Good in Life

By Karilyn Barnett

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  Good and bad; hot and cold; down and up. We couldn’t know something was bad unless we first knew that something was good.  In every situation that we deem bad or undesirable, we can also find the good that by law must exist.

Last summer we put in motion our plan to build a new home.  We had the perfect place, the perfect design and all other things necessary to begin this new adventure.  Everything started off just fine, but soon we were met with rain. The foundation had yet to be poured, so it was very important that we have dry ground.  As the ground would start to dry out and it would rain. This cycle continued for nearly 2 months, it was frustrating, but none-the-less we kept a positive outlook and simply felt that the rain was good, even though we didn’t understand how it was going to help our home building.

Finally, the foundation was poured and the home began to take shape.  The rain delay meant that our new home was not going to be finished in time for the start of school.  Our children were going to be changing schools and we really wanted them to start at their new schools.  We held out hope that the new school district would let us start the kids even though we lived outside of their boundary.  They agreed, but we would have to provide the transportation. I dreaded the thought of driving the kids back and forth to school for 6 weeks to schools with different start and end times.  The distance wasn’t too far, but just far enough to be inconvenient, or so I thought.  

I decided that there had to be good in this situation, so I set out to find it.  As it turned out, I had 40 minutes each morning before school with my son. We read together, talked about the new school and new friends, and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.  I think this time gave him the boost that he needed to make the transition successful. Then in the afternoon, I had 40 minutes with my daughter. Not only was she at a new school, but this was her first year for lockers and band!  Our time spent together helped her unwind and there was always something interesting to talk about, just the two of us. When our commute finally came to an end, we were happy to be in our new home, but we missed that special time spent together.  Yes, good came out of bad.

The rain delay helped us in another way.  At the time that we decided to put the old home on the market we had confidence and every reason to believe our home would sell.   That was until the mortgage crisis began. Just as we were getting ready to move, our old home did sell, boy were we relieved. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect.  We gave thanks! But then another setback…the mortgage crisis worsened and our buyers backed out. We were now going to have to make 2 house payments, BUT if it had not been for the rain delay we would have started making double house payments 2 months earlier!   We were grateful for the rain!

Trying to keep worry and fear at bay, we pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps and decided that there had to be good in this situation too.  For the next several months we somehow found the money to make both payments and endured the slow real estate time during the holidays and winter.  Our faith was strengthened and we knew that something good was coming our way. 

The good did come our way.  Thanks to the mortgage meltdown, the rental market became very strong.  Though we did not really want to be landlord’s we felt that this opportunity was a blessing in disguise.  Within a short period of time, we had a lease contract, a positive cash flow, and a piece of a retirement puzzle that we had never considered.  Yes, good came out of bad, again!

So, when life gives you lemons instead of lemonade, remember that by law there must be good.  Set your course on positive thoughts, gratitude for the situation (yes, gratitude for something you don’t like or understand) and know that all will be well.  

You too will find the good in life that you desire when you employ the Law of Polarity.



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Karilyn Barnett
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