Meet Angi Bair, Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate
Angi writes:
I am a Realtor and I love that job, but I am just starting a business… My facebook page is called Soul Me Up, but I don’t have a website yet. I also have the goal of becoming a Bootcamp Facilitator to start helping more people change their mindsets and achieve their goals. I have 3 daughters, 2 son’s in law, and one adorable grand baby. They are my whole world!
Total Points Earned: 303
Q. What was your Phase 1 Inconsequential Goal?
For my midterm experience I chose to visualize a picture I wanted to give my nephew as a wedding gift. Weeks before I had looked online and there were no pictures of the specific thing I wanted to give him. I was hoping to find one at the store down by the wedding. So when it came to deciding on my midterm experience I thought this would be the perfect thing. I had previously purchased a similar picture for my nieces wedding last summer. So I visualized the store and the picture hanging on the wall and the clerk lifting it down to me. I wrote in my goal I wanted a large beautiful picture of the specific place he was getting married and it was under $30. I thought about this for several days before the wedding. I couldn’t remember what my nieces picture looked like specifically, but I knew I wanted something similar to that. But I didn’t really picture in my mind the actual picture, rather that it was in the store hanging on the wall.
So when I arrived at the store I walked to the exact spot on the wall I had visualized the picture hanging. And there it was…. a somewhat large… somewhat beautiful…. picture of the specific building I was looking for and it was only $20. It was right where I had visualized it, and met every criteria. Except it wasn’t the size I wanted, not the color I wanted, and I didn’t like the picture. I wandered through the whole store and looked at every picture and nothing was what I wanted. So I ended up getting another wedding gift.
I knew I had successfully created the midterm experience, but I was not satisfied because I didn’t like the picture. I was a little disappointed. On the way to the wedding as we approached the building there were cars lined up all along the street. I realized the parking lot was full. I really didn’t want to park clear out on the street and walk a long way in the the cold winter conditions. I quickly had the thought to visualize a perfect front row parking spot. I saw the image in my mind of me pulling in the the perfect spot in the front. I was so grateful I didn’t have to walk a long way in the cold wearing a dress. Just as I pulled in the parking lot a car pulled out of the very best spot in the very front of the building. Success!! I felt really good about the parking space.
Later as I was thinking more on the picture situation I wasn’t satisfied. I then realized one of my biggest problems has been “vague thinking produces vague results”. I needed to be more clear. I knew exactly what size I wanted the picture to be in my mind, but I just said large. I knew what color scheme I wanted the picture to be, but I just said beautiful. I knew basically what I wanted the picture to look like, but I visualized a picture on the wall and the store clerk lifting it down, not the actual picture I wanted.
So really I was successful with what I created, I just didn’t create what I really wanted. This was the biggest lesson to me so far. In my life I have been successful and I have created a lot of things. But I haven’t created the life I want because I have been vague in my thinking. Now is the time for me to be more specific and really create what my heart desires!
Phase 1 Feedback
In just a few short weeks I can already feel a huge difference in my attitude and my life. I am manifesting small things to myself all the time. I think about things and they appear. I am really learning to find the lessons and analyze things when they don’t appear to be what I want. I am seeing when I am holding myself back. I am recognizing wrong thinking. I am able to consciously make choices to create the life I want.
I feel more inspiration and love from God. I am so grateful for the changes in myself and even in my family just from changing my thinking. I am excited for what else I get to learn.
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
To face it. What is the worst that can happen? What can I learn from this? What is standing in my way? Do some self reflection and pray for answers. I think considering all the scenarios and the worst thing that can happen is very empowering. Then I would say just take one baby step. Then just one more. I have found by doing this the monster turns into a mouse.
Q. What was your Phase 2 Short Term Goal, and on a scale of 1-10, how did you rank it in difficulty?
It was a 10.
I have just completed all the modules and my Phase 2 goal. Wow! I have learned so much I don’t even know where to begin! It has taken me a week since completing the module to gather my thoughts together and share in the group.
