Trust your instinct. Listen to it and follow it. You are your own best adviser.
As described in The Jackrabbit Factor and more completely (and extensively) in Portal to Genius, we all have access to that little voice in our heart that nudges us in the right direction to to do exactly what needs to be done, and become all we were meant to become.
Some people call it a gut instinct thing, some people call it an inner voice, some call it the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of God. Whatever you want to call it, it’s there for you, as you strive to live correct principles, and if you listen carefully, patiently, and especially if you’re willing to follow it when it comes.
The more you listen and follow, the more it will show up for you. It can take some practice recognizing it and trusting it, but it’s worth the effort.
If you’re experiencing information overload, it will be difficult to identify the right things to do, because all the “noise” will crowd out your own best adviser: that inner voice.
Need help sifting through all the information you don’t have time for, but which feels too important to put aside? Read my previous post called: Too Much Information?
One leader named Richard G. Scott has taught that those quiet thoughts often come when you are the most still, the most peaceful; so it’s important to keep a notepad and a pen next to your bed – because when the ideas come, they come quickly, quietly, and are just as quickly forgotten if you don’t write them down.
Here’s the story of the missionaries who followed his advice and received a strong impression to prepare, about 2-3 weeks before they experienced the 8.8 earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010:
CLICK HERE to read about the missionaries in the Earthquake
If you’ve ever had an experience where you were glad payed attention to your “gut instinct,” share it below – I’d love to hear about it!
- The Rare Faith Book – Part 2 - December 24, 2024
- The Reason – a new twist on the seatbelt story - December 20, 2024
- Trusting in the Master Plan - December 13, 2024
One Response
On the morning of Jan 16 I believe 1994 California had a earthquake. I was on my way to work that morning and the Lord told me that something bad was going to happen in a remote area of the US. He did not say where when and what but it was going to happen before 12 noon Grand Rapids Mi Est. At 11:00 am on the radio that morning the news was just getting out of the city of LA that an earthquake had occured at 10:30 their time. A halfhour later the news was out on the radio. I remember a co worker named Don I told him earlier that morning 6:00am when we started work. He said oh yeah like what is going to happen? 5 hrs later I came over and asked him remember what I told you this morning? He said yeah so did something happen? I said yeah, he asked like what? is it bad? I told him he looked at me very strangely and stammered out the words how did you know? I told him God told me.