Beanie Babies and Candy Necklaces

By Carol Colvin

Frequently when my children were young, one of them would come to me and complain that they had looked everywhere, but their Ninja Turtle, or their other baseball cleat, or their prized Beanie Baby was GONE. It was nowhere. It disappeared. Every time this happened, said child was quickly given Mom’s lesson on the law of conservation of mass, which states, briefly, that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. The Beanie Baby, or whatever was missing, was definitely SOMEWHERE.  Granted, the neighbor’s dog may have eaten it, in which case they probably wouldn’t want it back in it’s current form, or it may have been “accidentally” thrown in the garbage by a sibling, in which case it was either in the large garbage can outside under the disgusting stuff I just cleaned out of the refrigerator, or it was at the city dump.  Either way, yuck. But it still existed in some form. 

Thoughts are things just like baseball cleats, Ninja Turtles, and Beanie Babies. Every tangible thing started out as a thought or idea drawn from the inexhaustible supply of “thinking stuff” in the universe of light that we occupy. The law of Perpetual Transformation states, simply, that everything is always either coming into form or going out of form.  We have the example of how water exists as clouds of vapor, and then liquid rain, and then ice. Then the sun warms the ice, turning it into slush, then a puddle, and, if it stays warm long enough, steam rises off the puddle until it’s all vapor again.  The thing that moves water along in this cycle is energy – fast-moving energy (heat) moves the water toward vapor, and when the energy slows down, the water cools and moves toward ice.  When we learn this law, and that it applies to our thoughts, we realize that we can create new things, new circumstances for ourselves, from the “thinking stuff” in the same way – by applying the energy of our emotions to our ideas. 

When my firstborn son was 11, he needed to earn money for 6th grade camp. The school provided a fundraising opportunity selling wrapping paper or something else equally boring to most 11-year-olds.  To my son, the thought of going door to door selling this stuff was unpalatable.  He wanted to earn the money himself, but he wanted to do it differently.  He thought up an idea to sell candy necklaces. Everyone he knew  liked candy, and the wearable aspect, he said, would appeal to girls, who might buy them just because they were pretty.  This was right before Valentine’s Day, which is a great time to sell candy, so timing was in his favor, and his brilliant marketing plan included using his 6-year-old little sister as a model and “the face” of the company.  She was very popular with the moms in our neighborhood, who frequently invited her over to serve as an unpaid mother’s helper to entertain their toddlers.  I don’t know exactly how my son’s mind worked to get the original idea, but I picture him imagining what it would feel like to go to people’s homes, knock on the door, present his wares, and have them rush to get their wallets.  I think he probably got very excited as he assembled the necklaces and planned his sales strategy. I’m pretty sure he thought ahead to the moment he would proudly pay his camp fees and tell his teacher how he earned the money.  I can tell you that the day my little boy walked out of the house wearing a tray of candy necklaces around his neck like a popcorn hawker at a baseball game, with his so-cute-no-one-can-resist little sister in tow, all prepared with her sales script, was a banner day for me. I had seen an idea come to life.  I had seen how passion and hope and energy work to turn thoughts into things.  By the way, my son sold every one of the necklaces he made, and he took orders for many more. We all worked hard on them together to get them delivered before Valentine’s Day.

People’s ideas turn into things every day – into new car designs, into vegan meat substitutes that actually taste good, and even into vacuum cleaners that suck up Cheerios in the night while you sleep. What ideas do you have? What new thing or circumstance do you need in your life?  Apply some energy to your ideas and think up something amazing!


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Carol Colvin
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