Public Speaking and The Law of Rhythm

By James Chase

As we go through life we all have highs and lows. We have our good days and our bad days. We have successes and we have failures.

This is what the Law of Rhythm is and teaches us. We see this in nature where the ocean has high tides and low tides. The sun rises in the morning and it sets in the evening. Within ourselves we have good times and we have bad times intellectually, emotionally and physically.

This of all the laws is best explained by using some of the other laws:

When we look at the Rhythm of good and bad, we are witnessing one aspect of the Law of Polarity, in that a situation is only good or bad in how we relate to it. Because everything in moves in cycles of change, the Law of Perpetual Transmutation is also in play.

At the core of our experience is the Law of Vibration where we attract what we think about – both good and bad. So when we are on a downswing we can think about and know an upswing is coming.

I know this may seem vague or confusing, but understanding the laws has allowed me to help others. I have coached students in public speaking through bad times where they feared getting up in front of an audience, to where they gave a great speech and experienced little or no fear. But to them them make the shift, I had to understand, test, and experience the Law of Rhythm myself.

And I did. I had to put the principle to the test and prove that when I gave a bad speech I wished I could forget, by the Law of Rhythm, I could also trust that I had it within me to deliver a speech that would not soon be forgotten.


For more on this topic and a complete breakdown of all the laws and what they mean, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Dr. James B. Chase, Jr., EdD
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