Meet Jennifer Bourne, no stranger to trauma.
I’m pleased to present Jennifer as a Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate. Congratulations, Jennifer!
“Trauma becomes accepted over time and it actually becomes part of our physical body. (Thus, dis-ease) Since we were never taught, or do not understand how to immediately shift a negative or traumatic experience when it is first recognized (or especially after years of it unknowingly seeping into us), this trauma experience(s) becomes accepted into the very cells of our bodies and becomes physically part of us.” – Jennifer Bourne,
Jennifer joined the Mindset Mastery program and was quick to have some fun with the experiment. Here was one of her first wins:
So this JUST HAPPENED!I ordered this shirt for my son-in-law for Christmas to wear on their trip to Disney World.I ordered it with plenty of time to arrive on Christmas, but it did not. It said it was going to be late and wouldn’t be delivered until sometime the middle of January…. AFTER their tripThen, last week it showed it was due to arrive Wednesday by 9PM.Trouble is, they leave tomorrow morning …early.Well…. when I found out it was going to arrive sooner than the middle of January, I thought to myself “why can’t it just arrive one day earlier?” I saw it done, imagined how I would feel when I saw him wearing it, and rejoicing that it came just in time. YAY!!!….and it came TONIGHT!!!Imagine what you want… see it.It’s powerful!
Then later, as she applied for graduation, I had a few questions:
Q. Did you face a Terror Barrier during the course?
Oh yes! That’s why it’s taken me so long to apply for graduation… I was going through a terror barrier at the time our class ended. I’m so happy to report that I have broken through that terror barrier!
My husband had moved out at that time and was wanting to divorce. I thought that the things we were going through could easily be worked through and suggested many things we could do. We were in the process of doing a program that I truly believed could help but he chose not to do it.
I thought I would literally fall apart if we divorced. We had been separated before, and I didn’t do well at all. But! I have found that on the other side of him leaving and then officially asking for a divorce, I have discovered ways to thrive and feel my Father in Heaven’s love more strongly, guiding me, than I ever have before!
It has been through the awareness Mindset Mastery taught me and of literally applying these tools that it teaches, that have brought me this clarity and peace.
I wrote all the laws and their meanings and their personal meanings for me down on paper. I have read these regularly since and it has helped me to stay focused on believing and choosing to believe even when there was literally no evidence that anything would be ok.
I am proud to say that I am ok. Better than ok.
I know how to connect with God on a level I have never found before, and hear Him better than I ever have before. I know that through Him, I have a very bright future and look forward to continue creating WITH Him!
I’ve got a website coming out soon that will include ways to be whole emotionally, physically, and spiritually. My book: Defining Moments will be included there and many many wonderful ideas that I have been putting together over so many years. But the true change is that I KNOW I am not who I’ve been believing I am because of my circumstances. But instead, realizing I am a strong, capable, wise, daughter of God and have SO MUCH light to shine on others! –and I AM doing this!!!
Q. How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances in assignment/lesson 18?
Holy Cow!!!!! I just re-read what I wrote and it was EXACTLY what happened to me! Some of it hasn’t happened yet, but I KNOW it will.
This is what I wrote:
Divorce is my worst-case scenario. I would have to find somewhere else to live, probably live with kids for a while until I find my own place. I’d need to put stuff in a storage unit, find employment, teaching is a real possibility and Kyani and Joyful Heart Mentoring.
(These things are happening now!–my two daughters and their husbands — I actually now live in my oldest daughters basement apartment with my younger daughter and her husband, in an extra room there with my cat, Toby.)
People who know will be shocked because most people who know us or who have known my husband and I, believe we have a good relationship! BUT – I’d be busy with family, work, and many fulfilling things. I’d be able to find joy in those and meet someone my Father has prepared for me, someone with the utmost integrity, spirituality and happiness to understand and really see the real me. NOT judge me or think they know, but strive for that understanding like Moroni. I’d even be willing to wait until the next life or when Christ returns for that happiness to be fully fulfilled.
(I haven’t met anyone yet of course, but I AM keeping my heart open to what I want in someone and know I will receive that blessing again because I have defined and imagined the characteristics of that person.)
I’d have much less debt to pay off and only be responsible for one car.
(That’s happened)
My family and friends would certainly be there for me. And although I’d feel lonely at times, it would be a calm, spiritual moment of my life.
