Meet Cheryll Turner, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate! Cheryll was so committed to internalizing the Laws of Thought, she went through our program twice. The first time was in the regular Mindset Mastery course and the second was in our Guided course. Watching her apply the Laws with determination and humility was inspiring.
Customer Service Stunner
Cheryll introduced herself in our private Facebook group with this story of how she went from hearing a “NO” to getting expedited shipping and free product:
I have been working on a digital photo album this year for my two-year-old granddaughter. I had intended to finish it in time to give it to her for Christmas. I finished the book around Thanksgiving and was set to put my order in but there was a problem that prevented me from completing the order.
I did all I could think to do to figure it out on my own and then contacted customer support twice with no luck. I even asked the second representative if I could just give him my payment information and have him put the order in for me. He told me he couldn’t do that.
December came…and I became very frustrated about the whole thing.
I came to Module 7 on Friday where we were asked to consider a situation that concerned us, stating only the facts and the worst and best outcomes for the situation. This was easy for me since this photo book had been on my mind for weeks!
I went through the process in my mind, completed the module, and proceeded to move on to Module 8. But something kept nagging me to take action! I decided that if I was going to teach these principles, I needed to live them and have some success.
I made a third call to customer service and remained very calm and respectful. The rep was very nice, extremely helpful, and decided after only five minutes that since we couldn’t figure it out, she would put the order through for me after taking my payment information…. She applied the discount code; I qualified for free shipping and got a second book for free because of the hassle! She then upgraded me to expedited shipping at no extra cost and said it would arrive by January 2nd. It arrived just minutes ago!
Do I think that any of this was a coincidence? Do I think that it’s a coincidence that it arrived on the day I am working on Module 12-The Law of Perpetual Transmutation? Believing is seeing….
Thanks for sharing that, Cheryll.
Did you notice that it was during the last phone call, in which Cheryll approached the situation with calmness and respect, that the customer service representative made a choice to help her? I can’t help but assume that the customer service representative felt her goodness, and reached out to match it with expedited shipping and an extra free book. Cheryll’s thoughts are alive and powerful indeed!
The Missing Cake Pan and a Preemie Home in Time for Christmas
In the Mindset Mastery program, students are instructed on the laws and principles that activate unseen help. That unseen help orchestrates resources, connections, and/or impressions that nudge the students toward all they need to realize their goal. In Phase 1, they practice what they’ve learned on an inconsequential goal – something NOT connected to anything they’re intensely concerned about. This helps them experience success without undue stress, to build the mental muscle memory they need to apply what they learn to a goal of greater significance in Phase 2.
Cheryl’s Phase 1 inconsequential goal began with a missing cake pan, but turned into something much more meaningful. Here is the story in her own words:
My son’s birthday is on Thursday and there is a special cake I made each year that was his favorite. Since he’s married this year, his wife said that she would continue the tradition and make the cake for him. The cake requires a bundt pan but I couldn’t find mine and she doesn’t have one. I determined that I must have given the pan away after he left home so the only solution was to purchase another one. There are two thrift stores in town and I figured surely, I would find one at one of them without having to go purchase a new pan.
I have great success with accomplishing small goals almost on a daily basis so I figured I would find a bundt pan at one of the thrift stores this way. After picturing the pan and feeling it in my hands, I used every sense I could to see it in my mind. Then I went to town (literally). The first thrift store had a bundt pan but not the one I had envisioned…. With no luck at either store, I drove out to my sister’s house and got her pan. It didn’t feel right because it wasn’t like I had visualized. Hers was a different color, much heavier, and didn’t feel the same in my hands as the one in my mind. I figured I had found a bundt pan even if it wasn’t like I had visualized or in the way I thought I would.
I took the pan to my daughter-in-law today and she was very grateful. I told her my story and knew she would appreciate it because she and I had both visualized my preemie grand baby (her son) being home for Christmas, which was two weeks before his actual due date, and it happened! She’s a believer. When I got home this evening, I needed to find something in one of the cupboards just outside of my kitchen. When I removed what I was looking for, there in the back corner of the cupboard was the bundt pan I thought I had given away and had gone to two thrift stores to find…
Just like I had imagined it.
I love how Cheryll’s powerful, focused thought led her to exactly what she wanted.
Finding Money for an Expensive Training
For Phase 2 of the program, Cheryll stepped up to a much harder goal. Here she tells the story in her own words:
My true desire has been to go through the steps to become a facilitator and I was setting goals to rank advance in my business to pay for the costs associated with becoming a facilitator…. In order to facilitate, you have to complete the Mindset Mastery Course and graduate with honors as one of the steps. With that in mind, I decided to set my Phase 2 end goal to have the money to enroll in the Guided Mindset Mastery Course…. My goal was to have the money and enroll by the 15th, which is in two days.
