Meet Michelle Taylor, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate:
I am so proud of the hard work and faith she exhibited to transform her spiritual and financial life. Michelle focused particularly well on the Laws of Vibration and Gestation to allow these blessings to flow more abundantly.
A Struggle with Anxiety
Michelle came into the program after a long history of anxiety, and suffering from past emotional and mental abuse. She had already been studying the principles as much as she could through our free resources, first through the Jackrabbit Factor, then Hidden Treasures, the Visual Aid that Changed Everything video, and various Podcast episodes. Once she was ready, she signed up for the Guided version of the Mindset Mastery course feeling hopeful and determined. She wrote:
I am wife to a great husband and mom to 8 wonderful kids… I have struggled with anxiety for the last 11 years. I struggle with past emotional and mental abuse that I grew up with, and it is hard to feel confident, but things are changing. I have seen a shift in my life and things are getting better. The anxiety has been due to long term focus on negativity and seeing only negativity in my life, so these principles are helping me to change to a more positive or neutral take on the situations…. I look forward to solidifying my faith and pursuing all God has for me in my life. Abundance thinking!
Putting the Laws to the Test
In Phase 1, students learn and practice the laws on something inconsequential, to build muscle memory around faith, belief, and witnessing its effects directly and intentionally. For Michelle’s phase-one goal, she chose to receive a handwritten letter in the mail expressing appreciation.
Here’s her experience in her words:
I was at the mailbox and realized how long it had been since I received a handwritten letter or note from someone. I decided that I wanted to manifest a handwritten note or letter from someone by the end of April. I noticed some things with my thoughts, how impatient I would get and every time I checked the mail, I would get a little disappointed.
While I didn’t doubt for too long, there were small thoughts every now and again. When we got to the end of lesson 12 and knew I had to try and manifest something inconsequential, I thought that I would change my goal, but I had this nagging feeling that I should stick with it. So, I changed the date, but the goal was the same.
On the 11th of May, I received a package from my mother for Mother’s Day. Mind you I am the oldest of 7 daughters and when my mother does something, especially for Mother’s Day, she would do it for everyone, so in the last 16 years since I have been a mother, this has rarely happened. I was not expecting anything from her this year. In the package I received in the mail, was a frame with a saying and a Mother’s Day book. I was so grateful to receive it and ready to read the book, as I started to gather the packaging that kept the frame from breaking, I noticed an envelope. In this envelope was a handmade card with a handwritten message of love and appreciation from my mother.
I know this was a manifestation of my goal. I have tried to discount it, because it was from my mother, or because it was Mother’s Day, but this is not the norm for my mom, or my family and more often than not, I receive nothing. This was definitely God showing me that these principles work…
I loved how Michelle noticed her thoughts about being impatient. The first step to being able to keep our thoughts right is to notice them. This sounds obvious but so many people are not aware of their own thoughts. Once she noticed her impatient thoughts, Michelle was able to use the principles to have faith that the blessings were indeed still on their way.
Financial challenges, getting off public assistance, and the miracle
During the class, Michelle had some difficult financial challenges. As most of you know, I am no stranger to financial difficulties and how terrifying they can be. I was so impressed with the way she used the laws to confront them and I want to share some pieces of her story. She wrote:
During this course, my husband quit a job to work with his dad and get him ready for retirement, since he was struggling to work outside the home. We took a much smaller paycheck in order to not overburden my father in law financially. We were off of government assistance during this time as well, as we felt led to create a vacuum in that way and trust that we would be provided for.
There was so much fear. We were hoping to also use this time to find my husband a job that wouldn’t be so hard on his back as he had had back surgery a couple of years ago. We knew he could go back to his previous job if need be, but we really didn’t want him driving trucks. We thought it would be difficult to find an office job, for the wage he was making driving trucks and delivering propane in our area. So, as we did this we trusted and tried to stay in the mindset of these principles.