My goal was to take my daughter and her best friend to Greece this summer with my sister and her family. My first struggle with this goal was feeling like I shouldn’t “want material things.” I believed my mind should be set on more eternal principles or things that “meant something.” I felt like it wasn’t fair for me to want “a fancy trip” when some people just want to put food on the table or a roof over their heads. The more I worked through these issues the more I learned about myself.
I learned that when I listen and follow inspiration then it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing or what anyone else thinks. I started to ask why did I want this goal? What was the purpose? Why was it important to me?….. I want to see the world, and I believe God wants us to experience the beauty in this world he has created. I love mythology and want to see and learn all about the beginnings of Greek mythology. I love spending time with my daughter and traveling….But the biggest reason and the most important WHY for the trip was my daughter’s best friend.
This young 15 year old girl lost her mother unexpectedly within 3 months of getting diagnosed with brain cancer. Her mother passed away in January. She is an only child and her parents are divorced. Her mother was her world. She and her mother traveled all over the world. Her mother was an International flight attendant. Traveling is what they loved to do together. When her mother passed away she told my daughter that now my daughter would have to go on trips with her, because it wasn’t always fun just going with her dad (dad’s just don’t love girl shopping).
So I decided I wanted to take her somewhere traveling with us. I wanted to go to Greece because my sister and her family where going and it would be the perfect trip for me to take my daughter and her friend. It would be safer than going alone, and I could hang out with my sister while the teenagers did their thing. We wanted to wait to invite the friend until things had settled with her mom’s passing. I didn’t want her to feel like we were trying to replace her mom.
Within a few days my daughter and her friend were talking and the friend randomly said “I want to go to Greece this summer, I’ve never been there and I have always wanted to go”…..That is when I knew there was so much more to this goal than just a fancy trip. This goal mattered and would likely be very important. It was a witness to me that I made the right decision. I could feel her mother thanking me for taking care of her daughter. I know this trip will give us a lifelong bond. She will know I love her and that my daughter and I will always be there for her.
It was at Genius Bootcamp when I really began to love and accept the idea that it was “okay” to have and want what appear to be “material things”. I visualized the girls giggling on the long plane ride, I saw them running on the beach, and shopping, and eating ice cream cones. I could feel the warm sun beating down on us and seeing the beautiful blue water. And I visualized their smiles and their excitement seeing all the neat sites. I visualized them taking selfies and posting on instagram. It filled my heart with utter joy and I KNEW this is part of God’s plan for me. This is a worthy goal.
So now that I had accepted the goal and knew I needed to go to Greece, I had to figure out how to pay for the trip.
So my phase 2 bite size goal was to register and make the first installment payment on the trip since that could be completed within a few weeks. I worked and re-worked the wording of the goal. I started with asking for the exact money I needed to accomplish the goal, but tips from Leslie and others led me to narrow the goal down even better. The ultimate goal is to go to Greece, not XX amount of dollars. The bite sized piece of the goal is to sign up for the trip and make the first installment.
So I wrote my goal that the first installment was completed and my other financial obligations for the month were met. No dollar amount or anything that complicated it. I wanted to make sure the payment didn’t come from sacrificing out of my regular monthly needs. Switching the goal from asking for a specific amount of money helped me really focus on what the end goal was, not on money. I read the goal over and over several times each day.
Some days I wouldn’t be excited when I read through it, but as I kept reading over and over usually by the 4th or 5th time I could actually feel the joy and excitement of accomplishing this part of the goal. I always made sure to keep reading it until I did feel joy and excitement.
My first obstacle came when I finally signed up for the trip. When I first had the idea to go there were 14 spots. By the time I signed up there were only 2 spots left and there were 3 of us. I actually laughed out loud….but I knew we were going and was excited for this first test. I asked for permission for 3 of us to go because we would all be sharing a room anyway. I continued to believe. It took a few weeks and they never got back to me and I had a few passing moments of doubt, but I continued on, knowing it had to work out.
I got an unexpected refund check on some insurance I over paid. That would help with the installment. Finally we got approved for 3 people in the same room and it was time for the first installment. I didn’t have the exact amount of money that was needed for the installment payment but I didn’t worry because my goal was that the installment would be completed and I knew I was going to Greece.
