One of my readers submitted an excellent question. He and his wife had been studying the book Hidden Treasures, and wanted to use the Vacuum Law of Prosperity as described in the final chapter to replace their car. Read their question below, and then see how I answered them. (Names have been changed):
“I re-read Hidden Treasures, finishing it last night with my wife. When we got to the bonus chapter about nature abhorring a vacuum …it asks what is something we own that we don’t like. Well, that would be our car – we still owe close to $6,000.00 on it, but we would love a new suburban. If we paid off the car and gave it away, is that along the lines of this law, or would that be out of line? Also, if we donate the vehicle, we thought it might be best not to give it to a family member, (I don’t want the whole “Oh, look how much money Joe and Susan are showing off” thing.) Anyway, we just wondered what a pro at the laws would recommend? Thanks, Joe and Susan”
My Reply
Creating a vacuum doesn’t always have to mean giving an object away. You can use the “nature abhors a vacuum” principle also by simply giving someone a good deal on it. If you owe money on the car and can sell it to cover your costs, no matter how you get rid of it, you have created the vacuum.
God knows that you need wheels, and making space for a more reliable set would be the overall objective.
When you are first getting started on applying these principles, allow yourself to be comfortable receiving money that is potentially available to you in exchange for resources you already have.
This is not to say that just giving the car away wouldn’t work; it may be a question of how much experience you’ve had with seeing the principles work, and whether or not your psychology is strong enough to keep your head straight while you wait for the results.
Losing curtains or carpet for a while is inconvenient, but it probably would not cause a panic attack. During the testing period, especially where you may be putting the principle to the test for the first time, would giving up $6000 and a car be too much of a hit on your psychology?
No matter what you decide to give away, there is a period of time where your faith is tested. Make sure you are absolutely clear on why you are giving it away, what you are seeking in its place, and trust your gut to do the right thing to get it.
Giving it away outright could be a powerful exercise of your faith, but based on my own experience in the early days, there’s nothing wrong with testing the principles first on things that didn’t hold as much resale value, like furniture or clothing.
Having tested the principles on less significant needs, we have since exercised the principles on at least two cars, where we sold them quickly, giving the buyer a killer deal. The vacuum law still worked, even without giving it away completely free. We still got the better car that we needed.
For example:
I remember a time when one of our cars was a constant thorn in our side. My husband complained about it for a year, until we realized that this was probably a good time to test the principle. Out of fear, we had clung to that car because we didn’t believe we could afford to replace it.
Finally, after studying the principles, we gained the courage to let it go, with no knowledge of what we’d do without it. We made arrangements to sell it CHEAP, just to get rid of it, and it was gone. A scary time!
For a week he had to deal with getting himself to work – 2 1/2 hours each way – while he shopped for a replacement. Talk about inconvenience! I think he hitched rides and then borrowed his brother’s car for a while, but not having his own wheels really got on his nerves, so he found the focus and determination to get the problem solved once and for all.
He had been dissatisfied with his car for a year, but until he burned his bridges, he didn’t need to make something happen. Now, he did, and he was.
After a week, he found the car to match his description on Ebay Motors (believe it or not). He put in his bid and ended up winning the car for $2000 less than TRADE IN value. It was in pristine condition. In fact, the bid ended on a Sunday, and since we had decided long ago that we would avoid business on the Sabbath, we took a leap of faith and let the bid expire. We figured it was either our car or it wasn’t, and that if it wasn’t, there’d be a better one to come along anyway.
The next day, the seller made contact with us and asked if we still wanted it, even though the auction was over. We agreed, hopped on a plane to Georgia to pick it up, and drove it home together. I was able to do a workshop while I was there, so the trip became a write-off, too!
This whole experience forced us to think outside of the box on ALL fronts. How insane is it to buy a car on the internet, sight unseen? With the cost of airfare, babysitter fees, and a couple of hotel costs on the way, we were still ahead by taking advantage of this situation. He got exactly what he asked for, and we had a great time watching it all come together. How fun it can be to allow things to come into your life, and what a bonding experience it was to take that road trip home together!
So, to sum up, Joe and Mary, you don’t have to donate the car to still see the “vacuum” law of prosperity work. Give someone a good deal, and be absolutely specific in knowing what YOU want. You’ll find the way.
As Wallace Wattles taught, “…in so far as your business consists in dealing with other men, …the key-thought of all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of increase… You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get increase for themselves.”
WARNING: Do not apply this Vacuum Law without understanding it completely first! To get the whole explanation, read the FREE ebook: Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters. Originally published September 20, 2006.
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One Response
I wasn’t familiar with this law — and don’t know if this technically “fits” — but we were just forced into this, this week. lol We’ve been driving the same car for 14 years. It was already 10 years old when we bought it, so I’m sure you can imagine the work it’s needed done to it, etc., but there was always that question: if we stop putting money into it to keep it running, will we have ANY way of getting where we need to go. My husband had done some looking around, and there was nothing available at nearly a price we could afford.
And then this weekend our van bit the dust. We already have a new (to us) one in the works (just have to work out payment details) that, I kid you not, just went up for sale right across the street from hubby’s carpool.