Meet Nancy Newren Blackburn, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate:
Nancy began this journey back in 2010. I’ve been watching her learn and grow for NINE years, and it’s been SO fun to watch her evolution. (The information is powerful, so stick with it! It will pay off!)
Back in 2010, she started out by joining me in the Profitable Author program. From there, she won a ticket in 2011 to Genius Bootcamp, and then returned to Genius Bootcamp again as an alumni in 2013. After her second Bootcamp, she said this:
The first time I attended [2011] I didn’t even know what I wanted to do with my life. The people I met were amazing and very loving: Both the teachers and the attendees. One fabulous older woman upon hearing my plight and struggles with work and feeling that I had no purpose, gave me a book to support me in my journey. They all supported me, and made me feel like I had purpose and that I could discover it, despite how I felt. …So while I didn’t discover my life’s purpose during the weekend, Genius Bootcamp gave me the tools so that during that summer I stumbled upon it. It meant going back to grad school, completely switching fields, and lots of hard work.
That’s why I attended a second time [2013] while I was in the process of applying to grad school and committing myself to this huge step. Genius Bootcamp again to the rescue!
…[During] that bootcamp God told me I could overcome a BIG obstacle …and one of the older gentlemen turned around and said to me with such conviction I knew he knew it, “You can do it Nancy. Don’t you believe otherwise.”
I’d completely given up on going on a mission (I just turned 31 and I had tried to go a couple times since turning 21, but couldn’t for financial reasons), and now I’m going! …I’ve received my mission call to Missouri Independence Mission, English speaking!!
…When I get back… I’ll get a job making video games, get married, and have LOTS OF BABIES!!
There are many miracles and good that I received… from attending Genius Bootcamp, not the least including how it helped me discover my life’s career, it helped me get into the number ONE grad school program for Video Game development in America, become a GamePlay Engineer, AND helped me overcome an addiction.
I have purpose in my life, I’m super cool (making video games gives instant coolness), I make people happy with what I do, I stand as a witness that recovery exists, and I am helping others overcome their addictions and self-doubts on their journey to pursue their dreams!
If you put your heart and soul into it, if you are willing to work, and are open to miracles, then Genius Bootcamp will help you create and receive what you need to fulfill your life’s purpose.
And if that’s not enough to convince you to go to Genius Bootcamp then I’m not sure what will.
But for me at least, It was so-o worth it!
Thanks Leslie for all your encouragement and teachings over the years. Bob Proctor said it takes 5-10 years to really change your life …it wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.
One thing that inspires me about Nancy is how she handles every obstacle that comes her way:
After facing some medical challenges and coming home from her mission on medical release, she signed up for her THIRD Genius Bootcamp [in 2015] to get herself on track to her next goals.
She’s given me permission to share all of these ups and downs with you, in hopes it might help someone else feel encouraged. After her third Bootcamp, she said this:
After my recovery I worked with Mindy Lundgreen, LCSW as a mentor in her Daughters of Light program: a supportive sisterhood in which therapeutic interventions and gospel principles are applied to help women and young women overcome personal adversity, including addictions, by reconnecting with their own personal power, light, and divinity. I [later] transitioned into a personal and family wellness mentor, but I carry the lessons I learned as a mentor in that group to help support my family, friends, and clients.
I rarely think of myself as a recovered addict anymore. I’m just me, trying to be better. I think that it’s important for people to realize that they don’t have to identify as a recovered addict after they’ve recovered. I know several recovered addicts that continue to think of themselves that way, but when Christ forgives us he doesn’t think of us as “formerly” anything. He thinks of us as MADE NEW! For Christ makes all things NEW!
After recovery it is good to continue the support you need, but you don’t have to think of yourself as recovered forever. Just be your best self trying to be better. That’s why I stepped away, for now, from mentoring addicts, I didn’t want to think of myself as “formerly” addicted. I wanted to think of myself, and others, as powerful, strong, light, and divine, the way God thinks of all His children: with love!
It has been a long journey. Ha ha. 🙂 But it’s been worth the journey. I would still be stuck in my little “hell” hole without the principles… thank you!
In June of 2018 she returned to her FOURTH Genius Bootcamp…
…and by September she was engaged at age 34!!
Ready to achieve even more, she decided to start the process of qualifying to become a Genius Bootcamp Facilitator. One of those steps is to complete the Mindset Mastery Program with Honors.
After getting married in March of 2019, she officially achieved Honors status as a Graduate of the Mindset Mastery Program. I’ve come to expect no less than excellence from this exemplary, diligent student of the principles!
NANCY, you’re on FIRE!!
While Genius Bootcamp is an excellent resource for helping you overcome fear, get out of ruts, and for tapping into those genius ideas that help you find and succeed with your passion, Mindset Mastery helps you use Rare Faith on a daily basis to accomplish things beyond your natural control. Together, both programs help you stay fearlessly in forward motion, just as Nancy has demonstrated.
The Mindset Mastery part of her success story all started with just a small and simple goal.
It’s what we do in there—helping you select experiments on which to test the principles, so that you build mental muscle memory to accomplish every goal you desire throughout your life.
Small and simple is a fun and rewarding way to practice living the laws without too much risk.
Even though Nancy already had a LOT of experience with goal achievement from what she learned and applied from her repeated attendance at Genius Bootcamp, Mindset Mastery required a different thought process.
And it’s worthy to note that she didn’t embark in the program with an “I already know all this” mindset—she approached it with eager and humble teachability, and doing so really made a big difference.
