Meet Daniel Adams, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate:
Daniel has been on quite a journey. In his words:
For 10 years of marriage I’ve pursued some different jobs here and there, and I’ve basically floated wondering what the secret to prosperity is. I’ve mimicked all sorts of people and strategies, and when I read that line [in Jackrabbit Factor] about Harold Ashway barking like a dog, I cried pretty hard, because 10 years is a long time to do that.
It is amazing to experience different thinking, and original ideas, and actually plant them. I love how sequential and thorough this [Mindset Mastery] course is, I love how it builds on everything I’ve done up this point…
I love how this course fits so closely with the instincts and principles I’ve learned in church and in life. It resonates. And it’s working.
Daniel currently works as a relationship coach strengthening families, awakening creativity, and inspiring people to step into the fullness of their Creator-ship.
From struggling to achieve his goals, to doubling his income:
November 27, 2018
I made a goal statement to double our family’s income starting in October so we could build the kingdom of God, liberated from the scarcity we were vibrating.
[What happened?] A tour guide company approached me and asked me to take guests on hikes at some pretty cool places at an awesome rate. You guys, I ❤️ this game!! The RESULTS from this course have been AMAZING!
And yes, the income doubled. What a fun way to do it! 💖💖💖
But BEFORE Daniel was ready to double his income, he needed to first practice the principles in Phase 1 on a smaller goal, an important step for gaining the confidence needed for bigger goals.
Here was his smaller goal, in his words:
July 1, 2018
I made a grocery list with the ingredients for fajitas on it, and lettuce, and Greek yogurt, and chips, and mango salsa 💃🏻. We had chosen to budget funds elsewhere, so we hadn’t really been buying real food, for like, some months. So I was pretty excited about testing [my Phase 1 goal on] this grocery list.
I pulled my wife into the living room and we looked at our kitchen, and holding hands we envisioned our cupboards full and the fridge full with all the yumminess on our list. We tasted it, felt the coolness and sweetness of it, heard the crunch of bell peppers and felt the juice in our mouths. She had fun ideas that I hadn’t thought of.
And then I submitted the list over our counter to The Master Chef I was envisioning—I heard we have to put in our own orders.
Two days later I was building a shed on a mountain property and I opened the cooler someone had brought, and there sat the Black Pepper Turkey I asked for. Later that night my sister-in-law cooked corn on the cob and cut a juicy watermelon, also on our list.
I was pumped! And it gets better.
The week after that, my wife was in charge of running a summer camp for teen girls, and our church’s budget paid for the camp food, which sat in our fridge. It was, of course, a bunch of the stuff on our list, so we thought, “Okay, we’ll be more specific next time about it being ours.” Ha. Bummer it’s in our fridge and headed elsewhere else, but we’re happy to serve.
After the camp, the participants donated ALL of the leftover food, which had pretty much everything else on that grocery list.
That was three weeks ago, and we’re still eating fajitas and yogurt.
The night before it came, I took matters into my own hands and bought some of what was on the list. Those items showed up triple of what I bought. We had a good laugh about relying on our own strength.
With his newfound confidence from successfully achieving his Phase 1 goal, he was ready to apply Rare Faith to accomplishing something bigger.
But it didn’t go the way he hoped.
First attempt at the Phase 2 goal – failed:
He writes:
August 9, 2018
[After] …the Mindset Mastery course showed up miraculously in May, …miracle after miracle kept lining up… money from places we had never expected, rich relationships, and transformational healing events and scholarships to them. SO MUCH to be grateful for!!
So in module 13 I was so pumped to make something really impactful. I’ve always wanted to run seminars and retreats, and now I had all the tools to do it. I went all in. I posted the goal statement all around my house about running a seminar. And I felt it, and I knew it was happening:
I meditated and visualized and sensitized on the specifics: where it was, who was there, programming for guests, how they would feel, how I would feel, the grateful hugs we’d share, content for the workshops, how much to charge, and asked everyday, “What do I do next”?
I went WAY out of my comfort zone making requests and inquiries and building relationships all over the community and the internet.
[What happened?] The spa gave me a discount on space rental without me asking. …Two powerful marketers showed up and offered free, detailed advise about how to fill the event. Various contacts invited me to come to their yoga studios and promo the event. And then people started showing interest!!
His battle with the terror barrier:
[But] then the terror barrier showed up as we used our savings month after month… and many of my music therapy clients moved on… and all of a sudden we needed this retreat to sell (can you feel the lack creeping in), and I fought inside myself: can I really live this life? Who am I to make a difference and live my dreams?
One by one, guests backed out or postponed for one reason or another. Monday was the day the resort asked for a final count and I got to report “ZERO…”
I cried 😢 and… [felt] disappointed…
Ironically, the goal statement did get fulfilled—every word… The goal was that I would “create & facilitate a powerful retreat for 12 women at such and such resort on Aug 8-11”. [But]…facilitate in Spanish and Portuguese means “to make easy”.
There I was at the resort [on the day I set the goal for…] creating and facilitating [making easy] a retreat for women.
The [fact that the] resort was willing to partner on the event, discount both my cost and guest cost even further, take on the marketing, and offer it multiple times a year was pretty miraculous. And it all happened on the day I set the goal—Aug 8. … the agreements with the resort WERE easy… Win-win-win-win-win for anyone involved.
