Had a great conversation with one of my readers. Thought it would be worth sharing (name has been changed):
“Hi Leslie, thank you for all of you free literature. I do have a question or request. How can I reconcile your teaching (which I do believe is true) with what Jesus says in Matthew 6 of about not being able to serve 2 masters? This is my hangup. Thank you in advance, Becky
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24)
I replied:
“Hi Becky, what is your concern, specifically? Can you explain further? I want to be sure I understand your question before I reply… Leslie”
Her answer:
“Hmmm… Thanks for asking that question. It has caused me to think. What do I really mean? I am on your email list and love seeing them pop up in my email… the one titled “How To Rely On God For A Paycheck” caught my eye. As I began reading the article and before I finished it, I was back on your site downloading your book, Hidden Treasures. This prompted my question again about wealth and the Kingdom of God.
“A little background…
“I was raised in a Christian home and went to church but it wasn’t until I was in my 30’s (money issues) that I began reading the Bible for myself and began a personal relationship with the Lord. I am and have been a stay at home, homeschooling Mom for the past 20 years… Prior to children, I as a gung-ho business woman working for my mother in a small family business that made money but it seemed like we were always struggling…
“Growing up, as the middle child, I was intuitive and sensitive to the goings on in our family and know that money was always a topic or struggle. We certainly were not poor, always had food, clothing and a home. But it seems there was always debt and struggle. I have worked since old enough to do so and enjoy working.
“Now, I do work part time… and have been for over a year. My husband has a nice job and we are not poor, have food and a home but we do watch our pennies, budget like Dave Ramsey, and can’t just go out and buy anything if we wanted…
“So… I want to earn more money to be comfortable now, to buy a beach house and to have money for retirement. I want to give our children an inheritance and want them to not have to struggle. But, what can I do?
“Matthew 6 talks about not laying up for ourselves treasure on earth but in heaven. That we can’t serve two masters. Where my treasure is there is my heart also. I can’t see my heart clearly at this point and don’t know whether I am seeking treasure or the Lord.
“…when I was at this crossroads 7 years ago, I ran across the Jackrabbit Factor online. Ha, I forgot about that. I also purchased Portal To Genius and can totally understand how necessity can be the mother of inspired invention. I journal and will go look for my old journals. Well, if I remember correctly as a result of reading Jackrabbit Factor I did pursue […and got] a dream job for me. With that courage, I further progressed to starting the Respiratory Therapy courses… and [began] your [Mindset Fundamentals] Ecourse…
“[But now I have this concern:] Wealth in this world – is it in opposition to Matthew 6 teaching? … Thanks for listening, Becky”
Before I had a chance to reply, she messaged me again:
“After writing back to you the other day, I have started the [Mindset Fundamendals] Ecourse once again. I did’t get through it completely the first go round. I am rereading the book now and then proceeding from there. Is that what you would suggest? Thank you, Becky”
Here is my reply:
“Hi Becky, thank you for your patience. Yes, I would recommend finishing the Ecourse. But about your question, you said:
“…I can’t see my heart clearly at this point and don’t know whether I am seeking treasure or the Lord.”
“To figure this out, ask yourself WHY you want to earn more money to be comfortable now, to buy a beach house and to have money for retirement. WHY you want to give your children an inheritance and to not have them struggle. Go deeper – think about the reasons you want these things. Is it just for ease and pleasure, or do you see a way that these desires could play a part in building His kingdom?
“Personally, I wanted a big house because I remembered being young and finding the Lord in my quiet times. At the time I dreamed of this luxury for my family, we were in a two-bedroom house with our family of 8, so I imagined having a large house so that my children find the Lord in their own quiet places. I imagined having a place where the extended family could gather for Sunday dinners. I imagined a place where we could open our home to larger crowds and hold meetings that turn hearts to Him. I imagined a place where the teens would want to bring their friends so that we could be a positive influence on them.
“When you get down to the root of where you heart is, then your treasures will be more clearly discerned.”
So what about you? If you knew that you would get exactly what you asked for out of life—nothing more and nothing less, what would be on YOUR list? What things or accomplishments would give you the greatest, most long-lasting satisfaction?
In conclusion, here’s the good news that is sometimes forgotten:
As you choose God to be your only Master, you have this promise: “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
So, the objective is to simply do your part to make sure that you, at least, are not the limiting factor in what God can accomplish in your life.
I’m pretty sure He has even bigger plans for you than you can imagine. Choose Him to be your master, set your goals, make your plans, and look to Him to help you overcome the obstacles along the way.
Have faith, do your part, believe that He wants to bless you, and remain ready to say, “Thy will be done”. Not as a copout for when YOU lose faith, but as a genuine willingness to accept His will even when you’ve practiced unfailing faith.
Related: Human Empowerment, in Perspective
Related: But if Not
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One Response
Right on again! This article caused me to reflect on my intentions for more money. I had to dig a little deeper on some of the areas, but it has brought renewed assurance that the direction I want to go is good. Thank you for sharing.