I called and told them what I could pay. I had a slight fear of how they would react, but kept firm in my belief. I was shocked, but they said, “Don’t worry, we will take this partial payment and then apply the balance to the future installments.” I did it! I had made the first installment payment. It wasn’t perfect and it wasn’t exactly how I thought it would be, but it happened.
I still had a few weeks left in the modules, so I continued studying and set the next bite sized piece of the goal to have the second installment completed. I knew I had accomplished my first goal, but the money was short and so panic and fear crept in. The terror barrier came up….I doubted if this was going to work. I had to really work hard to hold on to my faith and belief in the goal even though I was still worried about how to pay for the whole trip. But I laser focused on just the next installment. I was expecting my tax return to pay a big portion of the trip, but surprise….my accountant did some cleaning up of my books etc and applied some extra income from one of my businesses to me personally this year, and that expected tax return became very small. I was devastated. Several other things in my life all fell apart at this same time and I really struggled….But I remembered how important this goal was. I visualized the girls with me on the trip. We were laughing and having a great time together. Then I was reminded that we just need to set the goal and work in faith. We can’t plan and expect where the necessary parts are going to come from. I was grateful for the small tax refund I got and was again reminded how important this trip was. I knew I could trust God to get me there. HE wants me to go and HE will help me get there. Not the IRS or myself or anyone else.
So the next installment came and I was again short. But I payed what I had and now was just having faith that the trip would be paid for and I was going.
Two days later I received all the money I needed for the entire trip completely unexpectedly from a source I never even thought of. I knew instantly that was God’s work and that I AM on the right path.
I gave sincere heartfelt thanks to God in that moment.
Q. What would you rank this goal now, if you were to tackle it again?
3-4. Now I worked through some hard stuff, but I still have a few “money” issues that scare me and limit me. I would have an easier time than the first time through, but I still have old programming and things I need to work on. I am going to keep refining myself.
Phase 2 Feedback
Mindset Mastery has changed my life.
I have studied the Law of Attraction quite a bit and no matter how hard I tried it never seemed to work. I felt something was missing. I found it in this course! There are many laws that govern our success and our lives. This course was so helpful in teaching about all the ups and downs in life and in our goals. Finally someone who talks about how things aren’t always perfect! I needed to learn how to get through the downs and how to see more ups. I loved the idea of life’s ups and downs more like a staircase always leading you up.
I love that the course has actual assignments that make you think, practice, and study what you are learning. It makes you take ACTION. All the studying, reading, dreaming, and positive attitude are just a small portion of success. One of the biggest things I learned in this course is just to keep moving. One step at a time. I love the analogy that you can’t go anywhere with both feet firmly planted on the ground. We get where we are going one step at a time.
I loved breaking my goal down into bite sized pieces and action I could take. I learned how to navigate hard situations, and how to keep focused on my goal and my beliefs. I have learned to put faith in God, trust his plan for me, trust the laws, and just keep moving.
If someone wants to work with you, learn from you, or get help with Emotion Code, where can they learn more?
I’m just getting underway, but I can be found here:
Angi continued her training to become a Genius Bootcamp Facilitator. Is it time to experience Genius Bootcamp for yourself?
What’s YOUR story going to be? I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
The Mindset Mastery Program is not to be confused with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.
The Fundamentals Ecourse provides an introductory exploration into the principles that govern success for effective goal setting. It also fills the gaps to give you a basic but complete understanding of the principles, so that you have a solid foundation on which to develop true mastery.
By contrast, the Mastery Program is focused on the *implementation* of those principles and the *achievement* of your goals. It is full of interesting assignments that take you step-by-step through two experimental goals, challenging your thought processes, helping you experience success, and setting up a pattern in your thinking that you will be able to utilize over and over for effectiveness with all of your future goals. I hope you’ll join me in one of these programs, to help you take your understanding and success to the next level in ALL the different areas of your life. Learn more HERE.
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