Got a dilemma? What if you had absolute confidence and knew exactly what to do next?
The hardest work you’ll ever do takes place inside your own mind. It’s the hardest work in the world, and most people will do anything they can to avoid it.
But when you know how to get your mind in a ready-state for inspired ideas, then you more easily recognize them when they come, and you learn to trust them to help you find the shortest distance between your dilemma and its resolution.
This is a very simple process, but it can be tough to do because it requires mental discipline.
How To Do It
- Picture what you want – see the outcome as though it has already happened. Literally take the time to put the image(s) on the screen of your mind and hold them there until you can…
- Create the emotional experience – allow yourself to answer the question, “how would it actually FEEL to have this dilemma solved?”
- Get to work solving the problem to the best of your ability, trusting that you are being guided by your higher power to achieve the success you envisioned.
- Never allow yourself to think for longer than a split second, “I’m not sure if this is actually working…” You must CHOOSE to believe until the goal is achieved. Believe that there is unseen help orchestrating all things necessary for your success. As long as you believe it’s there and working for your good, you’ll qualify for the help.
Most people get stuck because they do step 1 and 2, but fail to do step 3 long enough because they allow doubt or discouragement to take over.
A lot of people get stuck because they fail to take step 1 and 2 seriously enough. It requires a space – a positive environment and time to do the mental work.
That’s what we give you at Genius Bootcamp: the environment, the guidance, the time, and the space to do the work.
Do I make people do push-ups and bark at them if they don’t do them fast enough?
Well, I know, I do seem like the type of person to run things that way, don’t I? LOL
No, but the fact is, as Bertrand Russell put it, “Most people would rather die than think; [in fact], many do.”
Or as Henry Ford stated, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is… why so few engage in it.”
Wallace Wattles said, “There is no labor which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought.”
So, what happens at a Genius Bootcamp?
You THINK – and you think a LOT.
From this thinking in a certain way – which I coach you through, in a relatively small group setting – you will discover genius ideas.
In fact, while you’re at my bootcamp, you’ll wish you were doing push-ups instead!
But you’ll be glad you came. You’ll thank me for putting your brain to work like this, and you’ll take with you a skill that you’ll be able to use time and time again throughout your life.
Did you know?
There are people on the planet who are paid to just sit and think – and they are paid well for it – because they have learned how to tap into genius ideas, in the same way that I’ll show you how to find (and trust) the solutions to your own dilemmas.
Remember, the solution to every problem is only an idea away.
However, so often we remain stuck because we can’t seem to think of that one brilliant idea that tries to get our attention, oh so quietly.
When you go to a Genius Bootcamp, you MUST bring with you at least one perplexing dilemma. That’s the only pre-requisite.
Got a dilemma?
Perfect. That’s all you need to bring!
The next TEN people to sign up will save a whopping 80% off the regular ticket price!
The Bootcamp wakes you up and helps you see your dilemma from a whole new perspective… and from that ten-thousand-foot level, you begin to recognize your hidden resources, and just how to arrange them for your ultimate victory.
Victory is won in those single, shining moments when you make a quality decision in the face of apparent disaster.
This 2-day event will give you the environment, the information, the mental exercises, strategies, battle plans, and support to claim your victory NOW and return with extraordinary confidence to the battle field of Life where your decided win can play out.
Based on the principles contained in the Jackrabbit Factor sequel, Portal to Genius, The Genius Bootcampwill help you tap into those sparks of ideas that have the power to transform your life forever.
Join me for my 2-day Genius Bootcamp for an experience you’ll never forget with do-it-now, get it done application of the principles of success.
You’ll come away feeling like you’ve been str-e-e-tched and SHOT into the stratosphere, like a rubber band off of a toy gun!
It will be fun, enlightening, encouraging, and even mind-blowing. Bring a friend or family member!
You know the principles of success work – you’ve seen it happen. Maybe you look back at times in your life when things were really popping for you. But how do you get back in the groove on purpose? What if your old habits are getting in the way and sabotaging your every effort?
Keep it Simple – and Trust the Process
You’re on the front lines of an all-out war against mediocrity and it’s time to toughen you up for victory!
Click here to check the dates and get registered!
- Overcoming Deep-Seated Beliefs - February 10, 2025
- Possible to stop relying on credit? - January 31, 2025
- Update on Flip Chicks Founder - January 18, 2025