Bob Proctor had a mentor once who called him “the luckiest man in the room”.
But it didn’t make sense, because Bob was WORSE OFF than them all.
His relationships were a mess, he had an addiction, his health was deplorable, and he was broke. But according to his mentor, by the Law of Polarity, he was the luckiest man in the room because he had the greatest opportunity.
So, if things are only a little bit bad, then your opportunity is only a little bit good. But if things are CATASTROPHIC, then the opportunity that is available to you is… EPIC.
Today I want to introduce you to one of the “luckiest” men I know, and show you how he accessed his opportunities when things appeared bad.
When Peter* began the Mindset Mastery program, he said, “My biggest fear was having a dead marriage, a meaningless life, and being unemployed…. I [was] out of work…”
*Names and sensitive details have been changed.
Peter didn’t shortcut the program. He took it seriously, and it was evident that he would give it his full commitment and focus, for as long as it took.
He started by reading The Jackrabbit Factor in January of 2016. He completed Portal to Genius in March of 2016, and started Hidden Treasures in the same month. By November of 2016 he joined Mindset Mastery, and now…
Meet Peter, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate!
The first time I ever heard from Peter, he shared a little bit of what he had been dealing with. I was impressed with his commitment to follow the teachings of Christ, and his openness in telling me about his disabilities:
May 6, 2016
“Thank you, thank you, thank you [for Hidden Treasures]. …I’m a born again Catholic, however God’s truth is Universal and so good. I have suffered the same things you suffered and I have read your ebooks: Jackrabbit and Portal to Genius. I am presently reading Hidden Treasures. I was reading it just now when I felt I inspired to write to you thank you before it became another inspirational thought left to blow away in the wind. The other night I am sure I dreamt about rabbits and that reminded me to think about what you said about rabbits.
“Anyway as I read ‘Hidden Treasures’ it seemed that a lot of the struggles you went through and the revelations you discovered resonated with me. In the last year I went through a severe crisis, however during that crisis God was nurturing me and teaching me to walk in his way and by his truth rather than chase after Mammon. In one period of depression when I was trying to climb the staircase of hope I prayed to God and by coincidence came across your wisdom.After reading your books, many blocks and barriers have started to fall down, I am quite surprised. Despite all this, envy, greed, regret and doubt were still blocking me from accepting God’s truth and leap out in faith to be free.
“…after reading the first few pages of ‘Hidden Treasures’ you helped me realise that all this spiritual stuff and the drastic decisions I have made recently were not all nonsense. Now I am able to make a leap in faith and hopefully forgive myself, for some strange reason I have been considering myself a failure which is weird because no one is a failure in God’s Kingdom, only the actions that they commit can cause failure however with God’s mercy he can make everything right again. Everyday I am now becoming more thankful for all the heartache and trials God has given me so that I seek his kingdom first and am moulded to become what he wants me to be rather that what I want to be. God Bless, I’ll say a prayer for you and your family.” – Peter D.
Peter shared a little more about himself after joining the Mindset Mastery Program, and how he had been inspired directly to practice some of the Mindset Mastery techniques before he knew what they were:
“From childhood I have suffered from anxiety, dyspraxia and other things. How can I phrase this without labelling myself? I have challenges regarding my working memory, therefore I am prone to forgetting on occasions where I am or what I am doing, having memory lapses occasionally about – for example – the way home and losing things on a regular basis.
“When I became a working adult, in order to keep down a job and live independently I had to devise strategies. For example, when I was prone always to losing my keys, wallet and everyday items, it would send me into a panic and I would get disheartened because you have obligations to fulfill. Then I came up with this visualisation technique, or should I say it was heaven sent. I would do the technique as described in the MM course. As a result there was a magical two fold effect: I would either find things, or the right person would come my way to inspire help me, or, I become calmer enabling me to retrace my steps. Maybe, I have been already practising this for over 6 years, it was an evolved process so I cannot remember the start date.
“However these days thanks to studying the course, the effects are more immediate and powerful because I know it is a God-given tool and also because I invest a lot more emotion and gratitude in my visualisation. For double potency, my wife and I pray together. Also since I have this knowledge I am nudged to think of it as a normal process and now I am employing the visualisation technique constantly even for the most minor of things.”
