Do you have negative memories of the past that won’t leave you alone? If so, you’ll want to read this.
I just returned from an amazing experience and needed to tell you about it. For the last 3 years I’ve heard about a particular seminar… one that was originally recommended to me from a couple of my mentors: Bob Proctor and Camille Kocsis (remember the $10,000 story lady from the epilogue of The Jackrabbit Factor?). Well, I finally decided to attend and honestly feel that I walked out a different person.
The principles taught at the seminar support the material I teach, and add a new dimension to it—which has been mind-blowing. I won’t spend a lot of time unpacking that statement… all I can say is that if you suspect there might be some emotional baggage keeping you from greater progression in life, you may want to keep reading.
Many of you have heard me talk about each of us having a lot of “old programming” in our subconscious mind—(x), and how to replace it, or (x), with a new idea, (y). How would you like to discover exactly what YOUR “x” programs are?
This is the specialty of the hosts of the conference I attended.
If you were to attend their program, you’d get a deeper look at who you are, or where you’re at; what fears, prejudices and conditioning are holding you back… AND how to create NEW programs that will “serve you” better.
Your results in life are a product of your “programs”.
Isn’t it about time to scan your hard drive for viruses? A bad “program” may be keeping you from functioning optimally, and you might not even know it’s in there—that it’s been the culprit of so much distress!
I don’t receive a dime for sending people to the seminar. I even run the risk of losing clients every time I promote it to members of the ThoughtsAlive community. I have nothing to gain by this except the knowledge that some of you may resonate with something as you read this, and feel the need to act on that feeling, to take a step toward some major emotional breakthroughs in your life.
When you find something that helps you, don’t you want to share it with others?
Ironically, I went in feeling pretty good about my life, and with the expectation that I would just learn how to be a little better. What I learned about myself was pretty revealing.
There was pain, exhilaration, anger, love… and watching people all around me experience the same as their lives were transformed forever. Some of us aren’t yet ready to take an honest look at ourselves, but for any of us who ARE… incredible blessings await.
I had no idea that this conference had such a long-standing reputation. I had only heard about it from a few people… as it turns out, this company, PSI Seminars, has been the longest running success program in the United States. Some of the greatest leaders have come out of it including Lee Iacoca, and some of the most masterful gurus are behind it, or involved in supporting it, including Deepak Chopra and Mark Victor Hansen (or so I was told by our instructor that weekend).
In fact, singer Don Henley attended years ago, and it was after an experience with that seminar that he was inspired to go home and write the song ‘Heart of the Matter.’
Do you remember that one? ‘…even if, even if you don’t love me anymore…’
The fascilitators of this conference teach what I teach about working with the subconscious mind, but in a slightly different way. I felt supported in my knowledge of the Universal Laws and developed a more colorful perspective of things that I had previously only had a black and white understanding of.
If you choose to participate, you will be better equipped to learn, and integrate, the principles from ThoughtsAlive, especially if you feel there’s been emotional baggage holding you back– even if it’s an ABSENCE of emotion—which will sabotage your ability to successfully apply what I teach.
The seminar is held in a number of locations all over the world. Mention my referral. Once again, I receive no compensation for referring people. The organization simply tracks the ripple effect on how an individual finds out about their program, and how the program affects their life based on whether they encourage others to attend.
I have to admit that when I walked in on the first day of the event, I thought to myself, ‘…these people are just way too happy…’ and I was skeptical, even with more than a decade of experience as a ‘self-help junkie’.
Then the magic began.
It was a process, but I eventually uncovered some old programming that had been causing me, on a subconscious level, to see and behave in certain ways. I identified exactly why the “program” was there, and what to do about it—if I felt it was no longer serving me. The best part was that conference time wasn’t spent just learning what to do, we were provided with the atmosphere necessary to go ahead and get started with our “re-programming” endeavors while there.
I am committed to helping people find solutions, no matter from where those solutions may come, and this is very cool stuff.
Every opportunity I share serves a different purpose.
There are so many different aspects to life, and the PSI Basic seminar will help you in some ways, while mine will help you in other ways.
Is there something serious holding you back? Get down to the ‘heart of the matter’ and let these guys help you find the power to release even the heaviest baggage so that you CAN move forward unhindered. We have great places to go and amazing things to accomplish… one step at a time!
Learn more about the PSI Basic Seminar
My disclaimer about PSI:
I loved PSI Basic. I went more than once.
There were some things about it that I didn’t like, but what I gained from it far outweighed the parts that bothered me.
What follows is my full and honest product review. The content, and the experientials they walked us through—absolutely amazing. Eye opening. Made you think. Shifted me, deep down. Our trip to Disney World pictured on my Prosper The Family website was a direct result of what I gained at Basic.
Beyond Basic, there are more advanced trainings, which I did not attend. My husband did go on to PSI 7, and my brother-in-law did the Men’s Leadership and Principia. They both gained a lot from those advanced programs. I stopped at Basic for personal reasons.
For one thing, they’ve got a brilliant marketing strategy built into their programs, where if you move on to the advanced trainings, passing the next level includes a requirement (or at least a lot of pressure) to recruit new participants. Brilliant for them, but the way it was executed to me began to feel manipulative.
It might have just been the people I was working with, but that is where and why I stopped. The moment I felt that “my success” at the next level was contingent on and measured by what felt like a compulsory requirement to sell tickets for them, I bowed out. My husband took that step with a less critical and more open mind and used the experience to overcome fears and grow personally. That’s what it was designed for, and he gained a lot from it. But I struggled to see past the perceived ulterior motive and chose not to advance. It was less about the requirement itself and more about the way the representative went about trying to get me to advance.
Another reason I stopped was because I took my teen son back for Basic, but during that session, the instructor was so foul-mouthed that I complained to him on a break. His defense was that he was just trying to get down to the level of the teens, because they hear that stuff all the time, he said. I was angry because my son did NOT hear it all the time, and it was unnecessary to attempt to relate to him that way. In fact, it was a very negative distraction from the amazing content. My son wrote a letter to the directors explaining the same, and eventually received an apology.
So, all that said, I still recommend the Basic seminar. Even 10 years later, I would still recommend it. But those are my disclaimers.
If Basic is out of reach for you financially, consider joining me for my Genius Bootcamp. It’s cheaper, you won’t be required to recruit participants, and I (and my facilitators) don’t swear.
So, there you go. 🙂
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