As you learn more and more about this “Rare Faith” I talk about, you might be wondering if it’s based in science, or theology. I happen to think it’s got a solid foundation in both, and here’s why. Let me begin with a story:
Two brothers sit beneath a tree after a long journey. One is a quantum physicist, the other a theologian. They are both hungry, and soon the wind blows and the tree sheds an armful of fruit.
The physicist says, “How remarkable it is that my thoughts can cause the wind to blow so that the tree would drop these apples.”
The theologian says, “How wonderful it is that God heard my prayer and blessed us with these apples!”
With confidence, the physicist explains, “But, my dear brother, the apples dropped because of natural law.”
With a knowing smile the theologian replies, “Ah, but the apples dropped at that time because God heard and answered my prayer.”
After bantering back and forth for a time, the two brothers parted ways and were brothers no more, and the Great Unseen Force of the Universe, (with all the names it bears) was sad and preserved the rest of the apples on the tree for creatures bearing softer, purer hearts.
This rare kind of faith that I talk about (sometimes called the Law of Attraction—although a more complete discussion of rare faith includes at least 6 other laws) is an amazing phenomenon, and it has been known to stir up quite a controversy between people who want to know how it works with their belief in God, and those who prefer to explore it’s functions from completely academic or secular sources.
Let me just level the playing field here, so that brothers don’t have to part:
Truth Fits. Period.
If something is true, it will not contradict something else that is true. In the case of the falling apples, both explanations fit the experience, so each man may adhere to his own belief without necessarily negating the other. Nor is either one of them required to adopt the other man’s point of view.
They both have apples and should both be grateful. End of argument.
It reminds me of a story of several blind men who were brought to an elephant, having had no previous experience with one. They each described the elephant, and each had something very different to say. One man after reaching forward and feeling the animal’s side said, “An elephant is like a wall.” Another man holding the elephant’s leg said, “No, this is not like a wall at all, an elephant is like a pillar!” Another blind man who had grasped its tail exclaimed, “No, an elephant is like a rope!” One holding a tusk described it as a spear and the one holding its nose described it as a tree branch.
The men continued in a heated argument, each one absolutely certain that he was right and the others had to be wrong, until a wise man was able to explain that they were all right because the elephant did, in fact, have all of the features described.
Life is like the elephant. There are scientific ways to look at life and there are spiritual ways to look at the same life. We understand life best when we consider ALL possible aspects and see how they can fit together.
I’ve had readers tell me how grateful they are that they have found a place to learn about the law of attraction from a perspective that includes God. Other readers wish I’d do it more, while some wish I’d do it less.
With that in mind, imagine if we were on a field trip to the zoo and the elephant keeper was going to tell us about the elephant. Should we be offended if he neglects to call our attention to the abdomen? Should be be bent out of shape if he talks too much of its head and nose? If he says something about the insides of the elephant, (parts we can’t immediately see or prove) should we reject his whole presentation simply because he included something that required some faith to accept?
No, I think we’d just enjoy the presentation and graciously take the parts that provided answers to our own individual questions, leaving the rest without fuss or fanfare.
You’ll find people who teach the law of attraction in spiritual terms, and you’ll find others who describe it in more scientific terms. Both offer valuable insight that can help all of us improve the quality of our lives.
If religious or spiritual terms offend you, then simply substitute them with terms that fit your frame of reference. Call it Source Energy or Power or the Universe, or whatever keeps you from rejecting good information.
If the lack of spiritual or religious terms makes you nervous, then when you read material from those who use other terms, simply make appropriate substitutions as you go along and continue studying material that helps YOU gather all the useful information about how life works.
If you think about it, it’s simple. We’re all in this together, trying to build a happy life for our families, and we can really learn from one another by building on common ground. In this study of Rare Faith or the Law of Attraction, there is plenty of common ground to build upon.
Personally, I don’t see any contradiction. Together, both explanations have helped me understand life better. I believe God created the Universe and uses natural laws to deliver the goods.
It would be absurd to think that when an apple breaks from a tree, God needs to rush over and push it down. Fortunately, the law of gravity is already in place.
So I thank God for the goods. Others may thank the laws. In my opinion, both God and natural laws played a part, so I have no argument with the scientist.
When we live in harmony with the law of attraction, the “goods” of His creation will naturally find their way to us. By law they will, and we can depend on it. God understands all of the laws perfectly, and provides counsel in holy writings that supports the more secular descriptions of the phenomenon. I also believe he inspires scientists to discover truth about his creation to help us all improve our quality of life. Again, truth fits.
Quantum physics (and the commentaries in layman’s terms) have helped me understand how my thoughts can literally shape my circumstances. Theology has helped me understand who I am and why I’m here on this planet in the first place, and has kept me grounded so that I can use what I’ve learned with wisdom.