Getting Control of Finances
One of Peter’s main concerns when starting the program was money. He was unemployed, and had lost control of his finances. In his words:
“I had [trouble with] the organisation of paperwork and administrative matters in relation to [my] loans, bank matters, investments, tax and real estate. I dreaded looking at bank statements and seeing my state of affairs of always in the negative, coupled with that remembering or looking at passwords, account numbers and phone numbers, it created an anxiety and therefore a procrastination. There was too much mental and physical clutter, which was preventing me from being proactive on my financial affairs. I always also felt anxious in having to gather information for the accounts or dealing with matters for example like conveyance, mortgage matters, looking or filling in pay slips.
“I took action by updating my current technology and buying an iPhone 7, in my goal statement I wanted to become an ‘Apple Man’. This technology goal has helped me in fulfilling many goals including financial ones. I took computer lessons and with the computer tutor we downloaded apps like Evernote enabling me to sort and capture information all in one place and virtually go paperless. Now I have a better understanding of my finances, I can see the number and can provide financial information at the touch of a button and give accountants, lawyers and mortgage companies and brokers information rapidly. Now looking back I believe it must be due to my wealth affirmation that I religiously shouted out several times a day since almost a year. As a freelancer there are times when I experience heavy financial challenge however I am surprisingly calm. Now I want to emphasise the calmness aspect, this is a great achievement because if it was over one year ago before I started the course I would have spiraled into anxiety and low mood and this would have hindered my pro-activity.”
The Phase 1 Inconsequential Goal
“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matt 7:9-11)
Peter wanted to share a few examples of putting the principles to the test for inconsequential goals. We do this in the course, not for performing party tricks, but expressly for the sole intention of gaining confidence, so that the student can then apply what they learned to goals of meaning and importance.
Example 1 – Missing Glasses
“Recently I paid a lot of money for a new set of glasses, I always believe in buying the best and making it last. I have had these set of glasses for two months. They are precious to me. I wanted to put on my glasses and then could not find them, I started to worry, I went everywhere looking for them, an inner voice kept on saying ‘you will find them, they are at the house’ but I had looked everywhere in the house.
“Then my mind went into automatic solution mode – could I manage with the spare pair of glasses? Was it really that important? However I was still disappointed that I had lost such an expensive pair. I decided to leave the matter for the next morning.
“I said a prayer and I also started visualising finding them and being happy that I had found them, of feeling and touching them and enjoying putting them on. The next day I was searching for them, again I retraced my steps and visualised finding them, I thought they would turn up in the coat pocket I had left them in but they didn’t. I was puzzled because God said they were at the house. My wife was a little annoyed because there was an errand to be done and I was looking for my glasses. I told her that we should pray together for the glasses; I told her that whenever we pray together things always get found.
“We said a prayer, I then decided to go about my daily business and the errand that was assigned to me, one minute later as I walked out the door I saw the glasses on the lawn. I picked them up and then I went back into the house and told my wife the good news, then I felt happy as I put my glasses on.”
Example 2 – Anniversary present
“My wife was asking me if I had thought of an anniversary present for her. I insisted that our wedding anniversary is May 19, she insists that it is May 12th. Anyway it was May 10th I had two days to go and I had no idea what to get her and where to get it, I was running out of even more ideas because every month she is always ordering stuff on Amazon for herself. So I did a quick visualisation, half seriously, of having something to give her on the anniversary day. A part of me was thinking, ‘Where am I going to find something in such a short time, how can I order off the internet and get it delivered on time?’
“I forgot about the matter and on the same day, I went to my Dad’s house… He then had lost some papers so I went into the garage to help him find them. While rummaging through the papers I found a willow statue, my wife likes willow statues and would like to build herself a collection and she had not ordered any of them off Amazon, so it would be a unique gift. I asked my Dad if I could have it, it had been a present a patient had given him but he did not want it, he agreed.
