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Enough Already

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts. Accordingly, you

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Think Think Think

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Cause and Effect states that whatever you send into the Universe comes back to you. Action and reaction are equal

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They Get to Choose

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Gender or Gestation reads: “Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Remember that ideas are spiritual seeds

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Enough Already

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that circumstances and things are perpetually coming or going according to your thoughts. Accordingly, you

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Think Think Think

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Cause and Effect states that whatever you send into the Universe comes back to you. Action and reaction are equal

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They Get to Choose

By Sandra Boyer The Law of Gender or Gestation reads: “Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Remember that ideas are spiritual seeds

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