A person who has already discovered spiritual, eternal truths would be a fool to discard them upon their discovery of the laws that govern the physical world. And a person who only knows the physical world at its laws would be a fool to disregard the possible spiritual and eternal consequences of their pursuits.
The purpose of my business is to help families prosper through teaching the 7 Laws and how they work, laws that work whether or not a person believes they exist, and whether or not they believe in God.
Gravity pulls an apple to the ground whether or not you believe in the law, and whether or not you believe that a God created it.
When we understand and consciously live in harmony with the laws to build wealth, the prosperity comes just as dependably as the apple falling to the ground when it breaks from the tree.
That the results are dependable does not void the existence of God, nor does giving Him thanks for the resulting prosperity nullify the existence of the laws that delivered it.
For more on the laws that govern prosperity, read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters. Originally published May 7, 2008
- The Rare Faith Book – Part 2 - December 24, 2024
- The Reason – a new twist on the seatbelt story - December 20, 2024
- Trusting in the Master Plan - December 13, 2024
7 Responses
fabulous description. I find I celebrate that truth can be found in many places and in my heart give full credit to GOD as I see that the world has much truth… it is just called something different.
Leslie, I too apreciate your article! I was never offended by “The Secret” for instance and eagerly shared it with many friends. I was suprised to find some who were offended because of credit being given to “the universe” and not to God, etc. For me “Law of Attraction” was simply science discovering and describing faith! I welcomed the added witness to my own faith as well as the clarification of some of the details. By comparrison, science describing and showing through modern technology the amazing stages of a baby in utero takes nothing of the miracle out of it for me. Instead it enhances my amazement and admiration for my Heavenly Father and His works.
Thanks for posting this Leslie! I know a few people who get weirded out with wording like “the universe” and “putting it out there” things like that.. awesome!
My husband told me a story: He was in his late teens and had a lot of questions about himself and about God. He went to his grandmother and asked,”Why are there so many different religions when there is only one God?” His grandmother being the wise lady she is answered,”For the same reason some people drive Chevys, some people like Fords, and some prefer Dodges, they’re all good vehicles, just as long as they get you to where you’re going.” I always smile when I think of this story, I hope you will to.
Thanks for explaining how they fit together. I feel this same way, but have been unable to put it into words! You did such a great job explaining how it all works together!
These were interesting analogies.
The idea that the “Great Unseen Force of the Universe” preserved the rest of the apples for “creatures bearing softer, purer hearts” (perhaps more grateful?) was appealing to me. I believe there is a law of gratitude that is an essential part of the law of the harvest. I saw this aspect in the apple tree analogy.
Additionally, some might argue that the Force was *not* “unseen.” Else why give reference to something, unless there is some evidence of its existence. To assume that one must only use the sense of sight (seen or unseen) to confirm the existence of something is extremely limiting. The deaf “hear” evidence of music by feeling vibrations. The blind “see” people by touching their faces.
Your inclusion of the blind men and the elephant was a good choice to discuss discordant harmony—which is what I see as the main point of the apple tree story. It is worth noting that the men were blind. Consequently, they each only had a piece of the truth. Without the “wise man” they would have parted company in disagreement like the scientist and the theologian. We are not told how many of the blind men “saw” the true nature of the elephant after the wise man enlightened them. We can only assume that they were open and accepting of knowledge that was more complete than theirs.
An analogy that I have used many times is that of shopping at a grocery store. I don’t like Brussels sprouts. But it would be ludicrous to avoid shopping at a store that sells them, just because I don’t like them. Instead, I simply leave them on the shelf and purchase something else. There may come a time when I decide to try them. In the meantime, there is plenty of other food to try. And, there are usually people in the store who have samples of other things for me to try. I can choose to try them, or leave them. What is important is that I have a choice and that there are others who are offering choices.
Sometimes I think people are afraid to share their opinion or offer their point of view. As a result, a path of complete harmony allows people to wander without the benefit of the learning of others.
The scientist and the theologian had different points of view—but they shared them. The blind men also shared their points of view. If each had simply accepted the piece of truth they had and refused to share it, there would have been no discussion. And the wise man may not have seen their confusion and offered the bigger picture.
Pogo cartoonist Walt Kelly related the blind men and the elephant story in one of his comic strips. Pogo stated that “each of the blind men was partly right.” Churchy Lafemme replied, “Yeah, but they were all mostly wrong.”
As you pointed out, the scientist and the theologian, and the blind men, were all correct. They each had a correct point of view. And, they are not required to “adopt the other man’s point of view.”
But without discussion, without the courage to share, how long would it take until they each had a complete picture? The key, I believe, is to be open to learning, not condemning new ideas because they do not fit our personal paradigm. There may be a bigger picture; there may be more to understand. We can always just “leave it on the shelf” for now.
Great explanation, Leslie! Loved it! 🙂