Public Speaking and The Law of Polarity

By Dr. James B. Chase Jr. EdD

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite: hot/cold, high/low, light/dark, and good/bad.

Let’s consider the two extremes of hot and cold – hot at one end of the spectrum and cold at the other. This means that anything that is in between these two extremes is considered a different degree of hot or cold, depending on which end to which you’re nearest. The same is true with high and low. High is one end and low is the other end. Anything in between is a varying degree of high or low.

None of us like to make mistakes because we may get “corrected” by someone. But in light of the Law of Relativity, the person only critiques based on their perspective.

When you first begin to speak in public you are going to have some failures. The key is to learn from them. Just because there were some things that didn’t go so well in your speech doesn’t mean it was a total failure (the one end of the spectrum). Simply learn from the things that didn’t work. Ask yourself how you can make it work better the next time. By doing this, you will find yourself working your way toward the success side of the spectrum.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said: “I believe anyone can conquer fear by doing the thing he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him.” I can attest to that. I went from feeling fear, to being able to control that fear in time. You can too!


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Dr. James B. Chase, Jr., EdD
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