Here is Nancy’s first Mindset Mastery experiment, in her own words:
Phase one inconsequential goal: The Lost Favorite Shirt
My Phase one goal was to find a favorite shirt! I had previously looked for this shirt multiple times, so when midterm came around, I thought this was the perfect thing to try out the principles on. When doubt crept in, I thought about it and realized that those first several attempts I hadn’t really applied the principles, so I allowed myself to push those doubts aside and try again. I closed my eyes, calmed myself, and imagined how awesome it would feel to finally find my favorite shirt (after months of it being lost!), and how happy I was to finally have it back, how it felt to wear it again, how grateful I was to God for it. I pictured myself praying to God and thanking Him for helping me to find my favorite long-lost shirt.
I believed I had lost my shirt after laundry day. Supposing that that was the case, I returned again to the laundry room (months later!) and checked all the places I could think of: in, behind, under, etc. It wasn’t there, I wasn’t surprised, but then I remembered that this shirt was a lay-flat-to-dry kind of shirt. There was one main place I always dried these shirts: on the top of our large deep freezer in the basement. I went there and the thought occurred to me that perhaps I had left it there and then someone had opened the deep freezer and my shirt had slipped behind! This had never occurred to me before. I hopped on top of the deep freezer and took a peek behind. There it was, along with my first aid/first responder bag that had been lost FOR YEARS!! I gratefully retrieved the two items. I was grateful to have my shirt back, but I felt ever so much more grateful than I had even imagined when I also found my first responder kit after years of thinking it was gone for good! I almost felt overwhelmed with gratitude. Of course the laws work, they are laws, but I also learned that day that God is incredibly generous. For that I am deeply thankful.
God knew where my shirt and kit were, and He simply waited for me to apply correct principles to show me that He knew where they were, that He was aware I’d be wanting them and willing to search for them. He was aware of me. I’m very grateful for his grace in all the small and simple ways He blesses us with it. My prayer after finding these two things was full of deep gratitude to my Heavenly Father and I felt his love for me.
SO cool, Nancy.
I loved how she calmed herself when doubt crept in. Calming ourselves allows our minds to stay in a good vibration. In this state we’re able to receive the answers we need, which is exactly what happened for her.
With her newfound confidence in herself and the laws, Nancy leapt into phase two with a very ambitious goal. In fact, Nancy was so terrified of this goal, she asked if she could change it. But when you use the laws, terrifying goals become manageable. Aspirations that seemed impossible come within reach. Here Nancy tells how she went from anxiety to achievement:
Phase-two bite-sized goal: From anxiety to achievement
My bite-sized goal was to find clarity around my personal business and get a great domain name. I was so terrified of my goal that I asked Leslie if I could change it!
A few days later I was thinking/panicking/applying the laws of thought to think truth as I brain stormed ways my husband and I could buy a new home (which was the new goal I wanted to focus on). As I struggled to think truth, I began to pray. In that same prayer I asked God what I should be focusing on with my work/business…and the answer came back to focus on my game development. I felt this sense of calm come to me. It’s a dream I’ve been dreaming for a while, I’ve worked in industry, got my Master’s in games, and it’s ultimately what I want to do! I realized after the prayer that I already have a great domain name ( and I know what I want to do next with my business. I’d set this aside for so long because I was too afraid and didn’t even know it!
After the prayer I felt a warm comforting feeling telling me the inspiration I’d received and the decision I’d made was right. I had focus. I had clarity. It was several days later that I realized that the prayer was the achievement of my goal! #TooScaredToEvenKnowWhenThingsAreRightInFrontOfYou!
I love how Nancy said, “as I struggled to think truth, I began to pray.” This is a great example of the Law of Cause and Effect. When you take a step toward your goal—like saying a prayer or trying to think right—it takes a step toward you. Notice that Nancy’s thinking did not have to be perfect. She just had to take that one small step in the right direction. Then it took a huge step toward her.
What an honor it has been to be with Nancy as she begins her amazing journey of accomplishing all of her dreams and goals. She’s done an extraordinary job.
At the conclusion of the program, she left me with this beautiful message:
I’m super excited, and SUPAH SCARED, to pursue this [game development] dream. Thanks to the principles and the steps that Leslie has outlined for us in Mindset Mastery I know how to achieve every goal I put my mind to! And I’m so grateful she pushed me to go after such a scary dream! I wonder if I’d still be wondering what I should focus on! #clarity #grace
Again, congratulations, Nancy! You’ve done an amazing job!
To learn more about Nancy and what she’s up to, visit her websites:
- is where she helps women increase their personal and family wellness to live their best life by having the best of themselves to give to others and themselves, so they can bloom the way God intended.
- is where fun never dies! As a creator of clean, uplifting, and inspiring games, all are welcome explore her website where she posts about games she’s creating, game ideas, and insights on developing video games. Particularly in the future she will be posting about her upcoming Ph.D. research in educational games and upcoming games she’ll be publishing in app stores.
What’s YOUR story going to be?
I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
The Mindset Mastery Program is not to be confused with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.
The Fundamentals Ecourse provides an introductory exploration into the principles that govern success for effective goal setting. It also fills the gaps to give you a basic but complete understanding of the principles, so that you have a solid foundation on which to develop true mastery.
By contrast, the Mastery Program is focused on the *implementation* of those principles and the *achievement* of your goals. It is full of interesting assignments that take you step-by-step through two experimental goals, challenging your thought processes, helping you experience success, and setting up a pattern in your thinking that you will be able to utilize over and over for effectiveness with all of your future goals. There is a self-paced version, but we also have a GUIDED version if you want to go through the lessons on a weekly basis with an expert guide. View options here.
I hope you’ll join me in one of these programs, so I can help you take your understanding and success to the next level in ALL areas of your life!
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