Run for CanCun

By Denice Wallace

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that according to our thoughts, things and Circumstances are constantly coming or going. For example, when you are focused on a goal that goal will be coming toward you but when you start to entertain doubt that you will achieve that goal it starts to get further away from you. 

My husband and I really learned how this Law worked as we were building a health and wellness business. We had been trying to reach a certain level for some time but just struggled to get past a certain point and I had so many doubts that it was possible for us to achieve. We were on a constant roller coaster ride. We would make it to one point in our business one month and the very next month being right back where we started.

Our company had just come out with an incentive trip to Cancun that I really wanted to be on, but the requirements to earn the trip were pretty tough to achieve and seemed so far out of our capacity to earn. Nevertheless, I really wanted to be on this trip so my husband and I found a video clip of the resort. We watched this clip every single morning when we first woke up and we watched it every single night before going to bed. I made vision boards and hung pictures all around the house so I could keep a vision of the trip we were earning constant. We even made recordings of ourselves stating our goal statements and telling ourselves stories of achieving this trip to keep us motivated and excited when times get tough.

We talked about our goal nonstop and even got our kids involved and made small sub goals that rewarded our children for being so supportive as we hit each milestone. Then we got to work, we did everything we could possibly think of to find the right people for our company.

Five months later we qualified for this trip and at the end of the qualification period we had come in second place and had earned upgraded accommodations, free product and an extra excursion. We also helped 8 other business partners of ours qualify and go on this trip with us. Every time our thoughts or the evidence around us started to look like this goal was not going to come about. We did all we could to not dwell on or even allow doubt to stay with us for very long we would turn on the video that we had made listen to our goal stories and dream about being on the trip with our friends. 

We had many late nights where evidence appeared as if a sub goal would not be achieved but miracles happened and we had many very last-minute deals materialize that would help us or one of our business partners reach the goal just in the Knick of time. During this time, I did not really understand the Law of Perpetual Transmutation I just knew I wanted to be on this trip, and nothing was going to stop me from achieving that goal.

As I reflect now, I am able to clearly see how this law completely made it possible for us to achieve this goal and help so many others as well. In the past we had always been trying to reach our money goals with a very vague idea of what it was for and every time evidence proved it was just out of our reach we would wallow in doubt, frustration and failure. Thus, causing a huge set back in our goals.

As soon as we got laser focused on something specific and refused to entertain doubt miracles happened month after month to help us achieve the ultimate goal. That is how perpetual transmutation works. You set your sight on a goal then you never doubt, you go about your business do what you can to help your goal along then just keep believing. As long as you keep believing your goal will keep coming toward you as you go toward it. As you entertain doubt your goal will take a step back from you and if you stop believing it will vanish.

Constant belief is what makes our dreams and goals happen along with moving your feet. As long as you are doing something then God can do something as well to help things move along.


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Denise Wallace
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