Rad. 😆 and frustrating 😠because I put a lot of energy into getting that goal statement just right, but the appearance is that [it won’t be until] December [that] I’ll be paid for it…
[But] all our learning always counts. Nothing is wasted. And now I get to set some different goals, with complete confidence that this process really works.
…Perhaps the largest shift is the one in myself. I’ve been so worried (I know what that attracts) about how to make money, that I forgot the part about how when you provide more value than you consume, money is a natural flow.
A slice of humble pie:
…to be applying for part time jobs at $12 this week is a pretty awesome slice of humble pie 🥧 [but] because gratitude is needed in every leg of the journey… I really can make impact on the path or off it.
And when you catch multiple rabbits, does it really matter how long it takes?
Randy Mollup’s line about being grateful for sandwiches and watching them get bigger and better brought tears to me, and I realized where I’ve been in conceited mis-alignment. …we’re still safe… a little bruised… and pride wounded. [But] I choose to be on the “plus side” of the stickman.
So Daniel regrouped, doubled his income, and then re-set the dream goal to put on a successful retreat. In his words:
January 27, 2019
I made a goal to create retreats for women around Identity. It’s been in the hopper since June 2018. My mind told me so many times:
“You need an email list first.” “You need an instagram following first.” “You need a big name speaker.” “You need different/better credentials behind your name.” “You need blog content.” “Women should be leading women, you have no place here.” “Who will come to the first retreat you offer, what do you even have to offer?”
I made an offering in August that ZERO people signed up for, and that hurt. I felt failure and I disconnected from the goal.
Until Leslie challenged me to keep going.
So I kept going. And I told my mind to be kind…a lot.
And I said my goal statement…a lot.
And was open to a lot of pivots along the way.
And I FELT my vibration change.
There were lots of time I felt like quitting, and lots of times it felt bleak, lots of time things got a little wild between Tina and I, and each time I got to pivot, and re-align, re-commit and state my goal statement and really feel it. The event itself underwent quite the transition and finally ended up as:
“Women’s Weekend: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Powerful”
…which featured music experientials, guided meditations, visual art experientials, Tina lecturing on perfectionism, individual coaching sessions, and vision board creation:
And I’m really proud of what I made!
And proud of all the resources that came together for my ‘Why’
And proud of the impact this event had on the participants lives, and in their homes, and in their communities, and in the Kingdom (and Queendom 👸 of God)
But check out what Daniel concluded:
…I thought I would somehow like myself more if I met my goal. Nope. Seems like that comes first 💖💕🙏
Daniel’s end-of-course Comments:
I left my job in November 2017 convinced I was ready to create the dream life I wanted: balanced between work and family, with extensive travel, and giving beautiful high vibration service to passionate souls. When this course came to my wife and I … in May 2018 I knew it was impactful, and looking back today the impact runs SOOOOOO much deeper than I realized.
I’m experiencing tears. The joy and hope I felt as I engaged in the material for this course … has been super needed and super valuable. It has impacted my marriage in a huge way…
This course has changed my relationship with God. I don’t see Him as punitive; I see the laws as providing consequence and Him rooting for me to become a master creator!
The applications of law hurt sometimes, and were joyous sometimes, and everywhere in between.
…I had so much anger and sadness and fear come up around ‘not doing it right’, and around failing, around offering something that zero people paid for. …I had never failed so big or so hard. Going to my parents and in-laws for groceries and rent money was the scariest thing I’ve ever done—a far more intense terror barrier than selling the retreat.
I felt lower than I ever had, and listless, and shaken. But every time I read a lesson I felt hope, and during lesson 19 I picked a new goal, to take our monthly income from $1,500 to at least $4,000.
People [began] approaching me asking for services in my zone of genius, a super successful mentor offered me a free and powerful sales training, and I’ve been practicing it with a guitar coaching idea I had, with 100% conversion so far. I’ve created new contracts all over my area and It’s blowing me away how quickly this new goal is manifesting. I [was able] to come back to the retreat idea, and I’m gaining more and more confidence creating goal statements that get me exactly what I want…
The structure of this course has been so good for me. Hearing Leslie’s stories of success, failure, and pivoting have been so meaningful to me. Sometimes the time just isn’t right, so reload and come back to it!
This [Mindset Mastery] course has provided SO much VALUE. It’s the first time I’ve felt my dreams were really feasible and possible. The course is so concrete. I’m a completely different person than I was in May, excited to serve and provide value to others!! Thank you Mindset Mastery!!
What’s YOUR story going to be?
I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
Our next GUIDED session is coming up! Click to learn more about the GUIDED version.
The Mindset Mastery Program is not to be confused with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.
The Fundamentals Ecourse provides an introductory exploration into the principles that govern success for effective goal setting. It also fills the gaps to give you a basic but complete understanding of the principles, so that you have a solid foundation on which to develop true mastery.
By contrast, the Mastery Program is focused on the *implementation* of those principles and the *achievement* of your goals. It is full of interesting assignments that take you step-by-step through two experimental goals, challenging your thought processes, helping you experience success, and setting up a pattern in your thinking that you will be able to utilize over and over for effectiveness with all of your future goals. I hope you’ll join me in one of these programs, to help you take your understanding and success to the next level in ALL the different areas of your life. Learn more HERE.
- The way OUT - March 6, 2025
- Small Goals, Big Transformations - March 6, 2025
- Overcoming Deep-Seated Beliefs - February 10, 2025