Sedans, Vans and the Law of Vibration

By Tammy Graham

The Law of Vibration states that everything is energy and in a constant state of motion or vibration on a molecular level. We can use this law to get what we want out of life by using our thoughts to put our body in the same vibration (or in tune) with our desires. We act on the feelings that come to us trusting them because we have set out intention, then by action we receive. Whatever we desire or need is around us, we only need to put ourselves on the same frequency as it. We need to be grateful and act as though we already have what we are seeking.

When I was pregnant with my 4th child we had to sell our sedan to buy something larger. I wrote down what I wanted in great detail including how much I would sell our car for. I cleaned the car, removed our belongings and in my mind and heart felt and acted as though the car was no longer mine. A couple of days after putting it up for sale a lady decided she would buy the car.

She came back a week later to purchase it and discovered the moon roof was leaking. My heart sank; the roof had never leaked before. I put the car up for sale again and expected a miracle. Two days later a lady drove 2 hours to my home knowing the moon roof leaked and knowing how much I wanted for the car. She was a contractor and said if all else fails she can caulk the leak. She purchased the car that night and gave me cash for the price I had wanted. What a miracle!

I now had two weeks to buy my van before our road trip. Again, I wrote down a detailed account of what I wanted and how much I would pay; even though to me it seemed impossible. I believed and placed my energy on my desire. The more focus, energy and gratitude one gives to their desire the faster and more potent the signal. It’s like using a magnifying glass to start a fire, it speeding up the process. I found my van two days later and it had everything I had written down, the mileage, price, color, year. There were many others who contacted the van owner before me, but the owner responded to my e-mail first.

When I bought the van I had a bad feeling about the transmission, and I found out why in the summer of 2007 when the transmission went out. The car was 8 years old and had 105,000 miles on it. My heart sank knowing the part and labor would be at least $3,500. I took the van to the dealership and worked with a salesman that I know God placed in my path.

He informed me that the manufacturer extended the warranty on the transmissions to 8 years and 110,000 miles. I was told that my car was 8 years and 3 months old. They would pay for half of it. I was resolved to get it for free, $1,800 was still too much. That salesman called me after hours on his own phone at the risk of losing his job to give me the number of manufacturer headquarters where he used to work. I called; they reviewed my case and covered 100% of the parts and labor on the transmission.

Edward Vernon Rickenbacker said, “I believe that if you think about disaster you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience.”

We need to be, do, and have. Be – get on the right vibration/align our thoughts and act as though. Do – exercise faith and follow promptings (intuition) that will lead us to having the thing which we desire. We can have whatever we want out of this life. Like a memory game, you need to find the match. Energy is going to find your vibrational match and bring it to you in the physical world. Everything is looking for its match.


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Tammy Graham
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