Meet Lindsey Partridge.
Lindsey joined the Mindset Mastery program years ago, back when it was still called “FTMF” (Family Time & Money Freedom). In 2015 she watched the Visual Aid that Changed Everything, and said:
I’ve watched it twice through: the first time alone, and then again the next day with my husband. I was so moved by the whole “Stickman” concept, and … am so anxious to share what I’ve learned from your lessons with friends and family.
After reading The Jackrabbit Factor, she said:
I LOVE the principles in Jackrabbit Factor. When hearing the concepts at first, it seems so simple, so obvious, and not different than anything you’ve already done. …until you really start understanding what it is about. And how you’ve not actually done this before at all, but actually did things to frustrate your own success.
It’s all presented so simply, that it is easy to understand in terms of money, but also so many other facets of your life. [The information] is definitely worth the time.
By Fall of 2015 she had joined our online community and had some questions about how the principles can have an impact on a person’s mental wellness. She said:
I’m still new to the [Mindset Mastery] experience, though I’ve already felt like it’s transformed my thinking. I am curious though… How does this impact those with severe depression and/or anxiety? In my limited perspective, never having suffered from either, I see it as gold. But I do want to be sensitive to those who do suffer, and gain better understanding how it all works for them. Anyone have any insights they can offer?
The following helpful reply was shared by a fellow student:
I’m not a professional, but have experienced varying degrees and types of depression throughout my life. I’m doing better than ever using these principles! 🙂
My opinion is that it depends on the cause of the depression. If it’s chemical, then the person may need some assistance to get to a place where they feel well enough to manage their thoughts and utilize the principles.
There have been times when I felt too depressed to change my thinking (postpartum depression) and very short term medication combined with proper thinking helped immensely. The medicine was like training wheels or something, off of which its meant to be weaned.
If it’s circumstantial, I think choosing to utilize these principles right away can make a huge difference in how they feel. For example, picturing oneself healthy and happy, and then finding ways to get in the feeling of happiness…perhaps through exercise, music, nature, good self-care, etc. will cause major changes.
There are so many factors to depression…diet, hormones, thinking, chemistry. I feel like with love and sensitivity, anyone can benefit from the information we’re learning. I love how Leslie teaches because I don’t feel as if it’s presented as judgmental or “why did you create that?”, you know?
Pretty soon, she was halfway through the program and ready to report on her mid-term. She said:
I fully recognize that this mid-term was important, and supposed to be an exercise in practicing the principles taught on something small.
It was supposed to be easy. It was not for me.
But not for the reasons I expected.
(For the record, the mid-term is meant to seem hard at first, but it’s designed to shift your view and help you experience how easy the process can really be.)
She continued…
Firstly, I had already seen situations in my life where it was happening. For example, I had wanted to find some great red pants for my son, and couldn’t find what I was looking for online (what I thought would be the ultimate place), and then came to a store one day and happened upon the perfect red pants.
But it was something I could see in hindsight. It wasn’t something I was consciously creating.
So, my belief in the principles, while sure, had not been put into practice as the assignment intended. And as I’m not doing this course to race through, I wanted to really be aware of the process.
But I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to move forward in the course. Knowing I’d only be hurting myself, I didn’t cheat myself of the experience.
“Ok,” I thought to myself, “what insignificant little thing can I create quickly to get this done.” But I was tapped. I couldn’t think of anything. I could think of lots of things I wanted to have happen, but they were more like tasks on my to-do list. The kinds of tasks that were seeming to never get knocked off: organizing the garage, getting that old rocking chair fixed, clearing out my inbox,… the list went on. Was this supposed to be an exercise in accomplishing my to-do list? That didn’t feel right either.
I tried to be creative and make something up, but my heart was never in it. I think I had some hope, but no real belief to make anything happen.
I finally settled on something:
I had a new student I wanted to make room for in my full studio. I thought of a couple of students I could probably shift around. It would be a little tricky, and I couldn’t see the answer right away, but I was sure I could do it. It wasn’t insignificant, but I didn’t have the energy to waste on something “insignificant.” I had too much to do that mattered.
I did my visualization, and started asking all of my students about their schedules and their availability, even those that I was sure I knew their schedules. It was taking more time than I wanted, but it was what it was.
Then one morning, I sat down at the computer, and so wanted to move forward in the course. But I hadn’t found room for the new student yet. I thought of a couple more things that could work: sell the toddler bed (that would take at least a day, of not a few), and knock out some more of my scrapbook.
The scrapbook!
I hadn’t been working on it because the site was not cooperating like it had in the past. It was taking forever! And things weren’t working as they should. I wasn’t sure if it was just the template I’d chosen, or the site going through growing pains with the new changes they’d implemented. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t working well. But I wanted to finish that scrapbook, and I knew I could.