As part of my first drafted goal, I decided that I wanted the funds to come from somewhere other than my monthly budget. It occurred to me one day as I read my goal statement that perhaps I needed to tweak it enough that the money wasn’t part of it and that I would say my goal to reflect my desire to be in the course no matter where the money came from. I felt good about that and when the money did come, it was part of my budget that could easily be used in other places but could be used to enroll in the Guided Mindset Mastery if I needed it to be.
Because I was unsure about whether or not I was reaching my goal, I sent an email to Leslie explaining the situation and asking for her input. I received an email letting me know that she was out of town until Friday so I figured I would just have to pray about it and go through the steps she teaches. I could either use the money that was budgeted for something else or I could wait for the money to come from some unknown source. Either way, I was determined to be enrolled in the course and reach my goal.
Later…I received a phone call from Cari, Leslie’s assistant. I was so pleasantly surprised! After discussing my dilemma for a couple of minutes, she said she felt like I had reached my goal because I had the money and I was ready to enroll in the Guided Mindset Mastery Course but then she surprised me again when she said she didn’t think I needed to. She said that to become a facilitator, you do need to go through the Mindset Mastery Course, but since I was already taking the online course, I shouldn’t need to take the Guided course unless I really wanted to. I wasn’t sure what to think. Could I have possibly reached my goal without actually enrolling in the Guided course?
The wonderful news is that Cheryll decided to go ahead and take the Guided course, even though it was not required. I was beyond thrilled to have her in our course again – her contribution to her fellow students has been valuable. She finished the course with these beautiful thanks:
“[This] course has been such an amazing experience for me and I’ve had to overcome some mental and emotional blocks along the way that have been with me for years. I’m excited to move to the next step in the process of becoming a facilitator!”
A Friend and Money Dilemmas
Cheryll moved right into the Guided Mindset Mastery Course shortly after finishing the regular version. She demonstrated during her Phase 2 goal the power of visualization. Following is the story in her own words:
My phase two goal was to attend Kirk Duncan’s Present Yourself workshop in June 2019.
I was gifted the tickets from a friend of Stephanie Lyons just before Christmas 2018…. This was a miracle in itself, for me!…
Right away I started putting things in order, beginning with my mind and my focus to find someone to take the other ticket…. I wanted to go with someone who was as thrilled about it as I was and who would help keep the energy high as we attended together. I found a friend who was excited to go and we started dreaming and making plans to attend.
I began saving money for food, gas, and a hotel, which was no small matter for me. I continued to visualize and to feel the excitement of attending and the great experience I wanted to have. Two weeks before the workshop, my friend said she wasn’t going to be able to attend…. That news set me back a bit but I continued to believe that I would go and have an amazing time!
I mentioned it to my sister-in-law (who had declined when I asked her the first time) and she hadn’t remembered me asking her. She had been recovering from a work-related injury when I asked her the first time and was on pain medication as well as worrying about what would happen to her financially because of being out of work.
By the time I asked her again, she’d had some time to recover, was not taking pain medication, and was thrilled that I asked her to go! I would have to drive to Nevada to pick her up but I knew that was the experience I had visualized, so I agreed to do it.
Looking back, it seems so effortless almost because of the way it worked out, but it was anything but effortless! The night we got to the hotel it was chilly and raining and I could feel myself getting a head cold. That’s when it occurred to me that I hadn’t completed my goal just because I’d come that far. I began my affirmation as I visualized myself sitting at the workshop listening to Kirk Duncan. The next three days were an overload of information, excitement and amazingness!
Cheryll, thank you for bringing us along your journey of faith and courage. You are truly an inspiration. Finally, thank you for this message you left for our whole Mindset Mastery Facebook group:
How grateful I am for this course and all of you here and for the growth I’ve experienced by being a part of this! Your shares and encouragement of me and others has made a tremendous difference in my life.
Again, congratulations, Cheryll! You’ve done an amazing job!
What’s YOUR story going to be?
I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
The Mindset Mastery Program is not to be confused with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.
The Fundamentals Ecourse provides an introductory exploration into the principles that govern success for effective goal setting. It also fills the gaps to give you a basic but complete understanding of the principles, so that you have a solid foundation on which to develop true mastery.
By contrast, the Mastery Program is focused on the *implementation* of those principles and the *achievement* of your goals. It is full of interesting assignments that take you step-by-step through two experimental goals, challenging your thought processes, helping you experience success, and setting up a pattern in your thinking that you will be able to utilize over and over for effectiveness with all of your future goals. There is a self-paced version, but we also have a GUIDED version if you want to go through the lessons on a weekly basis with an expert guide. Click here to learn more.
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