Moving Past Painful Failures

By Heather Gibson

I felt passed over and unseen. I had been consistent and put in many hours of dedicated work however I was being held to standards that put me at a huge disadvantage from my co-worker. Their accounts were larger to begin with but I was being asked to meet the same number goals. 

I applied all the principles of thought and action that I could think of to overcome the disadvantage. I stayed positive through the whole process.

I failed.

Despair, shame, frustration and anger came. How could my boss not see how unfair the situation he had put me in was? I was being asked to do the impossible and then punished when I didn’t achieve it.

How come my efforts were not enough to bring a miracle into my life? What did I do wrong? What more could I have done?

Does this sound familiar? 

At a time like this you can take great comfort in knowing that the Law of Polarity promises you an equal or greater benefit out of this experience. You may not have any idea what that will benefit will look like but you can count on it! Choose to be grateful for the blessings that are on their way as promised.

Gratitude is my favorite healing ointment for spiritual and emotional wounds.

It allows us to use the Law of Relativity more fully by seeming all the good we have around us. By focusing on all the good, the bad feels relatively smaller and easier to move past.

Gratitude also helps us back into a positive frequency (or vibration) of thought. In that frequency you are able to look at the experience with better clarity and find a path forward.

While gratitude is the amazing healer it can’t completely heal the wound if it still has infection inside. It is important to go through the anger, pain, frustration and all the other uncomfortable emotions. 

Invite those negative emotions to a picnic lunch on a blanket. Sit with them. See them. Validate them. They deserve to be heard and explored. They have something to tell you that can help you grow. 

Until you learn to sit with your negative emotions and learn from them your wounds will always fester and cause future pain because they never fully heal.

Lastly, face these situations with integrity and compassion. Remember the Law of Cause and Effect tells us that the way we behave comes back to us in kind. Be honest, speak up for yourself and leave the relationship if needed, but do it in the same way you would want to be treated even if the other person doesn’t “deserve” it.

Painful situations are never something we would choose but there is good in every single one of them. Look for it, hold on, get help. Better times are coming and you are not alone!

PS This article is not written for mental illness. When facing depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts you need to reach out to a professional now. You are not doing anything wrong because you have these feelings and you deserve to feel loved.


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Heather Gibson
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