(Yes, that has, and is happening now!)
Q: If you had difficulty with anxiety or other troubling emotions, how did you overcome them?
I had many troubling emotions but it seems that every lesson coincidentally answered my questions every week! It was simply amazing to me that it helped me so perfectly in my circumstances, whatever they were!
I used a breathing technique called the Wim Hoff method, and as I was doing it, I imagined each of my kids and their spouses and their kids with each breath, loving them and seeing them happy. I imagined “giving” my husband emotionally to my Savior for Him to watch over and help. I also imagined that for myself, and I gave Him my very heart and mind and all that I have that I might know Him. I feel he has literally taken everything in my life as I have known it from me completely.
But I am stronger and happier. I know that I have come through this experience (and in many ways I’m still on my way through it) better and closer to my Savior and Father in Heaven and with more peace than I EVER dreamed possible.
Q. What was your goal or intention for the Phase 1 inconsequential goal experiment?
I desired to have the air conditioning fixed in my car. It is actually in the shop now to get fixed and, even though it is considerably more to fix it than I would like it to be, I would consider it to be a success simply because we actually have the means to pay for it at the moment.
Also, I have been wanting a new shower head in my bathroom. I don’t remember saying anything to my husband about it recently, but he was pro-active and replaced it all on his own! I found that quite cool because it was just something I remember mentioning a while ago and it just happened…
Q. What was your goal or intention for the Phase 2 experiment?
My bite sized piece of my short term goal (which is to complete my book: Defining Moments) is to enter all my journals so that I can then divide it into chapters. Than add information on ideas people can do to feel hope in those similar situations. Ideas on what they can do to feel better, handle their extreme situations more effectively, and ideas to become whole, ultimately.
Side note: This goal ranked 9 for her on a difficulty scale of 1-10, but she used the work to break through her limitations and was ultimately able to report:
I have entered the few journals that I pictured in my mind should be entered to fulfill this bite sized piece.
Now, notice what she says next:
I have since understood that I now need to enter ALL of my journals up to present time, and I am working voraciously on that, entering 10-20 pages a day to get that done. I’m putting most of my focus into this, so that everything doesn’t get watered down, like I learned about. Because I have lots of different stuff happening now.
BUT I feel I have completed the bite-sized piece of the short term goal, because when I set it, it was to complete entering the journals from the time of my first husband only… which I have just recently completed.
However, I won’t stop there!
Did you notice how she took something that felt insurmountable, and chunked it down into a bite-sized piece that she was ready to tackle? And how it wasn’t until after she completed that piece that she realized how much more she would need to do.
As frustrating as that can be (like chasing a dangling carrot ever hanging in front of you), it’s really a merciful thing. I believe God shows us just a little beyond what we can believe, so we will rely on him and his principles to go that far, and then when we get there, he shows us the next piece. I realize that some people see the big picture from the beginning and it doesn’t shut them down, but I’m not one of them. Sometimes my prayers are a request that he please just show me the next piece, and not too much (or it tends to paralyze me).
I’m confident that God knows what he’s doing with each of us, giving us only as much as we can handle, one step at a time. How often do we feel like we can’t handle what we’ve got? Thank heavens for bite-sized pieces of short term goals.
Congratulations, Jennifer! Keep up the great work!!
To learn more about Jennifer, visit – provided to be a beacon of hope, helping people find ways to become unconquerable and whole: mentally, physically, and spiritually. You can also visit where she helps people to be well from the inside out by providing their body with the most pure, natural, ABSORBABLE nutrition available.
Jennifer summed up her time in the course with these final words:
I first read The Jackrabbit Factor over two years ago and it immediately shifted my mindset into a whole new way of thinking. I requested to receive RareFaith emails and when I learned about an opportunity to do a Genius Bootcamp, I jumped at the chance. I was going through some life-changing shifts and it helped me so much!
Then, I learned about Mindset Mastery.
Every week the course seemed to answer life questions I had in that particular moment and although the negative circumstances I was in didn’t get better, my ability to handle them did–tremendously! I have found myself choosing to believe even when there was no outside evidence that I could or should.
I am more connected with myself and better understand who I am than I have in 29 years!
This course literally changed the direction of my life for the better in every way! Jennifer BourneThank you, Leslie Robertson Householder—for changing my life—
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