“So I gave the present to my wife two days later and she was touched by the thoughtful gesture, the statue happened to be an angel of healing. I have been praying for my wife’s healing for years and especially in these last weeks while doing the course and (visualising pounding down the walls surrounding her heart).”
Example 3 – Missing mobile phone – (this was one of my favorites!)
“I was working at a new school on a contract, the end of term was Friday 5th April. I had been working at that school for two weeks, I am not a permanent member of staff, I am doing contract work, not many teachers know me. It was the last day of term, I was so happy I could have some well- deserved rest and I was happy because I had been applying the principles of the course. I went to the gym and decided to check if I had any missed calls yet I could not find my phone.
“I looked all over the car and could not find it, so I asked the gym attendant to ring my phone, in case it was on my person but I had forgotten where I had put it – it has happened before- yet I did not hear the phone ring aloud and no one had picked up the phone on the other end. I started to worry. I went home to look for my phone and could not find it then I checked the tracker on my computer and it stated that it was in the school location, which is 43 minutes drive away.
“I decided to ring the school but there was no one at reception. I then rang my agency who said they would try and ring the school but that it would be hard to get hold of people, especially when it was the end of term. I started to feel despondent but at the same time I went into solution mode- should I go back to the school? How would I manage without a phone? Who could I get hold of to help me find my phone? If I bought a new phone could I download that information onto a new phone?
“I then started to visualise finding my phone, feeling it in my hands and touching it and feeling relieved when I found it. I then told my wife to pray with me so that I could find the phone. I went upstairs wondering what to do, then I got the inspiration to tell my wife to ring my mobile again, it was a bit strange, because I tried earlier to ring my phone but it did not work. I obeyed the inspiration.
“To my surprise the school cleaner picked up my phone who happened to be standing next to the religious education teacher who I have never talked to who explained the whole situation to me. My phone had been found in the dustbin (trash can) of the staff toilets. Usually at the end of term teachers eagerly shoot off on the bell at 3pm yet this teacher still happened to be at the school about 100 minutes later and she happened to be standing next to the cleaner.
“Too many coincidences, I arranged to pick the phone up on Monday, when there was usually no school but the building was still open because students were rehearsing for a play, I also decided to take my wife along so we could have a fun day out in the vicinity – an unexpected bonus.”
Phase 1 Goal:
“My biggest fear was having a dead marriage, a meaningless life and being unemployed. Being freelance, I had been out of work for a few months and it was a dead period. It was easier to think the truth about my financial prospect as mentioned earlier, I think when I shout out my wealth affirmations and when I write down my statement of intentions it makes thing easier. With regards to marriage it was a lot more difficult, at one time my in laws were having words with my father and were concerned about their daughter and condition of marriage – I thought they were being unfair in their assessment and one sided and I was very annoyed (they even hinted negatively about my disability) – then I realised I was facing a terror barrier, and so on that realisation I was able to forgive, be understanding, and talk to all parties in more rational, planned fashioned.
“I also envisioned my wife, son and child as being a Holy Family and a family of love as written in my family and marriage statement of intention. There were 3 great signs that God was with us, in the form of unexpected gifts, dreams and paradigm shifts …. With regards to a meaningless and futile life… once I started on the path of reconciliation with my wife… [and wanting to] be an international speaker and giving a ted talk… futility was starting to set in.
“The futility was hard to beat, I then increased the service aspect and helping others aspects of my goals even with statements regarding health. Now when I read my statement of intentions I feel more of a joy, more of a drive and a hope; the development of others is just as important or more important than your own development.
“With regards to the unemployment period, I decided to see the positive in the situation and use the spare time to organise my technological, financial affairs and home to declutter my environment.
“By October I was working for a particular agency getting bits of work. I was also thinking of applying to more agencies, the more agencies, the more work, however it would take a lot of time and in the long run it could be to confusing to be on the books of too many agencies. When one agency, who I initially worked for between September and December 2016, head hunted me, I had avoided them because I thought there pay was too low, I held out and then negotiated a 20% pay rise, something I did not expect to happen, but I had written about it in my statement of intention and I did envision it.
