Cristie Gardner has graduated a SECOND time from the Mindset Mastery Course! After completing it the first time in 2015, Cristie repeated the program again to achieve her next-level goals. I just wanted to offer my congratulations for her accomplishments as a Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate, this time with Distinction.
As usual, I had some questions:
Q. Did you face any terror barriers this time around?
Many times. I seek to face them daily, partly as a result of this course and partly because of my passion for and constant study of God’s laws. My latest terror barrier has resulted in 20 pounds of weight released, which is helping my body to manage leg pain better. I released my fear of how long it would take, how it was keeping me from moving effectively, and I have now stayed with my commitment for more than three months. No desire to change my course.
Q. Did you achieve a Phase 1 Inconsequential Goal?
Yes. And many more since then, because I make the effort to express and experience goals (or specific blessings) daily. I think and feel that God is reaching out to us, willing to give us all we ask, if we ask not amiss, constantly. I feel I would be an ungrateful servant if I did not constantly acknowledge His hand in providing what I ask, and ask for all that I feel is needed to accomplish my goals and righteous desires.
Q. Describe your experience with the “Inconsequential goal”.
I saw a dresser that I thought would be fun to have in my office. I have been doing some redecorating and the dresser would be, I thought, just right. It was for FREE on KSL want ads. But although it had only been up for about 20 minutes, it was gone. So I asked in faith, “this or something better.” The VERY next day, EXACTLY what I wanted showed up on my Facebook page. Although it cost money it had been newly refinished and painted, which saved me time and expense. And it is perfect for what I wanted… It’s exactly the surroundings I needed for creative expression.
Q. How effective were you at facing your fear in Lesson 18 and being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
Since I have been doing this constantly, the biggest roadblock for me has been identifying my fear. Once I can identify it, I am quite effective at facing it and moving forward. I’d rank it at a 4 or 5 (except heights. Still not fond of those and don’t see a purpose for them anyway).
Q. If you had difficulty with anxiety or other troubling emotions, did you find a way to overcome them? Please describe your experience.:
I have incorporated 10 minutes of guided meditation, followed by however long (sometimes just a few minutes, sometimes at least an hour) of very specific prayer each morning. This has relaxed me, centered me, and given me the spiritual strength to ask throughout the day for my needs.
My biggest challenge in accomplishing goals is staying fixed on a particular goal until it is completed. My mind goes everywhere; I see too many places where change needs to take place and how to do it, and I tend to want to do all of it at once. I need to correct the “biggest” because the BIGGEST is my lack of knowledge about how to use the technology I need to get stuff accomplished. Meditation has helped a LOT. And changing my office environment, getting much more centered, and simplifying things are all helping.
Q. Share an experience where you used the laws to accomplish something beyond your natural control:
“My Own Personal LandSpeeder”
In 2003, while working for America West, I suffered some significant injuries to my feet. Those injuries expanded into my calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes as each set of muscles kept trying to protect my injured feet. Over time, many things have helped, but my muscles have atrophied and been damaged to the extent that I have to have a mobility device to go any distance. (I’m not giving up though! I still am working on a full recovery!)
When on a cruise recently in the Caribbean, I used a little electric scooter that (for the most part) did a great job getting me around. The exception was when it stopped while we were swimming with dolphins and a wonderful kind friend (who shall remain nameless unless she chooses to accept the accolades) pushed me AND the scooter all the way back from Cozumel to the cruise ship.
I had looked into buying a scooter, but prices seemed out of reach. The least expensive ones were at least $1000, and I didn’t feel justified spending that. I just “put it out there” that I would love one, but then forgot about it. I planned on renting if and when I went on a cruise again.
Meanwhile, my older sister who has similar leg issues told me about a wonderful scooter she had purchased for $2700.00. She was excited about how convenient it is and wanted me to drive up to her home and give it a try. I wanted to go, but I am super busy building my podcast presence and website, so I hadn’t taken time to go there.
Our two oldest sons and two grandsons decided to go to Disneyland and see the new Star Wars area of the park, and they invited my husband and me. I was so excited! This time I planned on the $150 it would cost to rent a scooter for three days, and felt it would be well worth it to be mobile.
Two weeks before our scheduled trip, I was teaching a lesson in church, and afterward a friend came up to me. “I have two electric scooters,” she said, “and I’d like to give one to you. I don’t know what’s wrong with it, and it might cost more to fix than it’s worth, but if you’d like it, it’s yours.”
We went over to her house after church, and I was stunned. It was the EXACT kind of scooter I had used on the cruise! The next day I drove down to a medical supply company and had them look at it. The only thing wrong with it was the battery was dead. Cost? $150. So for the same $150 I would have had to spend to RENT a scooter at Disneyland, I now have my very own scooter, which, by the way, was referred to as my own LandSpeeder once I drove into Star Wars land. The Resistance wanted me, because I’m a “pilot, which is very useful.” Ha!
Cristie started to lose track of what her Phase 2 Goal originally was, because she kept achieving goals and setting more, hardly looking back. So for reporting purposes with her graduation application, she just picked the most recent one and shared about that. I think it’s great:
Oh here’s one that just happened yesterday…our whole family had planned and saved to go to Africa with my son Nathaniel’s nonprofit, Marafiki Africa, for two weeks this summer. There would have been more than 28 of us in Tanzania. When Covid hit, Stan and I decided to add a deck onto our home instead with the trip expenses. The purpose of the deck is to expand our family space for eating and visiting, and I wanted a huge Dining table for the deck. Everything cost many thousands of dollars but I held on to my thoughts of what I wanted and how I wanted it to look. I found EXACTLY what I wanted, table with chairs for 12, it looks new, and the guy even delivered it all to our house for way below my budget price.
The deck is still a work in progress but it will be incredible when it’s done.
This Mindset Mastery course has had a profound affect for good upon me! I have studied the principles in The Jackrabbit Factor (I read it at least five times!), and Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters (which we loved so much we gave a copy to each of our eight children). But the proof was in the pudding when I applied the principles on a personal level with the requirements in the Mindset Mastery workbook. Breakthrough after breakthrough happened, even with some seemingly insurmountable odds, when I kept going and applying the laws Leslie taught so well. – Cristie Gardner
Well done, Cristie, and congratulations!
To learn more about Cristie and what she’s up to now, visit and listen to her Joy on Purpose Podcast, or find her collection of articles on our Certified Mentors page.
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- Yes MQ and Call - September 13, 2024
- Faith, Goals, and Your “Why” - September 10, 2024
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