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Choosing a Bullet-Proof Goal (“I Don’t Know What I Want!”)

Have you ever wondered: “How am I supposed to apply the principles to achieve a goal if I don’t even know what I really want?” When you’ve selected the right goal, it’s practically bullet-proof. Nothing will sway you from pursuing it until it’s yours – no matter what obstacles may arise. I remember feeling discouraged about a goal years ago – after having attended almost 100 seminars (at that point), and having read countless books about success. I was inspired and motivated by nearly every one of them, but my frustration only grew as time went on and I didn’t have a really great success story of my own. My frustration came to

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park bench couple

Nix the Scorekeeping

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of

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Unseen Help

I love the idea that there is unseen help available when you set out to accomplish a difficult goal. However, there are things you

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Choosing a Bullet-Proof Goal (“I Don’t Know What I Want!”)

Have you ever wondered: “How am I supposed to apply the principles to achieve a goal if I don’t even know what I really want?” When you’ve selected the right goal, it’s practically bullet-proof. Nothing will sway you from pursuing it until it’s yours – no matter what obstacles may arise. I remember feeling discouraged about a goal years ago – after having attended almost 100 seminars (at that point), and having read countless books about success. I was inspired and motivated by nearly every one of them, but my frustration only grew as time went on and I didn’t have a really great success story of my own. My frustration came to

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park bench couple

Nix the Scorekeeping

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of

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Unseen Help

I love the idea that there is unseen help available when you set out to accomplish a difficult goal. However, there are things you

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