“I went into the meeting well prepared, however I did not have any planned fancy negotiation moves ready. They have also put me on a guaranteed work scheme whereby they guarantee me a certain number of days of work and if they do not provide on those day they pay me anyway.
“The greatest upside was that I changed the focus of my course from improving my financial situation to improving myself and doing a lot of inner work and composed a goal statement that would make me whole and healed…”
What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
- Rejoice! Terror barriers are normal, a great victory and blessing awaits, congratulations for being on the right track …prepare for it.
- Shout out your affirmations and keep reading your statement of intentions with emotion and intensity everyday… back yourself up!
- Do all the homework with great deliberation, do what the course tells you to do even if you feel it does not make sense and you will be prepared to face the terror barrier, if you skip on parts…then things will be a lot more difficult.
- Now as I write this, if I am being honest, I am constantly facing tugs of war in my mind and that is difficult, however it is nothing to be ashamed of, I have just realised – you have not let yourself down, the seed is breaking and the fruit is about to emerge from the soil. Your mind is being prepared. In the tug of war situations I still kept moving and taking action.
If you had difficulty with anxiety or other troubling emotions, how did you overcome them?
“…It’s like when your computer alerts you to a virus and then you realise there are a load of viruses that were previously hidden so you need a thorough clean up… Once you know the names of your enemies you can defeat those enemies that have been sabotaging every area of your life and even leading you to sin. Those enemies were exposed, their names are: guilt, shame, envy, rejection, anger and self hate, and [I have done as you taught in the program] to combat these enemies, whereby I am daily renewed in Christ and am becoming a new creation. Now I can come to God in my weakness without shame and accept his grace.”
Needing to Rent my Property Above Market Value
Following is an example of using the principles to accomplish something that may otherwise seem impossible.
I was STUNNED at his report:
“My phase 2 goal was important and difficult since being financially solvent depended on it. I needed to market and rent out a property at above market value within 3 weeks, as well as find an estate agent who would take on our property at the right fees.I had to do all this over the phone and email, since my property was located in the south in Birmingham, UK and I lived up north. It would be difficult for me to come to Birmingham and take time off when I had work and family commitments. I was already in debt and if there was a void period on property then I would go into deeper debt and I was worried that I may not be able to pay mortgages.
“In April 2017 our tenants had stated that they wanted to vacate our property by the beginning of June 2017. The end of the contract was June 19th 2017.This would give plenty of time to market the property, arrange viewing and have the property rented in time. However by beginning of June, it was a dismal situation there had been one enquiry and no viewings with about 3 weeks to go. Whenever Jack* our letting agent from Portal contacted us he wanted to lower the rental value.
“Only a year earlier Portal had been excited about acquiring our property for letting, due to its design, newness, being in a leafy suburb and being near the centre of Birmingham. We were realistic about the rental value and knew that there would be some drop, after all the UK was facing uncertain times with Brexit, a decline in the property market in Birmingham and we wanting to rent our property at the end of June when it would have been better to rent at the peak time in August.
“In addition during the course of the year our tenants had been demanding and awkward and were claiming that they were not responsible for the repair of the lawn. The lawn had been newly turfed just before they arrived and would cost between £200- £300 to re-turf, now there were patches in the lawn. I had asked the tenants to reseed the lawn and that I would pay for materials and I asked them to clean the house before they leave or I would have to pay an additional £200 for a clean however they would not respond to any of my communications. Furthermore it seemed the letting agent, Jack was taking their side on these matters. Furthermore I was annoyed, we had hoped for a rent of £2300, a rent above market value or at least a minimum of £2250, still quite high, which I believe it was now being advertised for, and now the letting agent was talking about renting the property at £2100 which although in market range would affect us in meeting other financial commitments. I did not feel he was trying hard enough. On top of that if we had a void period we would be in an even more desperate situation. Since I had interviewed so many estate agents in the previous year I knew that they would tackle the situation the same way as Portal, they were not willing to hustle, and In my view most gave the standard talk, I didn’t see a drive or excitement in most of them. I did contact another estate agency called Fox* that year who seemed quite accommodating however to take on a new agency, negotiate fees and find a new tenant seemed too much work and would result in missing the deadline to rent the property.
