Finding the money you need begins with believing that it does in fact exist for you.
So, the Universe is abundant, huh? Full of opportunities for prosperity, is it? Well, if that is true…
Have you ever wondered where all the money is hiding?
The only thing keeping us from a bucket load of money is our own resistance to creativity, a God-given attribute that often gets squelched in our childhood by well-meaning adults who needed us to conform for one reason or another. Conformity is absolutely imperative, IF what we conform to is Universal Law. The problem is, most adults aren’t aware of these Universal Laws, otherwise known as Principles of Prosperity, so there may be some unlearning we have to do.
Truly, creativity IS still a part of us, and just needs to be revived.
When faced with the question: ‘Where will the money come from?’
Your new answer must always be: ‘Wherever it is now.’
It exists, and it’s coming your way when you live by the 7 laws.
According to Wallace Wattles, we should aspire to make a living doing something we love. Part of the psychology behind that comes from the fact that if we feel good, then we will attract more of the prosperity we want. How difficult it can be to feel good doing something you hate… and how hard it is to expect abundance when you’re swimming in misery. But it’s not impossible – it’s the first step.
This shift in consciousness comes through gaining a higher awareness.
You can get inspired by stories of others who have managed to make money doing something unusual. Honestly, there is no limit to the ways you can make money! Here’s a fun example.
Remember, a person does not lack because there is lack… the Universe is absolutely abundant.
Lack of money can be the result when a person violates even just one of the 7 laws of prosperity. Once you understand them, and strive to live in harmony with them, the heavens more readily open up and the blessings can more freely flow.
That doesn’t mean it’s always easy – it just means that the more you learn, the less worried about money you can become.
If you found this article and want to know how our family tripled our income just by learning how to think differently, I invite you to discover the seven laws that govern prosperity. Click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.
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