I set a goal for what would happen, and spent a few minutes visualizing it, and feeling grateful for it. I even turned off my monitor to take away the light as I closed my eyes so I could really visualize without distraction.
Once I felt solid in my gratitude, I opened my eyes, and began to work. It was taking a minute for the site to pull up, and doubts started creeping in, but I shut them out, “I choose to believe,” and kept moving forward with the thought and intent that things would work.
And they did.
Exactly as I expected.
I was able to accomplish what I had set forth for that morning. As it was happening, I was so glad. Glad it was working, glad to be getting more of it done, glad that it was also accomplishing my FTMF assignment.
As I worked, I pondered what made it happen:
Did I really with all of my mental faculties cause this website to work as it was intended? Did my two minutes of self-hypnosis really make this happen? I’d worked on this on several different occasions, and this was the first time it had worked appropriately. Was it me that made the difference?
The answer: it didn’t matter. It was working. I was working. I had created reasons for why I wasn’t accomplishing my goal of completing my scrapbook. Legitimate or not, it wasn’t getting done. I’d stopped trying. Until I got myself in a mindset that would make me 1) believe things would start working, and 2) move me into a place where I was doing something about making it happen, both mentally and physically, it didn’t matter if the site was working or not. I wasn’t working.
It is very possible that the site had glitches, that others were experiencing them, and that they got fixed. They may have been fixed a while ago, but I didn’t know because I’d stopped trying. And as long as I had the belief that it was broken, it might as well have been. I was the issue, and this experience helped me realize that.
My focus had shifted on my goals, and time was passing on the others I had created. I hadn’t been thinking about them, so I didn’t create any doubt against them.
And then I got an email from a student telling me of how he needed to cut his hour-long lesson to 30 mins. It was putting a hole in my schedule. I was stunned at first. This was NOT where I saw the solution for my scheduling problem. And yet, here it was. Very clearly. I made this happen. But not because of my creative manipulation of my schedule (as I had planned), but because I believed it would come to pass.
This was my intention meeting me halfway. This was a manifestation of several Laws at play, and me cooperating with them. It was clear: I didn’t make this… and at the same time I did. And all I could feel was gratitude.
Yeah, super glad I didn’t cheat myself of this experience at this point. I needed this now, because the visions I’ve got for the future,… well, they’re much bigger.
Lindsey, I loved this story!!! This was a perfect example of thinking right no matter how things show up… And how you find out how much your chosen thoughts really do have an impact. Kudos for doing such a great job on the midterm!
From there, Lindsey and I became friends and she even provided some remote voice lessons for some of my children. She’s an accomplished musician, with a long, impressive resume (which I’ll include at the bottom), including singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and performing as the youngest female member.
But after a while – we lost contact.
Although, when it comes to our Mindset Mastery participants, this is not unusual. A lot of students spend a little time in our community, learn what they need for the moment and move on, but then circle back when circumstances give them a reason to learn more.
Having not heard from her for a while, I think she was still marinating in the principles because in 2017, her sister Robyn Young was preparing to teach Genius Bootcamp, and she posted:
I’ve learned only a portion of the principles in this course, and they have been life-changing. My whole perspective on what is possible and how we can orchestrate our futures has shifted. Robyn is a fabulous mentor, and I promise you want her to be yours as well.
Do yourself a favor: take the class.
Then in 2018 she decided to read the Portal to Genius ebook – sequel to the Jackrabbit Factor. After that, she stayed under the radar a bit, reading our newsletter to stay plugged in, but that was the last I heard from her until July of 2021, when she rejoined the Mindset Mastery program and started it a second time, six years after her initial enrollment.
Did you know?
The Mindset Mastery program is designed to be taken again and again, any time a student wants to re-experience the challenge and practice the principles on new, next-level goals.
And this is just what Lindsey did.
She didn’t apply for graduation the first time she went through the program, but she did push herself to finish it completely this time. That’s why now we’re thrilled to officially be introducing Lindsey Partridge as a Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate!
As always, whenever someone applies for graduation from the course, I had some questions:
Q. What was your Phase 1 experiment (the inconsequential goal)?
Lindsey wanted to strengthen her confidence in the principles, so she didn’t just submit her original experiment report again, she conducted a brand new experiment:
Early in the lessons, it mentioned the inconsequential goal coming up in Lesson 12, and encouraged us to start. I really wanted practice, and so I set a couple of goals.
The first was to hear “From Now On” from the Greatest Showman one particular day of music streaming. It was a song I’d heard on that particular station before, but wasn’t one that tended to pop up often.
It was only an hour or so into my listening when it came on. It started quietly, and I knew it was coming. I was filled with gratitude and knew that it came on because I was in alignment with that vibration. I was so grateful that it happened so clearly that I started crying. A lot, actually.
