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The Perfect Lot

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Vibration states that everything is in a state of vibration, and that vibration is a medium for transferring

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Respond Not React

By Karilyn Barnett Don’t React! Respond and Remain Calm with the Law of Relativity The Law of Relativity simply states that nothing is good

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Good in Life

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  Good and bad; hot and cold; down and up. We couldn’t

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Our Little Girl

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Gestation states that every physical seed has a given gestation or incubation period.  Our ideas are seeds of

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Pop’s Garden

By Karilyn Barnett My father really enjoys his garden and has for many, many years.  As children we always anticipated the 4th of July

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The Perfect Lot

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Vibration states that everything is in a state of vibration, and that vibration is a medium for transferring

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Respond Not React

By Karilyn Barnett Don’t React! Respond and Remain Calm with the Law of Relativity The Law of Relativity simply states that nothing is good

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Good in Life

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  Good and bad; hot and cold; down and up. We couldn’t

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Our Little Girl

By Karilyn Barnett The Law of Gestation states that every physical seed has a given gestation or incubation period.  Our ideas are seeds of

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Pop’s Garden

By Karilyn Barnett My father really enjoys his garden and has for many, many years.  As children we always anticipated the 4th of July

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