“I was annoyed and then remembered to keep calm and started to apply the tools of the course stubbornly visualising that I would be able to rent the property for £2300. After doing this I realised I could contact the previous letting agent of the same company, Portal, who hustled her way out of 8 letting agents to get our business and provide us with favourable terms as well as getting a rent of £2400 in 2016. She had always been excited about our property, a savvy saleswoman. I was a little hesitant in contacting Taylor* because although Taylor was a maverick and well connected, she could be unreliable, a bit scatty and not up to date with paperwork; however my wife trusted her and I remembered what my family had taught me: to always to be gracious and patient in business. I had heard she had left Portal and joined another estate agency Gateway*, so I tracked her down. Taylor was delighted to hear from me and had told me she had not kept in contact because she was not allowed to take clients with her to the start up she had joined.
“Immediately I joined her estate agency and did all the paperwork within 2 days allowing her to get into action. I told Taylor that she had an impossible task ahead of her:
- It would be difficult to get into our house to get photos for marketing or to arrange viewings since we were on difficult terms with the tenants. Furthermore even though the tenants still had remaining time on their tenancy contract they had moved out of my property, making it more difficult to arrange viewings.
- The letting agent, Portal that I had been with previously had lost the spare set of keys of the particular property however they actually claimed they had never even received the keys.
- There was only 3 weeks to go before the tenancy contract ran out.
- The tenants I had were not being cooperative, they were not responding to emails, texts or phone calls.
- This new letting agent said, “Do not worry leave it to me, not a problem, I ‘ll get your property rented.” She reassured us that there would be no void period and that our property would be rented as soon as the other contract ended on 19th June. I felt reassured however I was doubtful and would have forgiven the agent if she been unable to let the property on time and if we had had 2 or 3 weeks void time, looking from a gracious point of view, even though it would cause myself financial strain. Furthermore Taylor could exaggerate at times. It was then that I decided to write my statement of intention. I wanted the following:
a) The house to be left in pristine condition.
b) For all fixtures and fittings to be put in place.
c) For the house to “shine like a show room house with a tidy well turfed lawn.”
d) For the previous tenants “to check out in peace and for the new tenants to check in in harmony.”
e) I wanted the least fuss and no void period.
“I basically wanted all parties to win and I did pray for my awkward tenants that also everything would work out well for them. Now all of the above was a big ask, however I decided to apply the rules of the course to the letter and believe! I wrote my statement of intention and then recorded it. Every day along with my wealth affirmation, I listened to the affirmation and shouted it out in total 77 times in the week. I got excited and enthusiastic which did dispel doubts that did arise, I did not know how the house could be rented in such a short time and if it didn’t get rented how I would meet financial obligations, I did not ponder these issues.
“At one time there was some interest in the house however no viewings, then there was another false lead and for some days I did not hear from my agent, Taylor. The deadline for the house being rented was fast approaching. Then I got a phone call on June 19th 2017, the date of when the previous tenancy agreement finished, my agent had found a tenant I felt such relief, however she would not confirm about the agreed price, I told her that we needed her to get the agreed price of £2300, even though it was above market value, and only as a last resort would drop it £2250. Taylor reassured us that she was really confident of getting £2300, I wondered if she was exaggerating. There were phone calls back and forth to negotiate the rent however I stuck to £2300 and was worried that the tenant she had found would back out. Then my agent made another phone call while was I at work and luckily while I was on break in between teaching. She wanted me to make an instant decision, I had asked if I could consult my wife however Taylor told me to trust her and go along with her, that decisions had to be made and ‘strike while the iron was hot’, or I imagine I would lose the tenant. Incidentally the tenant had unable to buy a house, I think a deal had fallen through so he wanted to live somewhere comfortable and urgently.
“The new tenant wanted the house however at a price of £2250 a month. She told me a whole load of information that when I discussed with my wife later on in the evening it made sense.
