changed our perspective completely.
I finally realized something.
We had previously experienced what it was like to have a lot of money in the bank, but on that day we experienced the total opposite. In the first case, we had money in reserves, and zero cash flow. In other words, we had not created enough income streams to replace the money as fast as we were spending it.
We weren’t spending frivolously; it was just the cost of living and investing in our education that was eating into our reserves, and it had been our objective to get the income streams flowing before the money ran out.
As you can imagine, in the back of our minds we wondered what would happen if it ran out before the streams of cash flow were in place.
And then, on that fateful day, we were fortunate to experience the thing we feared. The money was gone, the resources were dried up, but we had several income streams in place that we had worked a long time to create. The income was not guaranteed and never very predictable, but it was at least cash flow.
Trust me on this one: we felt much more of a sense of financial security with NO money in the bank, but a little bit of a variable cash flow, than there ever was with a giant pile of money in the bank and limited to no cash flow.
I think the ‘flow way’ is more in alignment with the proper nature of things, anyway. Money should stay in circulation. It’s currency (current-cy)! It needs to flow. It needs to be utilized or it has no value. Net worth is just a number with no realized benefit. As my co-author for Portal to Genius Garrett B. Gunderson says, “It’s just dots on a paper.”
Real wealth and real value comes from exchange. Whether it is exchange involving money or not, there is no wealth in dormant resources.
Think of it this way: Would you rather have a healthy 10 pints of blood flowing through your body, or would you rather have 40 GALLONS in a refrigerator, and a body with NO blood flow?
(How’s that for a visual?)
Come to peace with how much you have, and with some wisdom and prudence, let there be flow.
About charitable donations
Our bodies naturally create more blood when we donate some – and we don’t even have to know how we do it. Same with money. Even if you have only a little, don’t be afraid to let some of it flow to good causes. Nature has ways of replenishing you again.
Have a goal to get a million dollars?
I assure you, the pile of money doesn’t bring peace of mind. In many cases, it creates more anxiety, because it’s easy to worry about it dwindling or being mismanaged.
I think most people who want a million dollars look at it in terms of how much they could buy with it, or in terms of how long they could live before it all gets spent. That’s how I used to look at it. I didn’t know any different.
But truly wealthy people don’t look at a million dollars like that at all. They look at it in terms of how much FLOW can be generated by earning interest on it. They save a million, but they never plan on spending any of it! They spend the interest earned, but they won’t touch the principle. They keep it in circulation, not by spending it, but by putting it into financial institutions who loan it to others. That’s where their interest earned comes from. THAT’s the money they spend. Barring some major economic catastrophe, THAT’S the money that keeps flowing.
Peace of mind comes from having a healthy flow, even if what flows isn’t very much.
Where there’s flow, things grow. It’s the difference between the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. It’s the difference between 10 pints flowing between your heart, lungs and brain, vs. 40 gallons in a refrigerator.
So if earning a million is your goal, just don’t think of it as a resource to be consumed, or hoarded. It’s putting the money where someone will use it, where it will circulate. Like blood in a blood bank. If you were to hook yourself up to an I.V. and draw a few pints of blood, you wouldn’t put it under your pillow, would you? It serves nobody unless its in circulation – not even you.
Things grow where there is flow.
So whether you have a lot, or a little, let it circulate. Don’t be afraid of running out if you’re putting it toward investing in your soul purpose – the thing that keeps you awake – that thing you feel born to do. The laws of success support you best when you’re doing what your heart is telling you to do. Don’t be afraid to invest kin things that will help you develop income streams. As Bob Proctor taught me long ago, the cure for Fear is not Courage, the cure for Fear is Knowledge.
Let me show you how to have the peace of mind I’m talking about. I’ll help you step-by-step to experience that transformation through the Mindset Mastery course. Find out more…
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3 Responses
I believe this is one of the most important things we can do, and that is to build and create multiple streams of income that provide monthly cash flow. Love your thoughts and teachings. I am really getting a lot out of this. Thanks Leslie!
hey leslie, these truths and principles feel so close to a vibration level that i want to be at. im not very good at manifesting and could use some encouraging words. i am a student in the FTMF course as well and love it. the jackrabbit factor has helped me so much more understand these principles i believe i just need help with the manifesting part. the thigns i guess i am trying to get at are more money and a healhier body to enjoy my life and my childrens lives. i want my husband to be around to place his priorities as well, i want out way of thinking to change and i know it wont happen overnight but like i said, encouragment is welcome. thank you for your vision, it is truly inspired:) thank you
Hi Brittney,
This is a conversation that I’d like to see you post in the forums where more readers can respond and benefit from the ideas that come out of it. I’ve also got a few more articles in the works that will help with this… stay tuned. Just take it a day at a time, and don’t let yourself get stuck on one lesson in the FTMF program. Do your best in the present lesson, and then put it behind you and get to the ideas and encouragement contained in the next. Most people seem to get discouraged and stuck in a place where the answer they need just happens to be in the next segment. I think that once in while, a hardship comes along to prepare your heart to receive the full depth of a concept coming, which may otherwise get overlooked or disregarded. Just one step at a time… you’ll get there. The harder it is now, is how much greater the opportunity or blessing is on the other side.