Another Look at The Golden Rule

By Angi Bair

The Golden Rule says “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”….in other words treat people how you want to be treated. It doesn’t say “if someone is nice to you, be nice back” or “if someone is mean to you, get even”. This rule is about treating everyone and everything with love and respect regardless of how they are treating you. By doing this we reap the rewards or our efforts, but they don’t always come from the place we are focusing the love and kindness.

The Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Nothing happens by chance. It is like a boomerang. What we put out in the universe comes back to us. If we put out love, kindness, and service, that is what we will get in return. If we put out selfishness, pain, and anger into the universe that is what will come back to us. Whatever we put into the universe has to come back to us by the Law of Cause and Effect.

In Wallace Wattles book “The Science of Getting Rich” he says that we need to be more concerned about use value than monetary value. We need to always make sure we are giving more value in the use of goods or services we provide, than the value of the money we receive. By going the extra mile and putting good into the world, that comes back to us.

Part of this process is also the gratitude we have for the things we are given. The more grateful we are, the more we are open to receive more gifts. Oprah Winfrey says “Be thankful for what you have and you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” The boomerang result. The Law of Cause and Effect.

I challenge you for just one week to try to be more kind, show more gratitude, and look for the positive in every situation and you will find that kindness and positivity is returned to you. When you are stuck in a traffic jam, be grateful for the extra time you have to listen to your Audible book.

When you drop the pumpkin pie out of the oven, be thankful you didn’t get burned. When your employee does a good job at something compliment them and thank them for their work. The more you do this the better they will work. If you are an employee, be grateful for your job and the service you provide to others. Treat your boss and customers how you would want to be treated, and in turn you will be happier and you will be treated better.

It may not be reciprocal, meaning exactly who you show kindness and gratitude towards may not be where you receive it. But you will receive it. For example you may stay late to finish a job for your boss and she gives you no credit or appreciation, but on the way home you hit a drive-thru to grab dinner. As you get the window you find out the car in front of you has just paid for your meal. The good things you do will come back to you, by law.

Whatever we want in life wants us. Because of the Law of Cause and Effect when we take a step towards the things we want, these things take a step towards us. If we want a loving relationship then if we take a step in that direction, then it takes a step towards us. If we want more money then take a step in that direction and it takes a step toward us. So buy putting good into the universe we only have to work half as hard to achieve the things we desire.

One of my favorite sayings is “high tides rise all ships”. If I am raising my levels of kindness, gratitude and positive energy then my vibration will rise. Then when I rise, the ships in the harbor rise with me. I don’t have to change other people or expect anyone to do anything to make things better. I just have to be better. It is up to us what we create in our lives. What is it that you want to create?


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Angi Bair
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