I was taken by the lyrics “From now on These eyes will not be blinded by the lights. From now on What’s waited ’til tomorrow starts Tonight, It starts tonight. Let this promise in me start Like an anthem in my heart From now on, From now on.”
It was like the song was serving as my commitment to myself and to God that I would be living in hope and faith exclusively from now on. That I knew it was real, and this was my anthem for the way I’d live my life from now on. I was so grateful to have this experience, and to have it be at the beginning of my Mindset Mastery experience.
I continued casually to set goals here and there. One night, while on a date with my husband (who was taking the course concurrently with me), I decided I wanted to see a purple car that night. I visualized it, was grateful for it, and let it go.
As we drove by a huge parking lot full of cars, I had the impulse to scour the lot for a purple car. But then I stopped myself. ‘No, it’s coming to me. I don’t need to work so hard for this, unless I’m inspired to do so. Relax.’
At dinner, I had the view through a window of all the cars driving by. As each one would come around the corner, I’d watch with anticipation. A couple of times there were cars that were borderline purple–that shade that some call blue and some call purple. I’m one who calls it blue. My husband is one who calls it purple. But it wasn’t the color I visualized, so I was ready to accept it as fulfilled, but still open that something better was coming.
Dinner ended, and no purple car drove by. No big deal, we were still going to a movie. I kept my eyes open, but no purple car. ‘It’s okay,’ I thought. ‘By law, it’s coming.’ And sure enough, as we were watching the movie, there was a purple car on the screen. The correct shade and everything!
It felt awesome to accomplish that goal.
My next goal was to have all green lights on my way home. I set the goal as I began my 15 minute drive through busy traffic. I felt all the things (at least I think I did), but it didn’t happen. In fact, I hit most every light red.
I pondered that one for a bit. By law. God’s laws. I was grateful that my takeaway from the experience wasn’t “What did I do wrong” or “This doesn’t work.” It became fodder for me to discuss with my mom and sister about belief that changes you, partnering with God, and His timing. The green light goal wasn’t accomplished, but I’m grateful for the lessons that came from it, and I let it go.
After not getting the green lights, I really wanted another win with an inconsequential goal. One morning I was going out for a walk, and I decided that I wanted to see someone pick up their dog during my walk. I took a minute to feel grateful and change my vibration to seeing that, and set out on my walk with faith.
I saw lots of dogs, and lots of people with their dogs, but no one picked them up. I realized that when people take their dogs outside, it’s usually to walk them, so they are less likely to pick them up. Hmm. Interesting. Well, more for discussion with my mom and sister, I guess.
But I didn’t let go of the dog. When I’d be out and about, if I saw someone with their dog, I’d linger my eyes on them, just in case. I still wanted to believe that it would happen. Certainly it was only a matter of time. I can wait.
My sister told me that I was making the dog into a consequential goal, and I needed to let go more. She was probably right. Just let it come.
The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized how much power I had over accomplishing this goal. If I really wanted to see a dog picked up, I could go online, and find it immediately. I could ask my friend to pick up her dog. There were any number of things where I could actually make this thing happen.
And, come to think of it, if I had wanted to hear “From Now On,” the quickest way would have been for me to simply ask Alexa to play that instead of the playlist where I’d experienced it before. I began to realize that sometimes we want things done OUR way, and it doesn’t always show up that way. And it doesn’t need to.
And if we have that much power over something, for crying out loud, just do it!
Fast forward to Midterm, and I was debating what my goal would be. I could absolutely use what I already had accomplished. But something in me still wanted to see the dog. I wrote about it, and prayed, asking if I could see a dog picked up today.
During the day, I was thinking about movies that maybe there was a dog in that I could see, and one particular trilogy with a dog came to mind. We had just watched the third movie as a family, but it just sent my mind on a path of thinking about the dog in it. And suddenly I remembered that the dog is picked up in the first movie. And we had even watched the first movie recently.
I HAD seen the dog being picked up, and I didn’t even notice it. I expected it in a certain way, and because it didn’t show up as I expected, I didn’t notice it. I felt so grateful that my prayer was answered, and that the goal was finally accomplished.
I felt so silly about it too because my sister and I had been having conversations about her wanting to see an owl, and for years, she also missed all the owls that presented themselves to her in ways she didn’t expect, so for years she felt like that goal had eluded her. I sent her a Marco Polo to report to her about my own “owl,” and in the course of me talking to her, it occurs to me that my sister has a dog. ‘You could just ask her to pick him up.’ It was the only piece of inspiration I felt about the goal, and even though I felt my goal had been accomplished, I asked my sister if she would pick up her dog for me.
It was a minute before she responded to me. I was listening to music in my kitchen, and what would come on but, “From Now On.”
I smiled because it seemed so fitting for the day. It also reminded me to check my phone to see if my sister had responded. Sure enough, she had. The first thing she did was, in almost a sort of production, she picked up her dog.