“Even though the rent was £50 less a month than what we were expecting, we were being compensated in other ways.
a) The new tenant was a building contractor and had a cleaning business so he was prepared to do any repairs or give the house a professional clean for free. That is saving of over £200.
b) The new tenant asked permission to repaint all the walls in the house for free. I would have had to have repainted the house probably in 2021 and that would have at least cost me £1000.
c) The letting agent was so happy that we had contacted her that she gave us the property management fee for free and very competitive terms. The property management fee is worth £50 a month. We live far away from this rental property so having the agent fully manage this property and its maintenance for free is a bonus.
d) The new tenant had asked permission to put fitted blinds at his expense all over the property which of course will stay with the property when he leaves. This adds kerb appeal to the property making it more desirable for future tenants.
e) I am sure that when this tenant leaves the property it will be in good condition because he will have his own workmen looking after the property and in the 5 months it has been rented, the tenant has been annoyed only by one thing and that is with the next door neighbour and the estate management company which my letting agent is sorting out.
“So if you add up all the bonuses it looks like my property is being rented out at a rate far above market value, with all these saving, it is the equivalent of renting it out probably at £2400 and also my intention of having the property in ‘pristine condition was fulfilled’ and now that it is painted I am sure it ‘shines like a show room house’, another condition met. As for the lawn it was ‘well turfed’ in fact the lawn was thriving and was in much better condition than when my wife and I had lived there, they had also left the house clean, although not to a professional standard which did not matter since the new tenant had his own team of cleaners.
“As for dealing with the old tenants, Taylor acted as a go between for free, even though it was not part of her job remit, it was Portal’s responsibility, so communication was resumed. There was an issue over the deposit, some items from the inventory were missing, an expensive curtain hadn’t been put up, I also wanted to be compensated for costs they had incurred indirectly during the year. The letting agent persuaded us to let go of small matters and look at the bigger picture, it was more or a concern for my wife, however she was persuaded to let go also. I was pleased with the letting agent for acting fairly, we were reminded that the tenants had always paid their rent on time and had left the premises in a good state. We decided to let go and gave the deposit back immediately, the tenants weren’t so bad after all, and they left the premises in peace. The new tenant was able to move in without any fuss the following week after all checks had been done. There was no void period.
Other goals set during the Program
a) I wanted to be lean taut and muscular to be light on my feet and an energetic bouncy ball.
b) I aimed to give 6 speeches at toastmasters.
c) I wanted to stabilise my finances.
d) I wanted to create more of a family atmosphere.
e) I wanted to tidy up the new home and declutter. I was wondering how I could do this and approach my wife on this matter.
Goals fulfilled
a) I found a flier advertising boxing lessons. I would get 30 hours of free boxing lessons and in return I would raise money for charity. Boxing teaches you to be light on your feet. Coincidentally all this happened after I had just finished reading the biography of Muhammad Ali. So far I have raised £800 in over 3 weeks and have set myself a target to raise £1000 by December 6th 2017. I have also lost 4kg in weight since August 2016. To date I have done one month of boxing and the coach is pleased with my progress considering I have dyspraxia and I have nagging tendonitis.
b) By October 2017 I had delivered 4 speeches at Toastmasters however because I was boxing I could not continue. However I would have delivered two speeches by the end of November because I would have given talks to my local catholic associations to raise money for charity. The first talk to this association fell flat, however I was unperturbed, generally the speeches I have delivered have been a success. Furthermore in October, I won 3rd place in the regional division for toastmasters table topics, this was only after almost a year of joining.
c) On one property I had increased the rent by 3.5% on another property, I had occupied my other property without void property and had a good rental agreement, as I have just mentioned. An agency got hold of me and insisted that I leave other agencies and join them, I negotiated a 20% pay rise and am on a guaranteed work scheme. As mentioned previously I have technological systems that improve my efficiency and I am on the way to stabilising my finances having got a guaranteed work scheme and I am a lot more in control of my finances.
