Can you Count on the Laws of Success?

By Renae Pelo

Learning how to use the Laws consciously was a very meaningful experience for me. It increased my confidence in my ability to create what I want. I realize now that I was an “unconscious competent” for most of my life. I created a lot of success, especially with my family, without really knowing how it happened.

On the other hand, I was also an “unconscious incompetent” in many areas. I had created a pretty good income for a while and when the company went under it took my income and confidence with it. I worked hard at being a positive person, but I struggled for years before overcoming depression. I knew there was a way to create what I wanted but I didn’t know how to do it predictably. I felt like I was a victim of chance or luck at times.

I had been studying human potential for fifty years, but in 2006 or so the language changed and the focus became laser sharp. There was a lot of talk in the media about it.

Attraction is what the Law of Vibration creates. It is really based on the fact that everything vibrates and whatever vibration we send out returns to us in like manner. If we send out positive, we get positive back. When we send out negative vibration it is sure to return. We are doing it all of the time. It was important for me to learn how to create what I really wanted according to law, the Law of Vibration. I learned that I could purposefully attract into my life what I wanted by setting a goal and expecting it to come into reality according to the law.

It seemed only appropriate that I experiment by creating a class. I set the date in November 2007. I wanted to start the class right after the first of the year 2008. I was very excited about the goal, which is one of the criteria for success. My only concern was that I didn’t know how I would attract the twenty people I wanted in the class.

I learned from teaching classes by Napoleon Hill on Think And Grow Rich that I could expect my goal to be realized if I set it in a certain way. I wrote my goal down, set a date, fixed the goal in my mind exactly the way I wanted it to take place, visualized it often, created a plan and went to work. I fully expected to attract the people into my class.

I saw myself teaching twenty people in the pleasant basement room of my chiropractor’s office. He had volunteered that room to me some time before that for my use without cost. I attracted that first. Then I created flyers and took them to health food stores and energy therapists offices. I advertised on a radio show and I kept preparing to teach the material. As it got closer to Christmas and I got feedback from people, I began to think I had set the date too soon after Christmas. Should I reconsider the date?

It made me a little uncomfortable to make the change. Should I just stick with it since my goal was firm in the beginning? After pondering the change, it just felt right to move the date back three weeks.

The enrollment began to build. One woman picked up a flyer from her therapist and she enthusiastically enrolled three friends. Another woman came and brought her sister. Two of my close friends and my cousin came. The night I took flyers to the health food store, I thought I was going to a different store, but I made a wrong turn. Just before closing at 9:00 I went in and the owner happened to be there. She signed up and paid me on the spot. Everything was falling into place.

In the end I attracted 16 amazing students, which turned out to be the perfect number for my first class. I was very excited and happy to participate with a room full of eager, paying students and to prove that the Law of Vibration does work. Even though I had no idea how the class would be filled, once I set the goal in a certain way, felt sure it would happen and followed through on the inspiration I received, the people came.

Yes, we can count on the laws of the universe to work for us when we apply them on purpose. It is the law.


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Renae Pelo
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