We were able to cover food costs, pay all our bills, and have enough for date nights. This was incredible as we didn’t think there was any way we could do this. Of course, I should mention he was delivering pizzas in the evening a few nights a week. It got to a point where all of this extra work was weighing on him.
I set the intention that we could increase our income some way, so that he did not have to do the extra job. Within a week, my father in law stated that he found some extra money and would be able to increase his wage. This was such a relief and it was even better that it didn’t strain my father in law’s income.
A couple of weeks ago, the company my husband was driving trucks for, asked my husband if he would be the head of routing for the trucks, which is an office job, and they are paying him the same rate he made as a driver. What a miracle, because shortly after that, my father in law said that he realized he had a bill to pay worth ten thousand dollars and was relieved that my husband had found employment so soon, since he would not be able to pay my husband anymore.
We didn’t have to worry, stress, or try to control the situation. God knew what we needed, because we had set the intention and he moved everything perfectly. This course has taught me to trust, let go, and be free from fear. I am so grateful….
Michelle’s beautiful children – a big motivator for learning how to live with Rare Faith:
Probably the thing that stood out to me the most in her story is the fact that her father in law’s raise was only temporary, even though they didn’t know it at the time. But it was enough to bridge the gap until the more permanent solution could show up. Isn’t that merciful?? Things like this happen all the time, because even though the Law of Gestation says each idea seed takes a certain amount of time before it can bear fruit, other blessings can show up to hold things together until then. Our job is to believe until it shows. When we doubt, the seedling can wither.
Overcoming Anxiety
Michelle’s phase-two goal also showed a great amount of faith as she overcame old habits of doubt and anxiety to bless the lives of children:
My phase 2 goal consisted of carrying out a youth workshop for kids 12-18 by June 29th, 2019. I wanted to have at least 10 kids there and I wanted to know that the Lord was guiding and directing the process…. I had several terror barriers which God helped me overcome. First was self-confidence that I could even do a workshop to encourage when I dealt with anxiety, but while praying and moving forward, God showed me that I was the right person for this, because I have dealt with anxiety and am overcoming it.
I felt led to do vision boards and knew I would need to provide materials, but money was really tight. I didn’t think I could move forward, but trusted that God would provide for all our needs, since I felt strongly that I was attempting to do the work of God in this way, and bought the things I needed. With 8 children, one of them being a six-month-old, it was difficult to take the time to write down my plan and I wanted to create a PowerPoint to have something for the kids to look at and keep their interest.
A week before the day my husband was planning on watching kids every evening and make dinner, so that I could get everything ready. He became extremely ill for 5 days. He rarely gets sick. Instead of having his help, I ended up helping him and making sure kids needs were met. Needless to say, I wasn’t able to work on the PowerPoint or my plan for the workshop. I was ready to cancel, since at this point there were only two families going and they were going to support me anyway.
I decided I wasn’t going to judge the experience by which people came and decided that I would give my best effort even if my friends were the only ones to come. I decided to press forward, trusting that the words would be given to me when I needed them. The night before I sat down to write out a simple plan, I had the stories and words that I felt led to share and it went very quickly. I was grateful for the Lord’s help. So, I did only have two families come, but between those two families, I had 10 kids be a part of the workshop, with mine, it was 17 in all. It came out so well that one of my friends has a couple of autistic children and they loved it and wanted to know when I might do another one.
Michelle said that she struggled with the self-confidence that she could accomplish her goal. Then she said, “while praying and moving forward, God showed me I was the right person for this.”
This is the Law of Cause and Effect in action! When we pray and move forward, God is able to steer us in the right direction. After all, he can’t steer a parked car.
Michelle finished her vision board story with a hope and vision that I believe will carry her forward in many areas of her life:
I am so grateful for this experience and look forward to doing more with teaching these principles and encouraging and healing souls…. My big goal is to help heal and help people find hope. This is just the beginning.
Again, congratulations, Michelle! You did an amazing job.
What’s YOUR story going to be?
I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
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One Response
I think your Phase1 goal was one of the sweetest things to hope for. I am so glad you received it. It makes me want to put that goal out there for myself.