d) I had a statement of intention to create a holy family, my wife started buying statues depicting a loving family and later a statue of holy family shortly after I had made the intention without any of my prompting, she did not know I had made this statement. She was also surprised how I responded to her in moments of arguments, she told me that I had changed and that it must have been due the ‘spiritual nonsense’ that I had been studying ( the mindset mastery course). She also said that while she was dozing off and my while my baby son was asleep on her chest she heard a voice telling her to forgive every hurt( not a ‘particle of sand’ of unforgiveness should remain), that together we should create a harmonious family and be joyful over the miracle of having a son. This had happened just I was driving from work pondering whether there was any hope for our marriage. God is so infinite in his mercy when we sow a seed he will meet us halfway despite our flaws. It also made me realise even more the necessity of doing more inner work on myself. I also now realise that I need to work on communication skills.
e) I had statements of intention regarding decluttering. My wife took the lead in tidying up each room in the house, I did not to even approach her about the matter. I am taking this as a metaphorical sign that we are both letting go of ‘stuff’ so that new blessings can enter our home.
“I hope people have benefited from my posts or any advice I gave because I am certainly grateful to the group for all the help and time they gave. Their kindness, patience and encouragement kept me going.”
My reaction to Peter’s submission
Peter – this is one of the most amazing graduation write ups that I have ever seen. It brought me to tears. I am so happy for you and all of the many, many changes you have created in your life. Your story is INSPIRING! And I am so grateful you took the time to share so much. This is POWERFUL!!
Again, a HUGE congratulations! Completing the course with honors is no small task!!
“Dear Leslie, your reply came at the right time, just like all the facebook posts and all the other emails are answers to my prayers… At the time of receiving your email I was feeling like a failure and was realising that I had a sense of inferiority, another demon that has come out from under the rock – condemnation. However, that is good. I can handle it in a mature way and thanks to your tools, have been handling it, I know there is going to be a breakthrough and the answers to my questions and prayers are always being answered – it’s as though these days the messages are being highlighted in bold and coming at me from all different directions. So you can understand when I go quiet for some time. I can now move forward in confidence with Christ.
“When you aim to change your life and your mindset it is actually torturous and your course has helped me face past problems, current problems, or should I say challenges, because I do not like the word problem – head on. It has gone further and deeper than anything else, it’s been a therapy. As a result I am having paradigm shifts and am discovering the true nature and purpose of Christianity and when I read the bible, the Word, comes even more alive in the context of the laws you have taught me. I look forward to applying the laws so I can help others. Therefore my mind is starting to sing to a different tune more aligned with Christ’s message.
“It is a strange coincidence, 20 years ago to this month I was making good recovery from a severe debilitating injury that had been seen as beyond hope and previous to that for 4 years I had been in a wandering phase and walking through a crisis of faith. I was healed of the injury and it brought me back into the Catholic Church as I acknowledged Christ. Now it seem it is coming full circle, after this course I will enter into the second phase of my life with another healing and hopefully I can become a more effective instrument to God with a grounded, rare kind of faith. Wow. As I have just written this, it has made me aware of another of God’s promises.
“I wish I could find the words to express my gratitude… I have written another proper detailed thank you letter then you will understand the context of what I am saying and the impact the course has had. I will send it later, once it is properly edited. The work that you do is sincere and is God’s work, it is truly blessed you and your team are like disciples. I thank you all for the support you have given me.
“Oh by the way… I did my boxing match on 6th December and enjoyed it, more importantly by God’s grace I have raised at last count over £1100 for charity in a month I am exceeding my target.
“All glory and honour to God,
“May your work continue to prosper. As for me I will still keep doing my journaling and all the other habits you have taught me to grow in Christ.
“God bless,
“Peter, the luckiest man in Christ”
What’s YOUR story going to be? I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
In the Mindset Mastery program, students are instructed on the laws and principles that activate unseen help. That unseen help orchestrates resources, connections, and/or impressions that nudge the students toward all they need to realize their goal. In Phase one, they practice what they’ve learned on an inconsequential goal – something NOT connected to anything they’re intensely concerned about. This helps them experience success without undue stress, to build the mental muscle memory they need to apply what they learn, and to succeed with a goal of greater significance in phase-two.
- The Rare Faith Book – Part 2 - December 24, 2024
- The Reason – a new twist on the seatbelt story - December 20, 2024
- Trusting in the Master Plan - December 13, 2024