I couldn’t help but cry as she was doing it. Here I was listening to my anthem while seeing the dog being picked up. I was so moved. I was so grateful. I learned from this experience that all I needed to do was ask to see it done.
I also don’t think it was an accident that my song was playing when it happened. The message was clear to me:
“I will answer your prayers, all you have to do is ask. I will answer them in greater abundance than you ask. All things are possible with me.”
Indeed they are. Glory to God.
Lindsey, this is such a simple but beautiful example of “thinking right”. I love how you not only checked your thoughts, but were careful to be very intentional about them when things didn’t go exactly the way you thought they should. There are so many lessons in this.
You knew how you wanted to FEEL from accomplishing the goal – you wanted to feel assured that your thoughts had something to do with the outcome. If you’re going to ask your sister to pick up her dog so that your goal could be achieved, what a beautiful tender mercy it was for “your song” to come on in the background.
This is a good reminder to all of us, to focus on the feeling we want to feel, so that we will KNOW without question when we’ve achieved what we set out to do.
Q. What was your Phase 2 goal?
Completing an online photography course.
At first completing the online course felt like it wasn’t a challenging enough goal, and though it felt like the right one. It just didn’t feel like it was something that required rare faith, and more grit.
I had to remind myself that my experience from my midterm taught me that sometimes you are required to do simple, obvious steps to have what you want show up. As I went through the online course, however, the mental battles I found myself having were far greater than I anticipated. There were several times when I felt like I should stop pursuing photography.
Q. What was your experience from assignment/lesson 18? How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
My fear was imposter syndrome about being a photographer. I needed to practice shooting in order to get better. And my kids were reasonably patient as subjects, but I needed different subjects. I needed an actual photo shoot with people who planned on being photographed.
Asking people to sit for me was hard for me. It made me feel incredibly vulnerable and inadequate. But I did it.
I recognize that it will be a process still to overcome those feelings. Keeping myself in a positive mindset about developing my photography skills (which was my thinking truth in spite of appearances) was a constant mental effort. But I deliberately kept turning myself to thoughts of growth when I started to spiral downward.
Q. Did you face a terror barrier during the program?
Yes. The terror barrier was more about me acting against my programming regarding my beliefs about my skills as a photographer. It wasn’t a one-time breakthrough. It’s been a barrier I’ve had to continually act against. Shooting one subject hasn’t suddenly changed my imposter syndrome beliefs. It’s something that still generates fear, and takes conscious thinking to act against.
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing a fear right now?
Choosing to believe is really just that, a choice. It gives me the feeling of control in situations where I feel really out of control. It is the thing I can “do.” That trust is scary. That hope can be scary. But I feel so much better when I choose to have hope than when I look at the facts in front of me, and take my truth from that. It feels a little like delusion, but I’m happier living in that delusion.
So here she was, in January of 2022, seven years after beginning the program for the first time, sharing these final words about her experience:
Excellent course. The way it was structured gave me the opportunity to really look inward, and discover what I could do, and what was holding me back.
I would absolutely recommend this course!
Congratulations, Lindsey! Keep up the great work!!
More about Lindsey:
Lindsey Partridge is a native of Utah. She attended Weber State University where she received her bachelor of arts in Choral Education. Lindsey taught choir at Northridge High School in Layton, Utah for eight years, with a brief stint of teaching at North Layton Jr. High School. At Northridge, she directed six different ensembles, all different kinds of voicings, from beginning to advanced, and worked to develop and build a vocal jazz program at the school. Her choirs were consistently awarded superior ratings at region, state and national festivals.
Lindsey has a love of musical theatre, and has participated actively in shows as a musical director, a producer, and an actor. She did so at the high school, and within the community at various theaters, including Weber State University, Davis Arts Council and Rodger’s Memorial Theater. She has also worked as the director of the Spanish Fork Chorale for three semesters.
One of Lindsey’s passions is vocal jazz, and throughout her career has worked to develop her own skills within the genre, as well as assist others to learn more about it. She is an active clinician for vocal jazz, primarily teaching choirs how to begin using vocal improvisation in their literature, as well as appropriate styling. She had the opportunity of sharing her vocal improv clinic at the UMEA Mid-Winter Conference in 2011 for other music educators throughout the state of Utah. Additionally, she was able to work on the Salt Lake Community College Vocal Jazz Festival, both as a co-host and as a presenter. In September 2013, she, along with singer/composer/educator Emily Merrell, organized and presented the first ACDA Vocal Jazz Workshop at the University of Utah.
Lindsey has also had the unique privilege of serving as a member of the world-renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She did so for eight and a half years, and, for a time, was the youngest female member of the Choir. While serving with the Choir, she had the privilege of working with some of the finest talent in the world.
Lindsey is the mother of four beautiful children, two boys and two girls, and love, love, loves being a wife and mother.
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